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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Random;
 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
  * <p><code>StateHelper</code> provides helper methods for the uuid state
  * implementations.</p>
  * @author Commons-Id team
  * @version $Id: 480488 2006-11-29 08:57:26Z bayard $
 public final class StateHelper implements Constants {
     /** The key for the containing the ClockImpl String. */
 46  3
     public static final String UUID_CLOCK_IMPL_PROPERTY_KEY = Clock.class.getName();
     /** The key for the containing the StateImpl String. */
 49  1
     public static final String UUID_STATE_IMPL_PROPERTY_KEY = State.class.getName();
     /** Array length of node bytes. */
     public static final int NODE_ID_BYTE_LENGTH = 6;
     /** Number of bytes in a short. */
     public static final short BYTES_IN_SHORT = 2;
     /** Number of postitions to shift when shifting by one byte. */
     public static final short SHIFT_BY_BYTE = 8;
     /** Number of postitions to shift when shifting by one byte. */
     public static final short HOSTNAME_MAX_CHAR_LEN = 255;
     /** OR-Mask to set the node's multicast bit true. */
     private static final int MULTICAST_BIT_SET = 0x80;
     /** The maximum character length of a long */
     private static final short LONG_CHAR_LEN = 19;
     /** Standard one page buffer size */
     private static final int BUF_PAGE_SZ = 1024;
     /** Start of the XML document used to store state persistence in XML */
     protected static final String XML_DOC_START = "<?xml version=\"1.0\""
         + " encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"
         + "\n<!DOCTYPE uuidstate [\n"
         + "   <!ELEMENT uuidstate (node*)>\n"
         + "   <!ELEMENT node EMPTY>\n"
         + "   <!ATTLIST node id ID #REQUIRED>\n"
         + "   <!ATTLIST node clocksequence CDATA #IMPLIED>\n"
         + "   <!ATTLIST node lasttimestamp CDATA #IMPLIED>\n]>"
         + "\n<uuidstate synchInterval=\"";
     /** End of document start */
     protected static final String XML_DOC_START_END = "\">";
     /** Start of XML node tag */
     protected static final String XML_NODE_TAG_START = "\n\t<node id=\"";
     /** After id of XML node tag */
     protected static final String XML_NODE_TAG_AFTER_ID = "\" clocksequence=\"";
     /** After clock sequence of XML node tag */
     protected static final String XML_NODE_TAG_AFTER_CSEQ = "\" timestamp=\"";
     /** End of XML node tag */
     protected static final String XML_NODE_TAG_END = "\" />";
     /** End of the XML document used to store state persistence in XML */
     protected static final String XML_DOC_END = "\n</uuidstate>";
     /** Number of tokens in a MAC address with "-" as separator */
     private static final short MAC_ADDRESS_TOKEN_COUNT = 6;
     /** String length of a MAC address with "-" as separator */
     private static final short MAC_ADDRESS_CHAR_LENGTH = 17;
     /** Default constructor */
     private StateHelper() {
 104  0
 105  0
      * <p>Creates a Random node identifier as described in IEFT UUID URN
      * specification.</p>
      * @return a random node idenfifier based on MD5 of system information.
     public static byte[] randomNodeIdentifier() {
         //Holds the 16 byte MD5 value
 115  4
         byte[] seed = new byte[UUID_BYTE_LENGTH];
         //Set the initial string buffer capacity
         //Time + Object.hashCode + HostName + Guess of all system properties
 118  4
         int bufSize = (LONG_CHAR_LEN * 2) + HOSTNAME_MAX_CHAR_LEN + (2 * BUF_PAGE_SZ);
 119  4
         StringBuffer randInfo = new StringBuffer(bufSize);
         //Add current time
 121  4
         long time = 0;
         try {
 123  4
             time = getClockImpl().getUUIDTime();
 124  0
         } catch (OverClockedException oce) {
 125  0
             time = System.currentTimeMillis();
 126  1
 127  1
         //Add hostname
         try {
 131  1
             InetAddress address = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
 132  1
 133  0
         } catch (UnknownHostException ukhe) {
 134  0
             randInfo.append("Host Unknown");
 135  1
         //Add something else "random"
 137  1
         randInfo.append(new Object().hashCode());
         //Add system properties
 140  1
         Collection info = System.getProperties().values();
 141  1
         Iterator it = info.iterator();
 142  2
         while (it.hasNext()) {
 143  1
 144  1
         //MD5 Hash code the system information to get a node id.
