Coverage Report - org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml.JDomBuilder
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License. 
 package org.apache.creadur.whisker.fromxml;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Calendar;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.SortedSet;
 import java.util.TreeSet;
 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
 import org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.ByOrganisation;
 import org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.License;
 import org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Organisation;
 import org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Resource;
 import org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithLicense;
 import org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.WithinDirectory;
 import org.apache.creadur.whisker.model.Descriptor;
 import org.jdom.Document;
 import org.jdom.Element;
 import org.jdom.JDOMException;
 import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
  * Builds a model from xml using JDOM.
 50  338044
 public class JDomBuilder {
     private static final String COPYRIGHT_NOTICE_NAME = "copyright-notice";
     private static final String LICENSE_ELEMENT_NAME = "license";
     private static final String PRIMARY_LICENSE_NAME = "primary-license";
     /** Names the element representing an organisation */
     private static final String ORGANISATION_ELEMENT_NAME = "organisation";
     /** Names the element representing a resource */
     private static final String RESOURCE_ELEMENT_NAME = "resource";
      * Builds a resource.
      * @param element not null
      * @return built resource, not null
      * @throws UnexpectedElementException when element is not named 'resource'
     public Resource resource(Element element) throws UnexpectedElementException {
 73  464
         if (RESOURCE_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(element.getName())) {
 74  462
             return new Resource(StringUtils.trim(element.getAttributeValue("name")), 
         } else {
 78  2
             throw unexpectedElementException(element, RESOURCE_ELEMENT_NAME);
      * Builds a suitable exception when the element name is unexpected.
      * @param element, not null
      * @param expectedElement, not null
      * @return a suitable exception, not null
     private UnexpectedElementException unexpectedElementException(Element element,
             final String expectedElement) {
 90  4
         return new UnexpectedElementException(expectedElement, element.getName());
      * Builds an organisation model from xml.
      * @param element, not null
      * @return {@link Organisation} not null
      * @throws UnexpectedElementException when element is not named 'organisation'
     public Organisation organisation(Element element) throws UnexpectedElementException {
 100  65284
         if (ORGANISATION_ELEMENT_NAME.equals(element.getName())) {
 101  65282
             return new Organisation(
         } else {
 106  2
             throw unexpectedElementException(element, ORGANISATION_ELEMENT_NAME);
      * @param element
      * @return
     public Collection<Resource> collectResources(Element element) {
 116  75438
         final Collection<Resource> resources = new TreeSet<Resource>();
 117  75438
         for (Element resourceElement: (List<Element>) element.getChildren("resource")) {
 118  448
             resources.add(new JDomBuilder().resource(resourceElement));
 120  75438
         return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(resources);
      * Finds the organisation linked by ID from the given element.
      * @param element modelled ByOrganisation, not null
      * @param organisationsById organisations identified, not null
      * @throws MissingIDException when the linked organisation is not found in the given map
     public Organisation organisation(final Element element,
             final Map<String, Organisation> organisationsById) throws MissingIDException {
 131  75428
         final String id = element.getAttributeValue("id");
 132  75428
         if (organisationsById.containsKey(id)) {
 133  75424
             return organisationsById.get(id);
         } else {
 135  4
             throw new MissingIDException(ORGANISATION_ELEMENT_NAME, element.getName(), id);
      * Builds a by-organisation model from xml.
      * @param element not null
      * @param organisation not null
      * @return not null
     public ByOrganisation byOrganisation(final Element element, final Organisation organisation) {
 146  75428
         return new ByOrganisation(organisation, collectResources(element));
      * Builds a by-organisation model from xml.
      * @param byOrganisation not null
      * @param organisationsById not null 
      * @return not null
      * @throws MissingIDException when the linked organisation is not found in the given map
     public ByOrganisation byOrganisation(final Element byOrganisation, 
             final Map<String, Organisation> organisationsById) throws MissingIDException  {
 158  75422
         return byOrganisation(byOrganisation, organisation(byOrganisation, organisationsById));
      * Collects by-organisation children.
      * @param parent not null
      * @param map not null
      * @return unmodifiable set sort by natural order, not null
     public SortedSet<ByOrganisation> collectByOrganisations(final Element parent, 
             final Map<String, Organisation> map) {
 170  141864
         final SortedSet<ByOrganisation> results = new TreeSet<ByOrganisation>();
 171  141864
         if (parent != null) {
 172  76376
             for (final Element byOrgElement: (List<Element>) parent.getChildren("by-organisation")) {
 173  75416
                 results.add(byOrganisation(byOrgElement, map));
 176  141864
         return Collections.unmodifiableSortedSet(results);
      * Builds a license model from xml.
      * @param element not null
      * @return not null
     public License license(Element element) {
 185  65308
         final Element text = element.getChild("text");
 186  65308
         return new License("yes".equalsIgnoreCase(element.getAttributeValue("requires-source")), 
                 text == null ? "" : text.getText(), 
     private Collection<String> expectedParameters(final Element element) {
 196  65308
         final Collection<String> results = new HashSet<String>();
 197  65308
         final Element templateElement = element.getChild("template");
 198  65308
         if (templateElement != null) {
 199  6
             for (Element parameterNameElement: (List<Element>) templateElement.getChildren("parameter-name")) {
 200  6
 203  65308
         return results;
      * Finds the license with an id matching that referenced by the element.
