Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.performance.ClientThread
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.performance;
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
 import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomData;
 import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomDataImpl;
 import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;
  * <p>Base for performance / load test clients. 
  * The run method executes init, then setup-execute-cleanup in a loop,
  * gathering performance statistics, with time between executions based
  * on configuration parameters. The <code>finish</code> method is executed once
  * at the end of a run. See {@link #nextDelay()} for details on
  * inter-arrival time computation.</p>
  * <p>Subclasses <strong>must</strong> implement <code>execute</code>, which
  * is the basic client request action that is executed, and timed, 
  * repeatedly. If per-request setup is required, and you do not want the time
  * associated with this setup to be included in the reported timings, implement 
  * <code>setUp</code> and put the setup code there.  Similarly for 
  * <code>cleanUp</code>. Initialization code that needs to be executed once
  * only, before any requests are initiated, should be put into 
  * <code>init</code> and cleanup code that needs to be executed only once
  * at the end of a simulation should be put into <code>finish.</code></p>
  * <p>By default, the only statistics accumulated are for the latency of the 
  * <code>execute</code> method. Additional metrics can be captured and added
  * to the {@link Statistics} for the running thread.</p>
 public abstract class ClientThread implements Runnable {
     // Inter-arrival time configuration parameters 
     /** Minimum mean time between requests */
     private long minDelay;
     /** Maximum mean time between requests */
     private long maxDelay;
     /** Standard deviation of delay distribution */
     private double sigma;
     /** Delay type - determines how next start times are computed */
     private String delayType;
     /** Ramp length for cyclic mean delay */
     private long rampPeriod;
     /** Peak length for cyclic mean delay */
     private long peakPeriod;
     /** Trough length for cyclic mean delay */
     private long troughPeriod;
     /** Cycle type */
     private final String cycleType;
     /** Ramp type */
     private String rampType;
     /** Number of iterations */
     private final long iterations;
     // State data
     /** Start time of run */
     private long startTime;
     /** Start time of current period */
     private long periodStart;
     /** Last mean delay */
     private double lastMean;
     /** Cycle state constants */
     protected static final int RAMPING_UP = 0;
     protected static final int RAMPING_DOWN = 1;
     protected static final int PEAK_LOAD = 2;
     protected static final int TROUGH_LOAD = 3;
     /** Cycle state */
 87  0
     private int cycleState = RAMPING_UP;
     /** Number of errors */
 89  0
     private long numErrors = 0;
     /** Number of misses */
 91  0
     private long numMisses = 0;
     /** Random data generator */
 94  0
     protected RandomData randomData = new RandomDataImpl();
     /** Statistics container */
     protected Statistics stats;
     /** Logger shared by client threads */
     protected Logger logger;
      * Create a client thread.
      * @param iterations number of iterations
      * @param minDelay minimum mean time between client requests
      * @param maxDelay maximum mean time between client requests
      * @param sigma standard deviation of time between client requests
      * @param delayType distribution of time between client requests
      * @param rampPeriod ramp period of cycle for cyclic load
      * @param peakPeriod peak period of cycle for cyclic load
      * @param troughPeriod trough period of cycle for cyclic load
      * @param cycleType type of cycle for mean delay
      * @param rampType type of ramp (linear or random jumps)
      * @param logger common logger shared by all clients
      * @param stats Statistics instance to add results to
     public ClientThread(long iterations, long minDelay, long maxDelay,
             double sigma, String delayType, long rampPeriod, long peakPeriod,
             long troughPeriod, String cycleType,
             String rampType, Logger logger,
 120  0
             Statistics stats) {
 121  0
         this.iterations = iterations;
 122  0
         this.minDelay = minDelay;
 123  0
         this.maxDelay = maxDelay;
 124  0
         this.sigma = sigma;
 125  0
         this.delayType = delayType;
 126  0
         this.peakPeriod = peakPeriod;
 127  0
         this.rampPeriod = rampPeriod;
 128  0
         this.troughPeriod = troughPeriod;
 129  0
         this.cycleType = cycleType;
 130  0
         this.rampType = rampType;
 131  0
         this.logger = logger;
 132  0
         this.stats = stats;
 133  0
     public void run() {
         try {
 137  0
 138  0
         } catch (Exception ex) {
 139  0
             logger.severe("init failed.");
 140  0
 141  0
 142  0
 143  0
         long start = 0;
 144  0
         startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 145  0
         long lastStart = startTime;
 146  0
         periodStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
 147  0
         lastMean = (double) maxDelay; // Ramp up, if any, starts here
 148  0
         SummaryStatistics responseStats = new SummaryStatistics();
 149  0
         for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
             try {
 151  0
                 // Generate next interarrival time. If that is in the
                 // past, go right away and log a miss; otherwise wait.
