Package org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.textsem

Class Summary
AnatomicalSiteMention A text string that refers to a (AnatomicalSite) Entity.
AnatomicalSiteMention_Type A text string that refers to a (AnatomicalSite) Entity.
BodyLateralityModifier The proximity of the location in anatomical terms (distal, proximal, superior, anterior and etc.).
BodyLateralityModifier_Type The proximity of the location in anatomical terms (distal, proximal, superior, anterior and etc.).
BodySideModifier Value set: unmarked (default), left, right, bilateral Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
BodySideModifier_Type Value set: unmarked (default), left, right, bilateral Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013
ConditionalModifier The Conditional modifier refers to mentions which could exist under certain circumstances.
ConditionalModifier_Type The Conditional modifier refers to mentions which could exist under certain circumstances.
ContextAnnotation Contextual information of an entity.
ContextAnnotation_Type Contextual information of an entity.
CourseModifier An indication of progress or decline of a condition.
CourseModifier_Type An indication of progress or decline of a condition.
DateAnnotation Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.DateAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
DateAnnotation_Type Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.DateAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013
DiseaseDisorderMention A text string that refers to a (DiseaseDisorder) Event.
DiseaseDisorderMention_Type A text string that refers to a (DiseaseDisorder) Event.
EntityMention A text string (IdentifiedAnnotation) that refers to an Entity.
EntityMention_Type A text string (IdentifiedAnnotation) that refers to an Entity.
EventMention A text string (IdentifiedAnnotation) that refers to an Event.
EventMention_Type A text string (IdentifiedAnnotation) that refers to an Event.
FractionAnnotation Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.FractionAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
FractionAnnotation_Type Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.FractionAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013
GenericModifier The Generic modifier indicates that a named entity mention is generic, i.e., not related to the instance of a disorder, sign/symptom, etc.
GenericModifier_Type The Generic modifier indicates that a named entity mention is generic, i.e., not related to the instance of a disorder, sign/symptom, etc.
HistoryOfModifier An indication of explicit mentioning of a past history.
HistoryOfModifier_Type An indication of explicit mentioning of a past history.
IdentifiedAnnotation Any span of text that has been discovered or flagged for some reason, such as a Named Entity.
IdentifiedAnnotation_Type Any span of text that has been discovered or flagged for some reason, such as a Named Entity.
LabDeltaFlagModifier An indicator to warn that the laboratory test result has changed significantly from the previous identical laboratory test result.
LabDeltaFlagModifier_Type An indicator to warn that the laboratory test result has changed significantly from the previous identical laboratory test result.
LabEstimatedModifier Signals that the lab value was estimated, e.g., "GFR (estimated): 81".
LabEstimatedModifier_Type Signals that the lab value was estimated, e.g., "GFR (estimated): 81".
LabInterpretationModifier Test result interpretations organized in a valued list e.g., "rare cells seen" or "few cells seen" in urinalysis, now combined with very_abnormal and abnormal.
LabInterpretationModifier_Type Test result interpretations organized in a valued list e.g., "rare cells seen" or "few cells seen" in urinalysis, now combined with very_abnormal and abnormal.
LabMention A text string that refers to a (Lab) Event.
LabMention_Type A text string that refers to a (Lab) Event.
LabReferenceRangeModifier Holds a narrative (i.e.
LabReferenceRangeModifier_Type Holds a narrative (i.e.
LabValueModifier Quantitative results of a laboratory, with number and unit.
LabValueModifier_Type Quantitative results of a laboratory, with number and unit.
MeasurementAnnotation Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.MeasurementAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
MeasurementAnnotation_Type Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.MeasurementAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013
MedicationAllergyModifier Indication of whether the medication is mentioned in the context of Allergies.
MedicationAllergyModifier_Type Indication of whether the medication is mentioned in the context of Allergies.
MedicationDosageModifier Dosage indicates how much of a prescribed drug should be taken.
MedicationDosageModifier_Type Dosage indicates how much of a prescribed drug should be taken.
