Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.i18n.MessageManager
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * ====================================================================
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 package org.apache.commons.i18n;
 import java.text.MessageFormat;
 import java.util.*;
  * The <code>MessageManager</code> provides methods for retrieving localized
  * messages and adding custom message providers. 
  * This class should not be called directly for other purposes than registering a custom
  * {@link MessageProvider} or retrieving information about available
  * message entries.
  * <p>
  * To access localized messages a subclass of the {@link LocalizedBundle} class
  * such as <code>LocalizedText </code> should be used:
  * <pre>
  * LocalizedText welcome = new LocalizedText(&quot;welcome&quot;); 
  * // Get the german translacion of the retrieved welcome text 
  * System.out.println(welcome.getText(Locale.GERMAN));       
  * </pre>
  * <p>
  * You can call {@link MessageManager#getText(String,String,Object[],Locale) getText} directly,
  * but if you do so, you have to ensure that the given entry key really
  * exists and to deal with the {@link MessageNotFoundException} exception that will
  * be thrown if you try to access a not existing entry.</p>
 49  1
 public class MessageManager {
 51  1
     private static Map messageProviders = new LinkedHashMap();
      * Add a custom <code>{@link MessageProvider}</code> to the
      * <code>MessageManager</code>. It will be incorporated in later calls of
      * the {@link MessageManager#getText(String,String,Object[],Locale) getText}
      * or {@link #getEntries(String,Locale) getEntries}methods.
      * @param providerId Id of the provider used for uninstallation and
      *          qualified naming.
      * @param messageProvider
      *            The <code>MessageProvider</code> to be added.
     public static void addMessageProvider(String providerId, MessageProvider messageProvider) {
 65  38
         messageProviders.put(providerId, messageProvider);
 66  38
      * Remove all <code>{@link MessageProvider}</code>s from the
      * <code>MessageManager</code>. Used for tearing down unit tests.
     static void clearMessageProviders() {
 73  33
 74  33
      * Remove custom <code>{@link MessageProvider}</code> from the
      * <code>MessageManager</code>. Used for tearing down unit tests.
      * @param providerId The ID of the provider to remove.
     static void removeMessageProvider(String providerId) {
 83  4
 84  4
      * Iterates over all registered message providers in order to find the given
      * entry in the requested message bundle.
      * @param id
      *            The identifier that will be used to retrieve the message
      *            bundle
      * @param entry
      *            The desired message entry
      * @param arguments
      *            The dynamic parts of the message that will be evaluated using
      *            the standard java text formatting abilities.
      * @param locale
      *            The locale in which the message will be printed
      * @exception MessageNotFoundException
      *                Will be thrown if no message bundle can be found for the
      *                given id or if the desired message entry is missing in the
      *                retrieved bundle
      * @return The localized text
     public static String getText(String id, String entry, Object[] arguments,
             Locale locale) throws MessageNotFoundException {
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 109  29
             throw new MessageNotFoundException("No MessageProvider registered");
 110  49
         for (Iterator i = messageProviders.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
 111  50
             String text = ((MessageProvider), entry,
 113  50
             if(text != null)
 114  48
                 return (arguments != null && arguments.length > 0) ?
                         MessageFormat.format(text, arguments) : text;
 116  2
 117  1
         throw new MessageNotFoundException(MessageFormat.format(
                 new String[] { id, entry }));
      * Iterates over all registered message providers in order to find the given
      * entry in the requested message bundle.
      * @param id
      *            The identifier that will be used to retrieve the message
      *            bundle
      * @param entry
      *            The desired message entry
      * @param arguments
      *            The dynamic parts of the message that will be evaluated using
      *            the standard java text formatting abilities.
      * @param locale
      *            The locale in which the message will be printed
      * @param defaultText
      *            If no message bundle or message entry could be found for the
      *            specified parameters, the default text will be returned.
      * @return The localized text or the default text if the message could not
      *         be found
     public static String getText(String id, String entry, Object[] arguments,
             Locale locale, String defaultText) {
         try {
 145  41
             return getText(id, entry, arguments, locale);
 146  16
         } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) {
 147  16
             return (arguments != null && arguments.length > 0) ?
                     MessageFormat.format(defaultText, arguments) : defaultText;
      * Tries to find the desired entry in the named message provider.
      * @param providerId The name of the message provider (i.e. source) to use for the message
      * @param id
      *            The identifier that will be used to retrieve the message
      *            bundle
      * @param entry
      *            The desired message entry
      * @param arguments
      *            The dynamic parts of the message that will be evaluated using
      *            the standard java text formatting abilities.
      * @param locale
      *            The locale in which the message will be printed
      * @exception MessageNotFoundException
      *                Will be thrown if the requested message provider cannot be found or
      *                no message bundle can be found for the given id or if the desired
      *                message entry is missing in the retrieved bundle
      * @return The localized text
     public static String getText(String providerId, String id, String entry, Object[] arguments,
             Locale locale) throws MessageNotFoundException {
 173  54
         MessageProvider provider = (MessageProvider) messageProviders.get(providerId);
 174  54
         if(provider == null)
 175  18
             throw new MessageNotFoundException("Provider '" + providerId + "' not installed");
 176  36
         String text = provider.getText(id, entry, locale);
 177  36
         if(text != null)
 178  35
             return (arguments != null && arguments.length > 0) ?
                     MessageFormat.format(text, arguments) : text;
 181  1
             throw new MessageNotFoundException(MessageFormat.format(
                     new String[] { id, entry }));
      * Iterates over all registered message providers in order to find the given
      * entry in the requested message bundle.
      * @param providerId The name of the message provider (i.e. source) to use for the message
      * @param id
      *            The identifier that will be used to retrieve the message
      *            bundle
      * @param entry
      *            The desired message entry
      * @param arguments
      *            The dynamic parts of the message that will be evaluated using
      *            the standard java text formatting abilities.
      * @param locale
      *            The locale in which the message will be printed
      * @param defaultText
      *            If no message bundle or message entry could be found for the
      *            specified parameters, the default text will be returned.
      * @return The localized text or the default text if the message could not
      *         be found
     public static String getText(String providerId, String id, String entry, Object[] arguments,
             Locale locale, String defaultText) {
         try {
 210  26
             return getText(providerId, id, entry, arguments, locale);
 211  9
         } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) {
 212  9
             return (arguments != null && arguments.length > 0) ?
                     MessageFormat.format(defaultText, arguments) : defaultText;
      * Returns a map containing all available message entries for the given
      * locale. The map contains keys of type {@link String}containing the keys
      * of the available message entries and values of type {@link String}
      * containing the localized message entries.
     public static Map getEntries(String id, Locale locale)
             throws MessageNotFoundException {
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 226  1
             throw new MessageNotFoundException("No MessageProvider registered");
 227  3
         MessageNotFoundException exception = null;
 228  3
         for (Iterator i = messageProviders.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
             try {
 230  4
                 return ((MessageProvider), locale);
 231  2
             } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) {
 232  2
                 exception = e;
 234  2
 235  1
         throw exception;
    * Returns a map containing all available message entries for the given
    * locale. The map contains keys of type {@link String}containing the keys
    * of the available message entries and values of type {@link String}
    * containing the localized message entries.
   public static Map getEntries(String providerId, String id, Locale locale)
           throws MessageNotFoundException {
 246  2
       MessageProvider provider = (MessageProvider) messageProviders.get(providerId);
 247  2
       if(provider == null)
 248  1
           throw new MessageNotFoundException("Provider '" + providerId + "' not installed");
 249  1
       return provider.getEntries(id, locale);