 154  0
                 long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastStart;
 155  0
                 long nextDelay = nextDelay();
 156  0
                 if (elapsed > nextDelay) {
 157  0
                 } else {
                     try {
 160  0
                         Thread.sleep(nextDelay - elapsed);
 161  0
                     } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
 162  0
               "Sleep interrupted");
 163  0
                 // Fire the request and measure response time
 167  0
                 start = System.currentTimeMillis();
 168  0
 169  0
             } catch (Exception ex) {
 170  0
 171  0
             } finally {
 173  0
                 try {
 174  0
                     responseStats.addValue(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
 175  0
                     lastStart = start;
 176  0
 177  0
                 } catch (Exception e) {
 178  0
 179  0
 180  0
         try {
 184  0
 185  0
         } catch (Exception ex) {
 186  0
             logger.severe("finalize failed.");
 187  0
 188  0
 189  0
         // Use thread name as process name
 192  0
         String process = Thread.currentThread().getName();
         // Record latency statistics
 195  0
         stats.addStatistics(responseStats, process, "latency");
         // Log accumulated statistics for this thread
 198  0 + 
           "Number of misses: " + numMisses + "\n" +
           "Number or errors: " + numErrors + "\n"); 
 201  0
     /** Executed once at the beginning of the run */
 204  0
     protected void init() throws Exception {}
     /** Executed at the beginning of each iteration */
 207  0
     protected void setUp() throws Exception {}
     /** Executed in finally block of iteration try-catch */
 210  0
     protected void cleanUp() throws Exception {}
     /** Executed once after the run finishes */
 213  0
     protected void finish() throws Exception {}
      * Core iteration code.  Timings are based on this,
      *  so keep it tight.
     public abstract void execute() throws Exception;
      * <p>Computes the next interarrival time (time to wait between requests)
      * based on configured values for min/max delay, delay type, cycle type, 
      * ramp type and period. Currently supports constant (always returning
      * <code>minDelay</code> delay time), Poisson and Gaussian distributed
      * random time delays, linear and random ramps, and oscillating / 
      * non-oscillating cycle types.</p>
      * <p><strong>loadType</strong> determines whether returned times are
      * deterministic or random. If <code>loadType</code> is not "constant",
      * a random value with the specified distribution and mean determined by
      * the other parameters is returned. For "gaussian" <code>loadType</code>,
      * <code>sigma</code> is used as used as the standard deviation. </p>
      * <p><strong>cycleType</strong> determines how the returned times vary
      * over time. "oscillating", means times ramp up and down between 
      * <code>minDelay</code> and <code>maxDelay.</code> Ramp type is controlled
      * by <code>rampType.</code>  Linear <code>rampType</code> means the means
      * increase or decrease linearly over the time of the period.  Random
      * makes random jumps up or down toward the next peak or trough. "None" for
      * <code>rampType</code> under oscillating <code>cycleType</code> makes the
      * means alternate between peak (<code>minDelay</code>) and trough 
      *(<code>maxDelay</code>) with no ramp between. </p>
      * <p>Oscillating loads cycle through RAMPING_UP, PEAK_LOAD, RAMPING_DOWN
      * and TROUGH_LOAD states, with the amount of time spent in each state
      * determined by <code>rampPeriod</code> (time spent increasing on the way
      * up and decreasing on the way down), <code>peakPeriod</code> (time spent
      * at peak load, i.e., <code>minDelay</code> mean delay) and 
      * <code>troughPeriod</code> (time spent at minimum load, i.e., 
      * <code>maxDelay</code> mean delay). All times are specified in
      * milliseconds. </p>
      * <p><strong>Examples:</strong><ol>
      * <li>Given<pre>
      * delayType = "constant"
      * minDelay = 250
      * maxDelay = 500
      * cycleType = "oscillating"
      * rampType = "linear" 
      * rampPeriod = 10000
