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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 import java.util.Random;
  * <p>Class is responsible for generating version 4 UUID's per RFC 4122.
  * This class attempts to use a with
  * the following instantiation
  * <code>SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG", "SUN")</code>. If neither secure
  * random implementation is avialable or an Exception is raised a java.util.Random
  * is used.</p>
  * <p>Note: Instantiation of SecureRandom is an expensive operation. The
  * constructor therefore creates a static member to hold the SecureRandom.
  * The first call to getInstance may take time; subsequent calls should return
  * quickly.</p>
  * @author Commons-Id team
  * @version $Revision: 480488 $ $Date: 2006-11-29 08:57:26 +0000 (Wed, 29 Nov 2006) $
 public final class VersionFourGenerator implements IdentifierGenerator, Constants {
         /** Random used to generate UUID's */
 45  1
         private static final Random regularRandom = new Random();
         /** SecureRandom used to generate UUID's */
         private static Random secureRandom;
         /** The pseudo-random number generator to use */
 51  1
         private static String usePRNG = "SHA1PRNG";
         /** The pseudo-random number generator package name to use */
 54  1
         private static String usePRNGPackage = "SUN";
         private static VersionFourGenerator generator;
          * <p>Constructs a new VersionFourGenerator.</p>
         public VersionFourGenerator() {
 62  3
 63  3
          * <p>Returns a singleton instance of the version four UUID generator.</p>
          * @return the singleton instance of the version four UUID generator.
         public static VersionFourGenerator getInstance() {
 71  1
                 if (generator == null) {
 72  1
                     generator = new VersionFourGenerator();
 74  1
                 return generator;
          * <p>Returns a new version four UUID.</p>
          * @return Object a new version 4 UUID.
         public Object nextIdentifier() {
 83  5
             return nextUUID(false);
          * <p>Returns a new version four UUID.</p>
          * <p>This overloaded method may produce both UUID's using a <code>SecureRandom</code> as well as using normal
          * <code>Random</code>
          * </p>
          * @param secure indicates whether or not to use <code>SecureRandom</code> in generating the random bits.
          * @return a new version four UUID that was generated by either a <code>Random</code> or <code>SecureRandom</code>.
         public Object nextIdentifier(boolean secure)  {
 96  5
             return nextUUID(secure);
         * <p>Returns a new version four UUID.</p>
         * @return Object a new version 4 UUID.
         public UUID nextUUID() {
             //Call nextUUID with secure = false
 106  1
             return nextUUID(false);
          * <p>Returns a new version four UUID using either <code>SecureRandom</code> or <code>Random</code>.</p>
          * @param secure boolean flag indicating whether to use <code>SecureRandom</code> or <code>Random</code>.
          * @return a new version four UUID using either <code>SecureRandom</code> or <code>Random</code>.
         private UUID nextUUID(boolean secure) {
 116  11
             byte[] raw = new byte[UUID_BYTE_LENGTH];
 117  11
             if (secure) {
                 //Initialize the secure random if null.
 119  5
                 if (secureRandom == null) {
                     try {
 121  1
                         if (usePRNGPackage != null) {
 122  1
                             secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance(usePRNG, usePRNGPackage);
 123  1
                         } else {
 124  0
                             secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance(usePRNG);
 126  0
                     } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
 127  0
                         secure = false; //Fail back to default PRNG/Random
 128  0
                     } catch (NoSuchProviderException nspe) {
 129  0
                         secure = false; //Fail back to default PRNG/Random
 130  1
 132  5
                 if (secureRandom != null) { 
 133  5
 134  5
             } else {
 136  6
 139  11
             raw[TIME_HI_AND_VERSION_BYTE_6] &= 0x0F;
 140  11
             raw[TIME_HI_AND_VERSION_BYTE_6] |= (UUID.VERSION_FOUR << 4);
 142  11
             raw[CLOCK_SEQ_HI_AND_RESERVED_BYTE_8] &= 0x3F; //0011 1111
 143  11
             raw[CLOCK_SEQ_HI_AND_RESERVED_BYTE_8] |= 0x80; //1000 0000
 145  11
             return new UUID(raw);
         * <p>Allows clients to set the pseudo-random number generator implementation used when generating a version four uuid with
         * the secure option. The secure option uses a <code>SecureRandom</code>. The packageName string may be null to specify
         * no preferred package.</p>
         * @param prngName the pseudo-random number generator implementation name. For example "SHA1PRNG".
         * @param packageName the package name for the PRNG provider. For example "SUN".
        public static void setPRNGProvider(String prngName, String packageName) {
 157  0
            VersionFourGenerator.usePRNG = prngName;
 158  0
            VersionFourGenerator.usePRNGPackage = packageName;
 159  0
            VersionFourGenerator.secureRandom = null;
 160  0