Package org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.structured

Class Summary
Demographics Demographic information about the patient in a clinical document.
Demographics_Type Demographic information about the patient in a clinical document.
DocumentID Equivalent to cTAKES: org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.DocumentID, but its supertype changed to uima.cas.TOP Updated by JCasGen Tue Apr 09 11:44:36 EDT 2013 XML source:apache-ctakes-3-0-0/ctakes-pad-term-spotter/src/main/resources/org/apache/ctakes/padtermspotter/types/TypeSystem.xml
DocumentID_Type Equivalent to cTAKES: org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.DocumentID, but its supertype changed to uima.cas.TOP Updated by JCasGen Tue Apr 09 11:44:37 EDT 2013
Metadata Structured data that captures information about the document, patient, or context of the clinical text.
Metadata_Type Structured data that captures information about the document, patient, or context of the clinical text.
SourceData Information about the caregiving setting for the clinical document.
SourceData_Type Information about the caregiving setting for the clinical document.