      * peakPeriod = 20000
      * troughPeriod = 30000</pre> load will start at one request every 500 ms,
      * which is "trough load." Load then ramps up linearly over the next 10
      * seconds unil it reaches one request per 250 milliseconds, which is 
      * "peak load."  Peak load is sustained for 20 seconds and then load ramps
      * back down, again taking 10 seconds to get down to "trough load," which
      * is sustained for 30 seconds.  The cycle then repeats.</li>
      * <li><pre>
      * delayType = "gaussian"
      * minDelay = 250
      * maxDelay = 500
      * cycleType = "oscillating"
      * rampType = "linear" 
      * rampPeriod = 10000
      * peakPeriod = 20000
      * troughPeriod = 30000
      * sigma = 100 </pre> produces a load pattern similar to example 1, but in
      * this case the computed delay value is fed into a gaussian random number
      * generator as the mean and 100 as the standard deviation - i.e., 
      * <code>nextDelay</code> returns random, gaussian distributed values with
      * means moving according to the cyclic pattern in example 1.</li>
      * <li><pre>
      * delayType = "constant"
      * minDelay = 250
      * maxDelay = 500
      * cycleType = "none"
      * rampType = "linear" 
      * rampPeriod = 10000</pre> produces a load pattern that increases linearly
      * from one request every 500ms to one request every 250ms and then stays
      * constant at that level until the run is over.  Other parameters are
      * ignored in this case.</li>
      * <li><pre>
      * delayType = "poisson"
      * minDelay = 250
      * maxDelay = 500
      * cycleType = "none"
      * rampType = "none" 
      * </pre> produces inter-arrival times that are poisson distributed with
      * mean 250ms. Note that when rampType is "none," the value of 
      * <code>minDelay</code> is used as the (constant) mean delay.</li></ol>
      * @return next value for delay
     protected long nextDelay() throws ConfigurationException {
 310  0
         double targetDelay = 0; 
 311  0
         double dMinDelay = (double) minDelay;
 312  0
         double dMaxDelay = (double) maxDelay;
 313  0
         double delayDifference = dMaxDelay - dMinDelay;
 314  0
         long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 315  0
         if (cycleType.equals("none")) {
 316  0
             if (rampType.equals("none") || 
                     (currentTime - startTime) > rampPeriod) { // ramped up
 318  0
                 targetDelay = dMinDelay;
 319  0
             } else if (rampType.equals("linear")) { // single period linear
 320  0
                 double prop = 
                     (double) (currentTime - startTime) / (double) rampPeriod;
 322  0
                 targetDelay =  dMaxDelay - delayDifference * prop;
 323  0
             } else { // Random jumps down to delay - single period
                 // TODO: govern size of jumps as in oscillating
                 // Where we last were as proportion of way down to minDelay
 326  0
                 double lastProp = 
                     (dMaxDelay - lastMean) / delayDifference;
                 // Make a random jump toward 1 (1 = all the way down)
 329  0
                 double prop = randomData.nextUniform(lastProp, 1);
 330  0
                 targetDelay = dMaxDelay - delayDifference * prop;
 331  0
 332  0
         } else if (cycleType.equals("oscillating")) {
             // First change cycle state if we need to
 334  0
 335  0
             targetDelay = computeCyclicDelay(
                     currentTime, dMinDelay, dMaxDelay);
         } else {
 338  0
             throw new ConfigurationException(
                     "Cycle type not supported: " + cycleType);
         // Remember last mean for ramp up / down
 343  0
         lastMean = targetDelay;
 345  0
         if (delayType.equals("constant")) { 
 346  0
             return Math.round(targetDelay);
         // Generate and return random deviate
 350  0
         if (delayType.equals("gaussian")) {
 351  0
             return Math.round(randomData.nextGaussian(targetDelay, sigma));
         } else { // must be Poisson
 353  0
             return randomData.nextPoisson(targetDelay);
      * Adjusts cycleState, periodStart and lastMean if a cycle state
      * transition needs to happen.