MedicationDurationModifier The amount of time after which a medication should stop being used, e.g., "2 weeks" in "one 5 mg tablet twice-a-day for 2 weeks" Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
MedicationDurationModifier_Type The amount of time after which a medication should stop being used, e.g., "2 weeks" in "one 5 mg tablet twice-a-day for 2 weeks" Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013
MedicationEventMention As of cTAKEs 3.1, see org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.textsem.MedicationMention.
MedicationEventMention_Type As of cTAKEs 3.1, see org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.textsem.MedicationMention.
MedicationFormModifier Form of this medication.
MedicationFormModifier_Type Form of this medication.
MedicationFrequencyModifier How often a medication should be used.
MedicationFrequencyModifier_Type How often a medication should be used.
MedicationMention A text string that refers to a (Medication) Event.
MedicationMention_Type A text string that refers to a (Medication) Event.
MedicationRouteModifier Means by which the medication was taken or administered.
MedicationRouteModifier_Type Means by which the medication was taken or administered.
MedicationStatusChangeModifier Status refers to the whether the medication is currently being taken or not.
MedicationStatusChangeModifier_Type Status refers to the whether the medication is currently being taken or not.
MedicationStrengthModifier Strength indicates the strength number and unit of the prescribed drug.
MedicationStrengthModifier_Type Strength indicates the strength number and unit of the prescribed drug.
Modifier A text string (IdentifiedAnnotation) that refers to an Attribute.
Modifier_Type A text string (IdentifiedAnnotation) that refers to an Attribute.
PersonTitleAnnotation Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.PersonTitleAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
PersonTitleAnnotation_Type Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.PersonTitleAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013
PolarityModifier Used to indicate that a procedure or assertion did not occur or does not exist.
PolarityModifier_Type Used to indicate that a procedure or assertion did not occur or does not exist.
Predicate Predicates are typically verbs and may participate in SemanticRoleRelations.
Predicate_Type Predicates are typically verbs and may participate in SemanticRoleRelations.
ProcedureDeviceModifier Corresponds to the UMLS Devices semantic group: medical device and research device.
ProcedureDeviceModifier_Type Corresponds to the UMLS Devices semantic group: medical device and research device.
ProcedureMention A text string that refers to a (Procedure) Event.
ProcedureMention_Type A text string that refers to a (Procedure) Event.
ProcedureMethodModifier The way or the equipment used to give or administration something (medication, test).
ProcedureMethodModifier_Type The way or the equipment used to give or administration something (medication, test).
RangeAnnotation Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.RangeAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
RangeAnnotation_Type Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.RangeAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013
RomanNumeralAnnotation Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.RomanNumeralAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
RomanNumeralAnnotation_Type Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.RomanNumeralAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013
SemanticArgument SemanticArguments are used for predicate-argument structures (SemanticRoleRelations).
SemanticArgument_Type SemanticArguments are used for predicate-argument structures (SemanticRoleRelations).
SemanticRoleRelation Predicate-argument structure used for semantic role labeling output.
SemanticRoleRelation_Type Predicate-argument structure used for semantic role labeling output.
SeverityModifier An explicitly-mentioned indication of the seriousness of a condition.
SeverityModifier_Type An explicitly-mentioned indication of the seriousness of a condition.
SignSymptomMention A text string that refers to a (SignSymptom) Event.
SignSymptomMention_Type A text string that refers to a (SignSymptom) Event.
SubjectModifier The person the observation is on, i.e., a Person mention.
SubjectModifier_Type The person the observation is on, i.e., a Person mention.
TimeAnnotation Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.TimeAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013 XML source: C:/build-Apache-cTAKES/ctakes-3.1.1/rc2/checkout/ctakes/target/checkout/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
TimeAnnotation_Type Equivalent to cTAKES: edu.mayo.bmi.uima.cdt.type.TimeAnnotation Updated by JCasGen Thu Nov 28 10:35:55 CST 2013
TimeMention A text string (IdentifiedAnnotation) that refers to a Time (i.e., TIMEX3).
TimeMention_Type A text string (IdentifiedAnnotation) that refers to a Time (i.e., TIMEX3).
UncertaintyModifier An introduction of a measure of doubt into a statement.
UncertaintyModifier_Type An introduction of a measure of doubt into a statement.

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