Package org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.refsem

Class Summary
AnatomicalSite A body part or area, corresponding to the UMLS semantic group of Anatomy.
AnatomicalSite_Type A body part or area, corresponding to the UMLS semantic group of Anatomy.
Attribute The semantic encapsulation of a modifer.
Attribute_Type The semantic encapsulation of a modifer.
BodyLaterality The proximity of the location in anatomical terms (distal, proximal, superior, anterior and etc.).
BodyLaterality_Type The proximity of the location in anatomical terms (distal, proximal, superior, anterior and etc.).
BodySide Value set: unmarked (default), left, right, bilateral Updated by JCasGen Wed Nov 27 20:11:48 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-type-system/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/typesystem/types/TypeSystem.xml
BodySide_Type Value set: unmarked (default), left, right, bilateral Updated by JCasGen Wed Nov 27 20:11:48 CST 2013
Course An indication of progress or decline of a condition.
Course_Type An indication of progress or decline of a condition.
Date A normalized form for dates, namely with day, month, and year.
Date_Type A normalized form for dates, namely with day, month, and year.
DiseaseDisorder This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Disorders (except that Sign and Symptom types are separate).
DiseaseDisorder_Type This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Disorders (except that Sign and Symptom types are separate).
Element A basic semantic unit that refers to something in the real world, including Entities, Events, Attributes, Dates.
Element_Type A basic semantic unit that refers to something in the real world, including Entities, Events, Attributes, Dates.
Entity A real-world entity such as a body part.
Entity_Type A real-world entity such as a body part.
Event A real-world event; similar to Entity, but may bear some temporal properties and relationships.
Event_Type A real-world event; similar to Entity, but may bear some temporal properties and relationships.
EventProperties A set of mostly temporal properties that are unique to Events.
EventProperties_Type A set of mostly temporal properties that are unique to Events.
Lab This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Laboratory Procedures.
Lab_Type This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Laboratory Procedures.
LabDeltaFlag An indicator to warn that the laboratory test result has changed significantly from the previous identical laboratory test result.
LabDeltaFlag_Type An indicator to warn that the laboratory test result has changed significantly from the previous identical laboratory test result.
LabReferenceRange Holds a narrative (i.e.
LabReferenceRange_Type Holds a narrative (i.e.
LabValue Quantitative results of a laboratory, with number and unit.
LabValue_Type Quantitative results of a laboratory, with number and unit.
Medication This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Chemicals and Drugs, pruned by RxNORM source.
Medication_Type This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Chemicals and Drugs, pruned by RxNORM source.
MedicationDosage Dosage indicates how much of a prescribed drug should be taken.
MedicationDosage_Type Dosage indicates how much of a prescribed drug should be taken.
MedicationDuration The amount of time after which a medication should stop being used, e.g., "2 weeks" in "one 5 mg tablet twice-a-day for 2 weeks" Updated by JCasGen Wed Nov 27 20:11:48 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-type-system/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/typesystem/types/TypeSystem.xml
MedicationDuration_Type The amount of time after which a medication should stop being used, e.g., "2 weeks" in "one 5 mg tablet twice-a-day for 2 weeks" Updated by JCasGen Wed Nov 27 20:11:48 CST 2013
MedicationForm Form of this medication.
MedicationForm_Type Form of this medication.
MedicationFrequency How often a medication should be used.
MedicationFrequency_Type How often a medication should be used.
MedicationRoute Means by which the medication was taken or administered.
MedicationRoute_Type Means by which the medication was taken or administered.
MedicationStatusChange Status refers to the whether the medication is currently being taken or not.
MedicationStatusChange_Type Status refers to the whether the medication is currently being taken or not.
MedicationStrength Strength indicates the strength number and unit of the prescribed drug.
MedicationStrength_Type Strength indicates the strength number and unit of the prescribed drug.
OntologyConcept Ontologies (e.g., SNOMED-CT) provide an expert semantic representation for concepts.
OntologyConcept_Type Ontologies (e.g., SNOMED-CT) provide an expert semantic representation for concepts.
Procedure This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Procedures (except that Laboratory procedures are separate).
Procedure_Type This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Procedures (except that Laboratory procedures are separate).
ProcedureDevice Corresponds to the UMLS Devices semantic group: medical device and research device.
ProcedureDevice_Type Corresponds to the UMLS Devices semantic group: medical device and research device.
ProcedureMethod The way or the equipment used to give or administration something (medication, test).
ProcedureMethod_Type The way or the equipment used to give or administration something (medication, test).
Severity An explicitly-mentioned indication of the seriousness of a condition.
Severity_Type An explicitly-mentioned indication of the seriousness of a condition.
SignSymptom This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Sign or Symtom.
SignSymptom_Type This is an Event from the UMLS semantic group of Sign or Symtom.
Time A normalized form for Time annotations.
Time_Type A normalized form for Time annotations.
UmlsConcept Concepts in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus have a concept unique identifier (CUI) and a type unique identifier (TUI, i.e., semantic type) which are curated, normalized codes.
UmlsConcept_Type Concepts in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus have a concept unique identifier (CUI) and a type unique identifier (TUI, i.e., semantic type) which are curated, normalized codes.

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