      * @param element not null
      * @param licenses not null
      * @return not null
      * @throws MissingIDException when referenced license isn't found in the collection
     public License license(final Element element, final Map<String, License> licenses) throws MissingIDException {
 214  75654
         final String id = element.getAttributeValue("id");
 215  75654
         if (licenses.containsKey(id)) {
 216  75650
             return licenses.get(id);
         } else {
 218  4
             throw new MissingIDException(LICENSE_ELEMENT_NAME, element.getName(), id);
      * Builds a with-license model from xml.
      * @param element not null
      * @param licenses not null
      * @param organisations not null
      * @return
      * @throws MissingIDException when referenced license isn't found in the collection
     public WithLicense withLicense(Element element,
             Map<String, License> licenses,
             Map<String, Organisation> organisations) throws MissingIDException  {
 233  75648
         return new WithLicense(license(element, licenses), copyrightNotice(element), 
                 parameters(element), collectByOrganisations(element, organisations));
      * Extracts copyright notice content from with-license.
      * @param element not null
      * @return not null
     private String copyrightNotice(final Element element) {
         final String result;
 244  75648
         final Element copyrightNoticeElement = element.getChild(COPYRIGHT_NOTICE_NAME);
 245  75648
         if (copyrightNoticeElement == null) {
 246  75644
             result = null;
         } else {
 248  4
             result = copyrightNoticeElement.getTextTrim();
 250  75648
         return result;
      * Builds a list of parameter values by name.
      * @param element not null
      * @return parameter values indexed by value, not null
      * @throws DuplicateElementException when two parameters shared the same name
     public Map<String, String> parameters(Element element) throws DuplicateElementException {
 261  75666
         final Map<String, String> results = new HashMap<String, String>();
 262  75666
         final Element licenseParametersElement = element.getChild("license-parameters");
 263  75666
         if (licenseParametersElement != null) {
 264  274
             for (Element parameterElement: (List<Element>) licenseParametersElement.getChildren("parameter")) {
 265  16518
                 final String name = parameterElement.getChild("name").getTextTrim();
 266  16518
                 if (results.containsKey(name)) {
 267  2
                     throw new DuplicateElementException("Duplicate parameter '" + name + "'");
 269  16516
 271  16516
 273  75664
         return results;
      * Collects child with-licenses.
      * @param licenses not null
      * @param organisations not null
      * @param parent not null
      * @return not null, possibly empty
     public Collection<WithLicense> withLicenses(Map<String, License> licenses,
             Map<String, Organisation> organisations, Element parent) {
 286  66202
         final List<WithLicense> results = new ArrayList<WithLicense>();
 287  66202
         for (Element withLicenseElement: (List<Element>) parent.getChildren("with-license")) {
 288  75380
             results.add(new JDomBuilder().withLicense(withLicenseElement, licenses, organisations));
 290  66202
 291  66202
         return results;
      * Collects child organisations of public domain.
      * @param organisations not null
      * @param parent not null
      * @return not null, possibly null
     public Collection<ByOrganisation> publicDomain(
             final Map<String, Organisation> organisations, final Element parent) {
 302  66202
         return new JDomBuilder().collectByOrganisations(parent.getChild("public-domain"), organisations);
      * Builds a within directory model from XML.
      * @param element not null
      * @param licenses not null
      * @param organisations not null
      * @return not null
     public WithinDirectory withinDirectory(Element element,
             Map<String, License> licenses,
             Map<String, Organisation> organisations) {
 315  65690
         return new WithinDirectory(element.getAttributeValue("dir"), 
                 withLicenses(licenses, organisations, element), publicDomain(organisations, element));
      * Collects organisation definitions within document.
      * @param document, not null
      * @return organisations indexed by id, not null possibly empty
     public Map<String, Organisation> mapOrganisations(Document document) {
 325  516
         final Map<String, Organisation> organisationsById = new HashMap<String, Organisation>();
 327  516
         final Element childOrganisations = document.getRootElement().getChild("organisations");
 328  516
         if (childOrganisations != null) {
 330  510
             final List<Element> organisations = (List<Element>) childOrganisations.getChildren("organisation");
 331  510
             for (final Element element: organisations) {
 332  65280
                 new JDomBuilder().organisation(element).storeIn(organisationsById);
 335  516
         return Collections.unmodifiableMap(organisationsById);
      * Collects license definitions within document.
      * @param document, not null
      * @return licenses, indexed by id, not null, possibly empty
     public Map<String, License> mapLicenses(Document document) {
 344  518
         final Map<String, License> results = new HashMap<String, License>();
 345  518
         final Element licensesChild = document.getRootElement().getChild("licenses");
 346  518
         if (licensesChild != null) {
 348  514
             final List<Element> children = (List<Element>) licensesChild.getChildren();
 349  514
             for (final Element element: children) {
 350  65282
                 new JDomBuilder().license(element).storeIn(results);
 353  518
         return Collections.unmodifiableMap(results);
      * Finds the primary license for the given document from the given licenses.
