Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.performance.LoadGenerator
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.performance;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
 import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
 import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
  * <p>Base class for load / peformance test runners.
  * Uses Commons Digester to parse and load configuration and spawns
  * {@link ClientThread} instances to generate load and gather statistics.</p>
  * <p>Subclasses <code>must</code> implement <code>makeClientThread</code> to
  * create client thread instances to be kicked off by <code>execute.</code>
  * Subclasses will also in general override <code>configure</code> to load
  * additional configuration parameters and pass them on to the client in 
  * <code>makeClientThread.</code>  Implementations of <code>configure</code>
  * should start with a <code>super()</code> call so that the base configuration
  * parameters are loaded. This method should also set the <code>configFile</code>
  * property to a valid URI or filespec (suitable argument for Digester's parse
  * method). Setup code that needs to be executed before any client threads are
  * spawned should be put in <code>init</code></p>
  * <p>See 
  * <a href="">
  * DBCPSoak</a> and its 
  * <a href="">
  * sample configuration file</a> for an example.  As in that example, additional
  * sections of the config file should be parsed and loaded in the overridden
  * <code>configure</code> method. The "run" section is required by the base
  * implementation. That example also illustrates how <code>init</code>
  * can be used to set up resources or data structures required by the client
  * threads.</p>
 56  0
 public abstract class LoadGenerator {
     /** logger */
 59  0
     protected static final Logger logger = 
     /** Statistics aggregator */
 63  0
     private static Statistics stats = new Statistics();
     // Client thread properties
     protected long minDelay;
     protected long maxDelay;
     protected double sigma;
     protected String delayType;
     protected String rampType;
     protected long rampPeriod;
     protected long peakPeriod;
     protected long troughPeriod;
     protected String cycleType;
     // Run properties
     private long numClients;
     private long iterations;
 80  0
     protected Digester digester = new Digester();
 81  0
     protected String configFile = null;
      * <p>Invokes {@link #configure()} to load digester rules, then digster.parse,
      * then {@link #init} to initialize configuration members. Then spawns and
      * executes {@link #numClients} ClientThreads using {@link #makeClientThread}
      * to create the ClientThread instances. Waits for all spawned threads to
      * terminate and then logs accumulated statistics, using 
      * {@link Statistics#displayOverallSummary}</p>
      * <p>Subclasses should not need to override this method, but must implement
      * {@link #makeClientThread} and may override {@link #configure} and
      * {@link #init} to prepare data to pass to <code>makeClientThread</code>, 
      * and {@link #cleanUp} to clean up after all threads terminate.
      * </p>
      * @throws Exception
     public void execute() throws Exception {
 100  0
 101  0
 102  0
         // Spawn and execute client threads
 104  0
                 ExecutorService ex = Executors.newFixedThreadPool((int)numClients);
 105  0
                 for (int i = 0; i < numClients; i++) {
 106  0
             ClientThread clientThread = makeClientThread(iterations, minDelay,
                     maxDelay, sigma, delayType, rampPeriod, peakPeriod,
                     troughPeriod, cycleType, rampType, logger, stats);
 109  0
 111  0
         // hard time limit of one day for now 
         // TODO: make this configurable
 114  0
         ex.awaitTermination(60 * 60 * 24, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
         // Log summary statistics for accumulated metrics
 117  0;
         // clean up
 120  0
 121  0
     protected abstract ClientThread makeClientThread(
             long iterations, long minDelay, long maxDelay, double sigma,
             String delayType, long rampPeriod, long peakPeriod,
             long troughPeriod, String cycleType, String rampType,
             Logger logger, Statistics stats);
      * This method is invoked by {@link #execute()} after {@link #configure()}
      * and digester parse, just before client threads are created. Objects that
      * need to be created and passed to client threads using configuration info
      * parsed from the config file should be created in this method.
      * @throws Exception
 137  0
     protected void init() throws Exception {}
      * This method is invoked by {@link #execute()} after all spawned threads
      * have terminated. Override to clean up any resources allocated in 
      * {@link #init()}.
      * @throws Exception
 147  0
     protected void cleanUp() throws Exception {}
      * Configures basic run parameters. Invoked by Digester via a rule defined
      * in {@link #configure()}.
      * @param iterations number of iterations
      * @param clients number of client threads
      * @param minDelay minimum delay between client thread requests (ms)
      * @param maxDelay maximum delay between client thread requests (ms)
      * @param sigma standard deviation of delay
      * @param delayType type of delay (constant, gaussian, poisson)
      * @param rampType type of ramp (none, linear, random)
      * @param rampPeriod rampup/rampdown time
      * @param peakPeriod peak period
      * @param troughPeriod trough period
      * @param cycleType cycle type (none, oscillating)
      * @throws ConfigurationException
     public void configureRun(String iterations, String clients,
             String minDelay, String maxDelay, String sigma,
             String delayType, String rampType, String rampPeriod,
             String peakPeriod, String troughPeriod, String cycleType) 
             throws ConfigurationException {
 174  0
         this.iterations = Long.parseLong(iterations);
 175  0
         this.numClients = Long.parseLong(clients);
 176  0
         this.minDelay = Long.parseLong(minDelay);
 177  0
         this.maxDelay = Long.parseLong(maxDelay);
 178  0
         this.sigma = Double.parseDouble(sigma);
 179  0
         this.delayType = delayType;
 180  0
         this.rampType = rampType;
 181  0
         this.rampPeriod = Long.parseLong(rampPeriod);
 182  0
         this.peakPeriod = Long.parseLong(peakPeriod);
 183  0
         this.troughPeriod = Long.parseLong(troughPeriod);
 184  0
         this.cycleType = cycleType;
 185  0
         if (cycleType.equals("oscillating") && this.rampPeriod <= 0) {
 186  0
             throw new ConfigurationException(
               "Ramp period must be positive for oscillating cycle type");
 189  0
      * <p>Starts preparing Digester to parse the configuration file, pushing
      * *this onto the stack and loading rules to configure basic "run" 
      * parameters.
      * </p>
      * <p>Subclasses can override this, using <code>super()</code> to load base
      * parameters and then adding additional </code>addCallMethod</code>
      * sequences for additional parameters.
      * </p>
      * @throws Exception
     protected void configure() throws Exception {
 204  0
 206  0
                 "configureRun", 11);
 208  0
                 "configuration/run/iterations", 0);
 210  0
                 "configuration/run/clients", 1);
 212  0
                 "configuration/run/delay-min", 2);
 214  0
                 "configuration/run/delay-max", 3);
 216  0
                 "configuration/run/delay-sigma", 4);
 218  0
                 "configuration/run/delay-type", 5);
 220  0
                 "configuration/run/ramp-type", 6);
 222  0
                 "configuration/run/ramp-period", 7);
 224  0
                 "configuration/run/peak-period", 8);
 226  0
                 "configuration/run/trough-period", 9);
 228  0
                 "configuration/run/cycle-type", 10);    
 230  0
     protected void parseConfigFile() throws Exception {
         // TODO: get rid of File spec
 234  0
         digester.parse(new File(configFile));
 235  0
      * @return the configFile
     public String getConfigFile() {
 241  0
         return configFile;
      * @param configFile the configFile to set
     public void setConfigFile(String configFile) {
 248  0
         this.configFile = configFile;
 249  0
      * @return the digester
     public Digester getDigester() {
 255  0
         return digester;
      * @return statistics
     public Statistics getStatistics() {
 262  0
         return stats;