Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.pipeline.driver.AbstractStageDriver
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.pipeline.driver;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.commons.pipeline.*;
  * This interface is used to define how processing for a stage is started,
  * stopped, and run. AbstractStageDriver implementations may run stages in one or
  * more threads, and use the {@link StageMonitor} interface to provide communication
  * between the stage, the driver, and the enclosing pipeline.
 public abstract class AbstractStageDriver implements StageDriver {
      * The stage to run.
     protected Stage stage;
      * The context for the stage being run
     protected StageContext context;    
      * The current state of processing. In most drivers, this is used for
      * thread control.
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     protected volatile State currentState = State.STOPPED;    
      * Enumerated value indicating the fault tolerance level of the StageDriver.
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     protected FaultTolerance faultTolerance = FaultTolerance.NONE;
      * List of processing failures that have occurred.
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     protected List<ProcessingException> processingExceptions = new ArrayList<ProcessingException>();
      * List of errors that have occurred.
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     protected List<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<Throwable>();
      * Creates a StageDriver for the specified stage.
      * @param stage The stage for which the driver will be created
      * @param context The context in which to run the stage
     public AbstractStageDriver(Stage stage, StageContext context) {
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         this(stage, context, FaultTolerance.NONE);
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      * Creates a StageDriver for the specified stage.
      * @param stage The stage for which the driver will be created
      * @param context The context in which to run the stage
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     public AbstractStageDriver(Stage stage, StageContext context, FaultTolerance faultTolerance) {
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         if (stage == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Stage may not be null.");
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         if (context == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context may not be null.");
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         this.stage = stage;
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         this.context = context;
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         this.faultTolerance = faultTolerance;
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      * Returns the Stage being run by this StageDriver.
      * @return The stage being run by this StageDriver instance
     public Stage getStage() {
 93  25
         return this.stage;
      * This method is used to provide a communication channel between the context 
      * in which the driver is being run and the managed stage.
      * @return the Feeder used to feed objects to the managed stage for processing.
     public abstract Feeder getFeeder();    
      * Return the current state of stage processing.
      * @return the current state of processing
     public State getState() {
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         return this.currentState;
      * Atomically tests to determine whether or not the driver is in the one of
      * the specified states.
     protected synchronized boolean isInState(State... states) {
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         for (State state : states) if (state == currentState) return true;
 117  0
         return false;
      * Set the current state of stage processing and notify any listeners
      * that may be waiting on a state change.
     protected synchronized void setState(State nextState) {
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         this.currentState = nextState;
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      * This method performs an atomic conditional state transition change
      * to the value specified by the nextState parameter if and only if the
      * current state is equal to the test state.
     protected synchronized boolean testAndSetState(State testState, State nextState) {
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         if (currentState == testState) {
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             return true;
         } else {
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             return false;
      * This method is used to start the driver, run the 
      * {@link Stage#preprocess() preprocess()} method of the attached stage
      * and to then begin processing any objects fed to this driver's Feeder.
      * @throws org.apache.commons.pipeline.StageException Thrown if there is an error during stage startup. In most cases, such errors
      * will be handled internally by the driver.
     public abstract void start() throws StageException;
      * This method waits for the stage(s) queue(s) to empty and any processor thread(s) to exit
      * cleanly and then calls release() to release any resources acquired during processing, if possible.
      * @throws org.apache.commons.pipeline.StageException Thrown if there is an error during driver shutdown. Ordinarily such 
      * exceptions will be handled internally.
     public abstract void finish() throws StageException;
      * Sets the failure tolerance flag for the worker thread. If faultTolerance
      * is set to CHECKED, {@link StageException StageException}s thrown by
      * the {@link Stage#process(Object)} method will not interrupt queue
      * processing, but will simply be logged with a severity of ERROR.
      * If faultTolerance is set to ALL, runtime exceptions will also be
      * logged and otherwise ignored.
      * @param faultTolerance the flag value
     public final void setFaultTolerance(FaultTolerance faultTolerance) {
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         this.faultTolerance = faultTolerance;
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      * Getter for property faultTolerant.
      * @return Value of property faultTolerant.
     public final FaultTolerance getFaultTolerance() {
 179  0
         return this.faultTolerance;
      * Store a fatal error.
      * @param error The error to be stored for later analysis
     protected void recordFatalError(Throwable error) {
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      * Returns a list of unrecoverable errors that occurred during stage
      * processing.
      * @return A list of unrecoverable errors that occurred during stage processing.
     public List<Throwable> getFatalErrors() {
 196  0
         return this.errors;
      * Store processing failure information for the specified data object.
      * @param data The data being processed at the time of the error
      * @param error The error encountered
     protected void recordProcessingException(Object data, Throwable error) {
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         ProcessingException ex = new ProcessingException(this.stage, error, data, this.getState());  
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      * Returns a list of errors that occurred while processing data objects,
      * along with the objects that were being processed when the errors
      * were generated.
      * @return The list of non-fatal processing errors.
     public List<ProcessingException> getProcessingExceptions() {
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         return this.processingExceptions;