Package org.apache.ctakes.assertion.eval

Class Summary
AssertionEvaluation.OnlyGoldAssertions Class that copies the manual Modifier annotations to the default CAS.
AssertionEvaluation.ReferenceAnnotationsSystemAssertionClearer Class that copies the manual Modifier annotations to the default CAS.
AssertionEvaluation.ReferenceIdentifiedAnnotationsSystemToGoldCopier Class that copies the manual Modifier annotations to the default CAS.
AssertionEvaluation.ReferenceSupportingAnnotationsSystemToGoldCopier Class that copies the manual Modifier annotations to the default CAS.
AssertionEvaluation.ReplaceCTakesEntityMentionsAndModifiersWithGold Annotator that removes cTAKES EntityMentions and Modifiers from the system view, and copies over the manually annotated EntityMentions and Modifiers from the gold view.
XMIReader UIMA CollectionReader that reads in CASes from XMI files.