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CONFIG_SUPER_TYPES - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer.Normalizer
Property name referencing a comma-delimited list of types whose subclasses/implementations should be normalized, e.g.
CONFIG_TARGET_PACKAGE - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer.Normalizer
Property name referencing a package name to which merged types should be added.
CONFIG_WEAVER - Static variable in class org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer.Normalizer
Configuration prefix for this Weaver.


normalize(Scanner) - Method in class org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer.Normalizer
Normalize the classes found using the specified Scanner.
Normalizer - Class in org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer
Handles the work of "normalizing" anonymous class definitions.
Normalizer(WeaveEnvironment) - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer.Normalizer
Create a new Normalizer instance.
NormalizerWeaver - Class in org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer
The purpose of the normalizer module is to merge identical anonymous class definitions into a single type, thereby "normalizing" them and reducing their collective footprint on your archive and more importantly on your JVM.
NormalizerWeaver() - Constructor for class org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer.NormalizerWeaver


org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer - package org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer
Implements the Normalizer weaver, whose purpose is to collapse identical anonymous class definitions into a single one.


process(WeaveEnvironment, Scanner) - Method in class org.apache.commons.weaver.normalizer.NormalizerWeaver
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