Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.classscan.spi.model.SpiMetaClassPathElement
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 package org.apache.commons.classscan.spi.model;
 import org.apache.commons.classscan.MetaClassPathElement;
 import org.apache.commons.classscan.model.MetaClass;
  * Information about a code location. A code location may be a file folder, or a
  * jar, or other packaged location
 public interface SpiMetaClassPathElement extends MetaClassPathElement, HasResolve {
          * Find and resolve a MetaClass.  Resolving a MetaClass changes String classnames and types
          * into references to the MetaClasses.
          * @param classLoader The metadata locus for a ClassLoader
          * @param className The canonical name of the class to resolve
          * @return The completely resolved MetaClass; or null, if resolution was unsuccessful.
         MetaClass resolveMetaClass(SpiMetaClassLoader classLoader, String className);