      * @param currentTime current time
     protected void adjustState(long currentTime) {
 364  0
         long timeInPeriod = currentTime - periodStart;
 365  0
         if ( ((cycleState == RAMPING_UP || cycleState == RAMPING_DOWN) && 
                 timeInPeriod < rampPeriod) ||
              (cycleState == PEAK_LOAD && timeInPeriod < peakPeriod) ||
              (cycleState == TROUGH_LOAD && timeInPeriod < troughPeriod)) {
 369  0
             return; // No state change
 371  0
         switch (cycleState) {
             case RAMPING_UP: 
 373  0
                 if (peakPeriod > 0) {
 374  0
                     cycleState = PEAK_LOAD;
                 } else {
 376  0
                     cycleState = RAMPING_DOWN;
 378  0
                 lastMean = (double) minDelay;
 379  0
                 periodStart = currentTime;
 380  0
             case RAMPING_DOWN: 
 383  0
                 if (troughPeriod > 0) {
 384  0
                     cycleState = TROUGH_LOAD;
                 } else {
 386  0
                     cycleState = RAMPING_UP;
 388  0
                 lastMean = (double) maxDelay;
 389  0
                 periodStart = currentTime;
 390  0
             case PEAK_LOAD: 
 393  0
                 if (rampPeriod > 0) {
 394  0
                     cycleState = RAMPING_DOWN;
 395  0
                     lastMean = (double) minDelay;
                 } else {
 397  0
                     cycleState = TROUGH_LOAD;
 398  0
                     lastMean = (double) maxDelay;
 400  0
                 periodStart = currentTime;
 401  0
             case TROUGH_LOAD: 
 404  0
                 if (rampPeriod > 0) {
 405  0
                     cycleState = RAMPING_UP;
 406  0
                     lastMean = (double) maxDelay;
                 } else {
 408  0
                     cycleState = PEAK_LOAD;
 409  0
                     lastMean = (double) minDelay;
 411  0
                 periodStart = currentTime;
 412  0
 415  0
                 throw new IllegalStateException(
                         "Illegal cycle state: " + cycleState);
 418  0
     protected double computeCyclicDelay(
             long currentTime, double min, double max) {
         // Constant load states
 424  0
         if (cycleState == PEAK_LOAD) { 
 425  0
             return min;
 427  0
         if (cycleState == TROUGH_LOAD) {
 428  0
             return max;
         // No ramp - stay at min or max load during ramp
 432  0
         if (rampType.equals("none")) { // min or max, no ramp
 433  0
             if (cycleState == RAMPING_UP) {
 434  0
                 return max;
             } else {
 436  0
                 return min;
         // Linear ramp type and ramping up or down
 441  0
         double diff = max - min;
 442  0
         if (rampType.equals("linear")) {
 443  0
             double prop = 
                 (double)(currentTime - periodStart) / (double) rampPeriod;
 445  0
             if (cycleState == RAMPING_UP) {
 446  0
                 return max - diff * prop; 
             } else {
 448  0
                 return min + diff * prop;
         } else { // random jumps down, then back up
             // Where we last were as proportion of way down to minDelay
 452  0
             double lastProp = 
                 (max - lastMean) / diff;
             // Where we would be if this were a linear ramp
 455  0
             double linearProp = 
                 (double)(currentTime - periodStart) / (double) rampPeriod;
             // Need to govern size of jumps, otherwise "convergence"
