Class OntologyConcept

  extended by org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureStructureImpl
      extended by org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP
          extended by org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.refsem.OntologyConcept
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class OntologyConcept
extends org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP

Ontologies (e.g., SNOMED-CT) provide an expert semantic representation for concepts. They typically assign a code to a concept and normalize across various textual representations of that concept. IdentifiedAnnotation and Elements may point to these normalized concept representations to indicate clinical concepts. Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.core.type.OntologyConcept Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:33:42 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-side-effect/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/sideeffect/types/TypeSystem.xml

Field Summary
static int type
static int typeIndexID
Fields inherited from class org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP
addr, jcasType
Constructor Summary
protected OntologyConcept()
          Never called.
  OntologyConcept(int addr, org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP_Type type)
          Internal - constructor used by generator
  OntologyConcept(org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas jcas)
Method Summary
 String getCode()
          getter for code - gets
 String getCodingScheme()
          getter for codingScheme - gets
 String getOid()
          getter for oid - gets
 String getOui()
          getter for oui - gets holds the rxnorm unique identifier for a given drug mention.
 int getTypeIndexID()
 void setCode(String v)
          setter for code - sets
 void setCodingScheme(String v)
          setter for codingScheme - sets
 void setOid(String v)
          setter for oid - sets
 void setOui(String v)
          setter for oui - sets holds the rxnorm unique identifier for a given drug mention.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP
addToIndexes, addToIndexes, equals, getAddress, getCAS, getCASImpl, getLowLevelCas, hashCode, removeFromIndexes, removeFromIndexes
Methods inherited from class org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureStructureImpl
clone, getBooleanValue, getByteValue, getDoubleValue, getFeatureValue, getFeatureValueAsString, getFloatValue, getIntValue, getLongValue, getShortValue, getStringValue, getType, prettyPrint, prettyPrint, prettyPrint, setBooleanValue, setByteValue, setDoubleValue, setFeatureValue, setFeatureValueFromString, setFloatValue, setIntValue, setLongValue, setShortValue, setStringValue, toString, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int typeIndexID


public static final int type
Constructor Detail


protected OntologyConcept()
Never called. Disable default constructor


public OntologyConcept(int addr,
                       org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP_Type type)
Internal - constructor used by generator


public OntologyConcept(org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas jcas)
Method Detail


public int getTypeIndexID()
getTypeIndexID in class org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP


public String getCodingScheme()
getter for codingScheme - gets


public void setCodingScheme(String v)
setter for codingScheme - sets


public String getCode()
getter for code - gets


public void setCode(String v)
setter for code - sets


public String getOid()
getter for oid - gets


public void setOid(String v)
setter for oid - sets


public String getOui()
getter for oui - gets holds the rxnorm unique identifier for a given drug mention. TODO: change this attribute because of name clash (UMLS/SNOMED)


public void setOui(String v)
setter for oui - sets holds the rxnorm unique identifier for a given drug mention. TODO: change this attribute because of name clash (UMLS/SNOMED)

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