Uses of Interface

Packages that use InstanceLifecycleListener
javax.jdo This package contains the JDO specification interfaces and classes. 
javax.jdo.listener This package contains the JDO specification listener interfaces and classes. 

Uses of InstanceLifecycleListener in javax.jdo

Methods in javax.jdo with parameters of type InstanceLifecycleListener
 void PersistenceManagerFactory.addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener listener, java.lang.Class[] classes)
          Add the parameter listener to the list of instance lifecycle event listeners set as the initial listeners for each PersistenceManager created by this PersistenceManagerFactory.
 void PersistenceManager.addInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener listener, java.lang.Class[] classes)
          Adds the listener instance to the list of lifecycle event listeners.
 void PersistenceManagerFactory.removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener listener)
          Remove the parameter listener instance from the list of instance lifecycle event listeners set as the initial listeners for each PersistenceManager created by this PersistenceManagerFactory.
 void PersistenceManager.removeInstanceLifecycleListener(InstanceLifecycleListener listener)
          Removes the listener instance from the list of lifecycle event listeners.

Uses of InstanceLifecycleListener in javax.jdo.listener

Subinterfaces of InstanceLifecycleListener in javax.jdo.listener
 interface AttachLifecycleListener
          This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of attach events.
 interface ClearLifecycleListener
          This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of clear events.
 interface CreateLifecycleListener
          This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of create events.
 interface DeleteLifecycleListener
          This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of delete events.
 interface DetachLifecycleListener
          This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of detach events.
 interface DirtyLifecycleListener
          This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of dirty events.
 interface LoadLifecycleListener
          This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of load events.
 interface StoreLifecycleListener
          This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of store events.

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