             // can be too fast - use linear ramp as governor
 459  0
             if ((cycleState == RAMPING_UP && (lastProp > linearProp)) || 
                     (cycleState == RAMPING_DOWN && 
                             ((1 - lastProp) > linearProp))) 
 462  0
                 lastProp = (cycleState == RAMPING_UP) ? linearProp : 
                     (1 - linearProp);
 464  0
             double prop = 0;
 465  0
             if (cycleState == RAMPING_UP) { // Random jump toward 1
 466  0
                 prop = randomData.nextUniform(lastProp, 1);
             } else { // Random jump toward 0
 468  0
                 prop = randomData.nextUniform(0, lastProp);
             // Make sure sequence is monotone
 471  0
             if (cycleState == RAMPING_UP) {
 472  0
                 return Math.min(lastMean, max - diff * prop);
             } else {
 474  0
                 return Math.max(lastMean, min + diff * prop);
     public long getMinDelay() {
 480  0
         return minDelay;
     public long getMaxDelay() {
 484  0
         return maxDelay;
     public double getSigma() {
 488  0
         return sigma;
     public String getDelayType() {
 492  0
         return delayType;
     public long getRampPeriod() {
 496  0
         return rampPeriod;
     public long getPeakPeriod() {
 500  0
         return peakPeriod;
     public long getTroughPeriod() {
 504  0
         return troughPeriod;
     public String getCycleType() {
 508  0
         return cycleType;
     public String getRampType() {
 512  0
         return rampType;
     public long getIterations() {
 516  0
         return iterations;
     public long getStartTime() {
 520  0
         return startTime;
     public long getPeriodStart() {
 524  0
         return periodStart;
     public double getLastMean() {
 528  0
         return lastMean;
     public int getCycleState() {
 532  0
         return cycleState;
     public long getNumErrors() {
 536  0
         return numErrors;
     public long getNumMisses() {
 540  0
         return numMisses;
     public Statistics getStats() {
 544  0
         return stats;
     public void setStartTime(long startTime) {
 548  0
         this.startTime = startTime;
 549  0
     public void setPeriodStart(long periodStart) {
 552  0
         this.periodStart = periodStart;
 553  0
     public void setLastMean(double lastMean) {
 556  0
         this.lastMean = lastMean;
 557  0
     public void setCycleState(int cycleState) {
 560  0
         this.cycleState = cycleState;
 561  0
     public void setNumErrors(long numErrors) {
 564  0
         this.numErrors = numErrors;
 565  0
     public void setNumMisses(long numMisses) {
 568  0
         this.numMisses = numMisses;
 569  0
     public void setRampType(String rampType) {
 572  0
         this.rampType = rampType;
 573  0
     public void setMinDelay(long minDelay) {
 576  0
         this.minDelay = minDelay;
 577  0
     public void setMaxDelay(long maxDelay) {
 580  0
         this.maxDelay = maxDelay;
 581  0
     public void setSigma(double sigma) {
 584  0
         this.sigma = sigma;
 585  0
     public void setDelayType(String delayType) {
 588  0
         this.delayType = delayType;
 589  0
     public void setRampPeriod(long rampPeriod) {
 592  0
         this.rampPeriod = rampPeriod;
 593  0
     public void setPeakPeriod(long peakPeriod) {
 596  0
         this.peakPeriod = peakPeriod;
 597  0
     public void setTroughPeriod(long troughPeriod) {
 600  0
         this.troughPeriod = troughPeriod;
 601  0