 146  1
         seed = DigestUtils.md5(randInfo.toString());
         //Return upper 6 bytes of hash
 149  1
         byte[] raw = new byte[NODE_ID_BYTE_LENGTH];
 150  1
         System.arraycopy(seed, 0, raw, 0, NODE_ID_BYTE_LENGTH);
         //Per draft set multi-cast bit true
 153  1
         raw[0] |= MULTICAST_BIT_SET;
 155  1
         return raw;
      * <p>Generates a new security quality random clock sequence.</p>
      * @return a new security quality random clock sequence.
     public static short newClockSequence() {
 164  11
         Random random = new Random();
 165  11
         byte[] bytes = new byte[BYTES_IN_SHORT];
 166  11
 167  11
         return (short) (Bytes.toShort(bytes) & 0x3FFF);
      * <p>Returns the Clock implementation using commons discovery.</p>
      * @return the Clock implementation using commons discovery.
     public static Clock getClockImpl() {
 176  32
         Clock c = null;
         try {
 178  32
              DiscoverClass dc = new DiscoverClass();
 179  32
              c = (Clock) dc.newInstance(
 182  0
         } catch (Exception ex) {
              // ignore as default implementation will be used.
 184  32
 185  32
         return c;
      * <p>Returns the <code>State</code> implementation in use.</p>
      * @return the <code>State</code> implementation in use.
     public static State getStateImpl() {
 194  5
         State s = null;
         try {
 196  5
              DiscoverClass dc = new DiscoverClass();
 197  5
              s = (State) dc.newInstance(
 200  0
         } catch (Exception ex) {
              // ignore as default implementation will be used.
 202  5
 203  5
         return s;
      * <p>Utility method decodes a valid MAC address in the form of
      * XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX where each XX represents a hexidecimal value.</p>
      * <p> Returns null if the address can not be decoded. </p>
      * @param address the String hexidecimal dash separated MAC address.
      * @return a byte array representing the the address. Null if not a valid address.
     public static byte[] decodeMACAddress(String address) {
 216  25
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(MAC_ADDRESS_TOKEN_COUNT * 2);
 217  25
         StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(address, "-");
 218  25
         if (tokens.countTokens() != MAC_ADDRESS_TOKEN_COUNT) {
 219  0
             return null;
         } else {
 221  175
             for (int i = 0; i < MAC_ADDRESS_TOKEN_COUNT; i++) {
 222  150
         try {
 226  25
             char[] c = buf.toString().toCharArray();
 227  25
             return Hex.decodeHex(c);
 228  0
         } catch (DecoderException de) {
 229  0
 230  0
             return null;
      * <p>Returns the node id / address byte array in it's hexidecimal string
      * representation in the following format: XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX where each XX
      * represents a hexidecimal value.</p>
      * @param address the 6 byte node id / address.
      * @return the node id /address byte array in as hexidecimal with dash
      * separating each octet.
      * @throws IOException an Input Output Exception.
     public static String encodeMACAddress(byte[] address) throws IOException {
 245  11
        char[] chars = Hex.encodeHex(address);
 246  11
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(MAC_ADDRESS_CHAR_LENGTH);
 247  143
        for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
 248  132
 249  132
                if (i != chars.length - 1 && i % 2 != 0) {
 250  55
 253  11
        return buf.toString().toUpperCase();