Uses of Class

Packages that use InstanceLifecycleEvent
javax.jdo.listener This package contains the JDO specification listener interfaces and classes. 

Uses of InstanceLifecycleEvent in javax.jdo.listener

Methods in javax.jdo.listener with parameters of type InstanceLifecycleEvent
 void AttachLifecycleListener.postAttach(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          This method is called after a detached instance is attached, via the PersistenceManager.makePersistent(java.lang.Object) method.
 void ClearLifecycleListener.postClear(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          This method is called after the ClearCallback.jdoPreClear() method is invoked on the instance and the fields have been cleared by the JDO implementation.
 void CreateLifecycleListener.postCreate(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Invoked whenever an instance is made persistent via a call to PersistenceManager.makePersistent(java.lang.Object) or during persistence by reachability.
 void DeleteLifecycleListener.postDelete(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Invoked whenever a persistent instance is deleted, for example during PersistenceManager.deletePersistent(java.lang.Object).
 void DetachLifecycleListener.postDetach(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          This method is called during the execution of PersistenceManager.detachCopy(java.lang.Object) after the detached copy is made.
 void DirtyLifecycleListener.postDirty(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Invoked whenever a persistent instance is first made dirty, during an operation that modifies the value of a persistent or transactional field.
 void LoadLifecycleListener.postLoad(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Invoked whenever a persistent instance is loaded from the data store.
 void StoreLifecycleListener.postStore(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Invoked whenever a persistent instance is stored, for example during PersistenceManager.flush() or Transaction.commit().
 void AttachLifecycleListener.preAttach(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          This method is called before a detached instance is attached, via the PersistenceManager.makePersistent(java.lang.Object) method.
 void ClearLifecycleListener.preClear(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          This method is called before the implementation calls the instance method ClearCallback.jdoPreClear() and before it clears the values in the instance to their Java default values.
 void DeleteLifecycleListener.preDelete(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Invoked whenever a persistent instance is deleted, for example during PersistenceManager.deletePersistent(java.lang.Object).
 void DetachLifecycleListener.preDetach(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          This method is called during the execution of PersistenceManager.detachCopy(java.lang.Object) before the detached copy is made.
 void DirtyLifecycleListener.preDirty(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Invoked whenever a persistent instance is first made dirty, during an operation that modifies the value of a persistent or transactional field.
 void StoreLifecycleListener.preStore(InstanceLifecycleEvent event)
          Invoked whenever a persistent instance is stored, for example during PersistenceManager.flush() or Transaction.commit().

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