      * @param document not null
      * @param licenses not null
      * @return not null
     public License primaryLicense(Document document,
             Map<String, License> licenses) {
 365  6
         final String idAttributeValue = getPrimaryLicenseElement(document).getAttributeValue("id");
 366  6
         final License results = licenses.get(idAttributeValue);
 367  6
         if (results == null) {
 368  2
             throw new MissingIDException(LICENSE_ELEMENT_NAME, PRIMARY_LICENSE_NAME, idAttributeValue);
 370  4
         return results;
      * Gets the element representing the primary license.
      * @param document not null
      * @return not null
     private Element getPrimaryLicenseElement(final Document document) {
 379  12
         return document.getRootElement().getChild(PRIMARY_LICENSE_NAME);
      * Gets the additional primary copyright notice 
      * from the document.
      * @param document not null
      * @return optional primary copyright notice, possibly null
     public String primaryCopyrightNotice(final Document document) {
         final String result;
 390  6
         final Element copyrightElement = 
 392  6
         if (copyrightElement == null) {
 393  2
             result = null;
         } else {
 395  4
             result = copyrightElement.getTextTrim();
 397  6
         return result;
      * Collects notices in the given documents.
      * @param document, not null
      * @return notices indexed by id, immutable, not null, possibly empty
     public Map<String, String> mapNotices(Document document) {
 407  518
         final Map<String, String> results = new HashMap<String, String>();
 408  518
         final Element noticesElement = document.getRootElement().getChild("notices");
 409  518
         if (noticesElement != null){
 411  512
             final List<Element> children = (List<Element>) noticesElement.getChildren();
 412  512
             for (final Element element: children) {
 413  65280
                 results.put(element.getAttributeValue("id"), element.getTextTrim());
 416  518
         return Collections.unmodifiableMap(results);
      * Retrieves the text of the primary notice.
      * @param document, not null
      * @return the text of the primary notice, 
      * or null when there is no primary notice
     public String primaryNotice(Document document) {
         final String result;
 428  8
         final Element primaryNoticeElement = document.getRootElement().getChild("primary-notice");
 429  8
         if (primaryNoticeElement == null) {
 430  4
             result = null;
         } else {
 432  4
             result = primaryNoticeElement.getText()
                 .replace("${year}", Integer.toString(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)));
 435  8
         return result;
      * Retrieves the ID of the primary organisation.
      * @param document, not null
      * @return the id of the primary organisation when set,
      * otherwise null
     public String primaryOrganisationId(final Document document) {
         final String result;
 446  6
         final Element primaryOrganisationElement = document.getRootElement().getChild("primary-organisation");
 447  6
         if (primaryOrganisationElement == null) {
 448  4
             result = null;
         } else {
 450  2
             result = primaryOrganisationElement.getAttributeValue("id");
 452  6
         return result;
     private WithinDirectory directory(final Element element, final Map<String, License> licenses,
             final Map<String, Organisation> organisations) {
 457  65284
         return new JDomBuilder().withinDirectory(element, licenses, organisations);
      * Collects contents of the document.
      * @param document not null
      * @return not null, possibly empty
      * @throws DuplicateElementException when dir names are not unique
     public Collection<WithinDirectory> collectContents(final Document document, final Map<String, License> licenses,
             final Map<String, Organisation> organisations) throws DuplicateElementException {
 469  516
         final Collection<WithinDirectory> results = new TreeSet<WithinDirectory>();
 471  516
         final List<Element> children = document.getRootElement().getChildren("within");
 472  516
         for (Element element: children) {
 473  65284
             if (results.add(directory(element, licenses, organisations))) {
                 // fine
             } else {
 476  2
                 throw new DuplicateElementException("Duplicate parameter '" + element.getAttribute("dir").getValue() + "'");
 479  514
         return results;
      * Builds work from the given document.
      * @param document not null
      * @return not null
     public Descriptor build(final Document document) {
 488  2
         final Map<String, Organisation> organisations = mapOrganisations(document);
 489  2
         final Map<String, License> licenses = mapLicenses(document);
 490  2
         final Map<String, String> notices = mapNotices(document);
 491  2
         final License primaryLicense = primaryLicense(document, licenses);
 492  2
         final String primaryCopyrightNotice = primaryCopyrightNotice(document);
 493  2
         final String primaryNotice = primaryNotice(document);
 494  2
         final String primaryOrganisationId = primaryOrganisationId(document);
 495  2
         final Collection<WithinDirectory> contents = collectContents(document, licenses, organisations); 
 496  2
         return new Descriptor(primaryLicense, primaryCopyrightNotice,
                 primaryOrganisationId, primaryNotice, 
                 licenses, notices, organisations, contents);
     public Descriptor build(final InputStream xmlStream) throws JDOMException, IOException {
 502  0
         return build(new SAXBuilder().build(xmlStream));