Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.inject.api.IInjector
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 package org.apache.commons.inject.api;
  * The {@link IInjector injector} is used to build objects for your application.
  * It does so by maintaining a map of {@link IKey keys} and associated
  * {@link IBinding bindings}. The map is created by {@link IModule modules}.
  * Some bindings are present automatically:
  * - The {@link Injector} itself.
  * - For any {@link IBinding IBinding<T>} (binding of type T), there is also
  *   a {@link IProvider provider} of type T.
  * To create an {@link IInjector injector}, use the class {@link CommonsInject}.
 public interface IInjector {
          * Returns an instance of {@code pType}, if a matching binding is present.
          * This is a shortcut for
          * <pre>
          *   getInstance(pType, "")
          * </pre>
          * or
          * <pre>
          *   getInstance(pType, Key.NO_NAME)
          * </pre>
          * @param pType The requested type.
          * @return The created instance, or null.
          * @see #getInstance(Class, String)
          * @see #getInstance(IKey)
          * @see #requireInstance(Class)
         <T> T getInstance(Class<T> pType);
          * Returns an instance of the given type, with the given name, if a
          * matching binding is present. This is a shortcut for
          * <pre>
          *   Key key = new Key(pType, pName);
          *   getInstance(key)
          * </pre>
          * or
          * <pre>
          *   Key key = new Key(pType, pName, Key.NO_ANNOTATIONS);
          *   getInstance(key)
          * </pre>
          * @param pType The requested type.
          * @param pName The requested objects name.
          * @return The created instance, or null.
          * @see #getInstance(IKey)
          * @see #requireInstance(Class, String)
         <T> T getInstance(Class<T> pType, String pName);
          * Returns an instance of the binding that has been registered for the 
          * given key.
          * @param pKey A binding key, for which a binding has been registered.
          * @return The created instance, or null.
          * @see #getInstance(Class)
          * @see #getInstance(Class, String)
          * @see #requireInstance(IKey)
         <T> T getInstance(IKey<T> pKey);
          * Returns an instance of {@code pType}, if a matching binding is present.
          * This is a shortcut for
          * <pre>
          *   requireInstance(pType, "")
          * </pre>
          * or
          * <pre>
          *   requireInstance(pType, Key.NO_NAME)
          * </pre>
          * @param pType The requested type.
          * @return The created instance.
          * @throws NoSuchBindingException No matching binding has been registered with
          * the injector.
          * @see #getInstance(Class, String)
          * @see #getInstance(IKey)
          * @see #requireInstance(Class)
         <T> T requireInstance(Class<T> pType) throws NoSuchBindingException;
          * Returns an instance of the given type, with the given name, if a
          * matching binding is present. This is a shortcut for
          * <pre>
          *   Key key = new Key(pType, pName);
          *   requireInstance(key)
          * </pre>
          * or
          * <pre>
          *   Key key = new Key(pType, pName, Key.NO_ANNOTATIONS);
          *  requireInstance(key)
          * </pre>
          * @param pType The requested type.
          * @param pName The requested objects name.
          * @return The created instance.
          * @throws NoSuchBindingException No matching binding has been registered with
          * the injector.
          * @see #getInstance(Class, String)
          * @see #requireInstance(Class)
          * @see #requireInstance(IKey)
         <T> T requireInstance(Class<T> pType, String pName) throws NoSuchBindingException;
          * Returns an instance of the binding that has been registered for the 
          * given key.
          * @param pKey A binding key, for which a binding has been registered.
          * @return The created instance.
          * @throws NoSuchBindingException No matching binding has been registered with
          * the injector.
          * @see #getInstance(IKey)
          * @see #requireInstance(Class)
          * @see #requireInstance(Class, String)
         <T> T requireInstance(IKey<T> pKey) throws NoSuchBindingException;
          * Injects members into the given instance, as if it where created by
          * the {@link IInjector injector} itself. In other words, fills fields
          * and invokes methods annotated with @Inject, assuming that a binding
          * is present for those fields, and method parameters.
         void injectMembers(Object pInstance);