Uses of Class

Packages that use JDOException
javax.jdo This package contains the JDO specification interfaces and classes. 

Uses of JDOException in javax.jdo

Subclasses of JDOException in javax.jdo
 class JDOCanRetryException
          This is the base class for exceptions that can be retried.
 class JDODataStoreException
          This class represents data store exceptions that can be retried.
 class JDODetachedFieldAccessException
          This class represents exceptions caused by access of an unloaded field while the instance is detached.
 class JDOFatalDataStoreException
          This class represents data store exceptions that cannot be retried.
 class JDOFatalException
          This class represents exceptions that are fatal; that is, the condition that caused it cannot be bypassed even if the operation is retried.
 class JDOFatalInternalException
          This class represents errors in the implementation for which no user error handling is possible.
 class JDOFatalUserException
          This class represents user errors that cannot be retried.
 class JDONullIdentityException
          An instance of this class is thrown when attempting to create an object id when the object id constructor parameter is null.
 class JDOObjectNotFoundException
          This class represents exceptions caused by the user accessing an object that does not exist in the datastore.
 class JDOOptimisticVerificationException
          This class represents optimistic verification failures.
 class JDOUnsupportedOptionException
          This class represents exceptions caused by the use of optional features not supported by the JDO implementation.
 class JDOUserCallbackException
          This class represents exceptions caused by exceptions thrown during execution of callbacks or listeners.
 class JDOUserException
          This class represents user errors that can possibly be retried.

Methods in javax.jdo with parameters of type JDOException
 void PersistenceManager.refreshAll(JDOException jdoe)
          Refreshes all instances in the exception that failed verification.

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