Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite.Composite
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 package org.apache.commons.functor.core.composite;
 import org.apache.commons.functor.BinaryFunction;
 import org.apache.commons.functor.BinaryPredicate;
 import org.apache.commons.functor.UnaryFunction;
 import org.apache.commons.functor.UnaryPredicate;
 import org.apache.commons.functor.UnaryProcedure;
  * Utility/fluent methods for creating composite functors.
  * @version $Revision: 1166365 $ $Date: 2011-09-07 22:06:50 +0200 (Wed, 07 Sep 2011) $
  * @author Rodney Waldhoff
 public final class Composite {
     // constructor - for beanish apis
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * <p>{@code Composite} instances should NOT be constructed in
      * standard programming. Instead, the methods of the class should be invoked
      * statically.</p>
      * <p>This constructor is public to permit tools that require a JavaBean
      * instance to operate.</p>
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     public Composite() { }
      * Create a composite UnaryProcedure.
      * @param procedure UnaryProcedure to execute against output of <code>f</code>
      * @return CompositeUnaryProcedure<A>
     public static <A> CompositeUnaryProcedure<A> procedure(UnaryProcedure<? super A> procedure) {
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         return new CompositeUnaryProcedure<A>(procedure);
      * Create a composite UnaryProcedure.
      * @param procedure UnaryProcedure to execute against output of <code>f</code>
      * @param function UnaryFunction to apply
      * @return CompositeUnaryProcedure<A>
     public static <A, T> CompositeUnaryProcedure<A> procedure(UnaryProcedure<? super T> procedure,
             UnaryFunction<? super A, ? extends T> function) {
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         return new CompositeUnaryProcedure<T>(procedure).of(function);
      * Create a composite UnaryPredicate.
      * @param pred UnaryPredicate to test the output of <code>f</code>
      * @return CompositeUnaryPredicate<A>
     public static <A> CompositeUnaryPredicate<A> predicate(UnaryPredicate<? super A> pred) {
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         return new CompositeUnaryPredicate<A>(pred);
      * Create a composite UnaryPredicate.
      * @param predicate UnaryPredicate to test the output of <code>f</code>
      * @param function UnaryFunction to apply
      * @return CompositeUnaryPredicate<A>
     public static <A, T> CompositeUnaryPredicate<A> predicate(UnaryPredicate<? super T> predicate,
             UnaryFunction<? super A, ? extends T> function) {
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         return new CompositeUnaryPredicate<T>(predicate).of(function);
      * Create a composite BinaryPredicate.
      * @param p BinaryPredicate to test <i>output(</i><code>f</code><i>), output(</i><code>g</code><i>)</i>
      * @param g left UnaryFunction
      * @param h right UnaryFunction
      * @return BinaryPredicate
     public static <L, R, G, H> UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate<L, R> predicate(
             BinaryPredicate<? super G, ? super H> p, UnaryFunction<? super L, ? extends G> g,
             UnaryFunction<? super R, ? extends H> h) {
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         return new UnaryCompositeBinaryPredicate<L, R>(p, g, h);
      * Create a composite UnaryFunction.
      * @param f UnaryFunction to apply to the output of <code>g</code>
      * @return UnaryFunction
     public static <A, T> CompositeUnaryFunction<A, T> function(UnaryFunction<? super A, ? extends T> f) {
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         return new CompositeUnaryFunction<A, T>(f);
      * Create a composite UnaryFunction.
      * @param f UnaryFunction to apply to the output of <code>g</code>
      * @param g UnaryFunction to apply first
      * @return UnaryFunction
     public static <A, X, T> CompositeUnaryFunction<A, T> function(UnaryFunction<? super X, ? extends T> f,
             UnaryFunction<? super A, ? extends X> g) {
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         return new CompositeUnaryFunction<X, T>(f).of(g);
 //    /**
 //     * Chain a BinaryFunction to a UnaryFunction.
 //     * @param <L>
 //     * @param <R>
 //     * @param <X>
 //     * @param <T>
 //     * @param f UnaryFunction to apply to the output of <code>g</code>
 //     * @param g BinaryFunction to apply first
 //     * @return BinaryFunction<L, R, T>
 //     */
 //    public static <L, R, X, T> BinaryFunction<L, R, T> function(UnaryFunction<? super X, ? extends T> f,
 //             BinaryFunction<? super L,
 //             ? super R, ? extends X> g) {
 //        return new CompositeUnaryFunction<X, T>(f).of(g);
 //    }
      * Create a composite<UnaryFunction> BinaryFunction.
      * @param f BinaryFunction to apply to <i>output(</i><code>f</code><i>), output(</i><code>g</code><i>)</i>
      * @param g left UnaryFunction
      * @param h right UnaryFunction
      * @return BinaryFunction
     public static <L, R, G, H, T> UnaryCompositeBinaryFunction<L, R, T> function(
             BinaryFunction<? super G, ? super H, ? extends T> f, UnaryFunction<? super L, ? extends G> g,
             UnaryFunction<? super R, ? extends H> h) {
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         return new UnaryCompositeBinaryFunction<L, R, T>(f, g, h);
      * Create a composite<BinaryFunction> BinaryFunction.
      * @param f BinaryFunction to apply to <i>output(</i><code>f</code><i>), output(</i><code>g</code><i>)</i>
      * @param g left BinaryFunction
      * @param h right BinaryFunction
      * @return BinaryFunction
     public static <L, R, G, H, T> BinaryCompositeBinaryFunction<L, R, T> function(
             BinaryFunction<? super G, ? super H, ? extends T> f, BinaryFunction<? super L, ? super R, ? extends G> g,
             BinaryFunction<? super L, ? super R, ? extends H> h) {
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         return new BinaryCompositeBinaryFunction<L, R, T>(f, g, h);