Package org.apache.ctakes.core.fsm.adapters

This package contains adapters for JCas token objects comforming to the input interfaces used by the FSM project.


Class Summary
BaseTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
CharacterTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
ContractionTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
DecimalTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
IntegerTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
NewlineTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
NumberTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
PunctuationTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
SymbolTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
TextTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.
WordTokenAdapter Adapts JCas token annotation to interface expected by the Context Dependent Tokenizer.

Package org.apache.ctakes.core.fsm.adapters Description

This package contains adapters for JCas token objects comforming to the input interfaces used by the FSM project.