Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.GenericLock
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.transaction.locking;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
 import org.apache.commons.transaction.util.LoggerFacade;
  * A generic implementain of a simple multi level lock.
  * <p>
  * The idea is to have an ascending number of lock levels ranging from
  * <code>0</code> to <code>maxLockLevel</code> as specified in
  * {@link #GenericLock(Object, int, LoggerFacade)}: the higher the lock level
  * the stronger and more restrictive the lock. To determine which lock may
  * coexist with other locks you have to imagine matching pairs of lock levels.
  * For each pair both parts allow for all lock levels less than or equal to the
  * matching other part. Pairs are composed by the lowest and highest level not
  * yet part of a pair and successively applying this method until no lock level
  * is left. For an even amount of levels each level is part of exactly one pair.
  * For an odd amount the middle level is paired with itself. The highst lock
  * level may coexist with the lowest one (<code>0</code>) which by
  * definition means <code>NO LOCK</code>. This implies that you will have to
  * specify at least one other lock level and thus set <code>maxLockLevel</code>
  * to at least <code>1</code>.
  * </p>
  * <p>
  * Although this may sound complicated, in practice this is quite simple. Let us
  * imagine you have three lock levels:
  * <ul>
  * <li><code>0</code>:<code>NO LOCK</code> (always needed by the
  * implementation of this lock)
  * <li><code>1</code>:<code>SHARED</code>
  * <li><code>2</code>:<code>EXCLUSIVE</code>
  * </ul>
  * Accordingly, you will have to set <code>maxLockLevel</code> to
  * <code>2</code>. Now, there are two pairs of levels
  * <ul>
  * <li><code>NO LOCK</code> with <code>EXCLUSIVE</code>
  * <li><code>SHARED</code> with <code>SHARED</code>
  * </ul>
  * This means when the current highest lock level is <code>NO LOCK</code>
  * everything less or equal to <code>EXCLUSIVE</code> is allowed - which means
  * every other lock level. On the other side <code>EXCLUSIVE</code> allows
  * exacly for <code>NO LOCK</code>- which means nothing else. In conclusion,
  * <code>SHARED</code> allows for <code>SHARED</code> or <code>NO
  * LOCK</code>,
  * but not for <code>EXCLUSIVE</code>. To make this very clear have a look at
  * this table, where <code>o</code> means compatible or can coexist and
  * <code>x</code> means incompatible or can not coexist:
  * </p>
  * <table><tbody>
  * <tr>
  * <td align="center"></td>
  * <td align="center">NO LOCK</td>
  * <td align="center">SHARED</td>
  * <td align="center">EXCLUSIVE</td>
  * </tr>
  * <tr>
  * <td align="center">NO LOCK</td>
  * <td align="center">o</td>
  * <td align="center">o</td>
  * <td align="center">o</td>
  * </tr>
  * <tr>
  * <td align="center">SHARED</td>
  * <td align="center">o</td>
  * <td align="center">o</td>
  * <td align="center">x</td>
  * </tr>
  * <tr>
  * <td align="center">EXCLUSIVE</td>
  * <td align="center" align="center">o</td>
  * <td align="center">x</td>
  * <td align="center">x</td>
  * </tr>
  * </tbody> </table>
  * </p>
  * <p>
  * Additionally, there are preferences for specific locks you can pass to
  * {@link #acquire(Object, int, boolean, int, boolean, long)}. 
  * This means whenever more thanone party
  * waits for a lock you can specify which one is to be preferred. This gives you
  * every freedom you might need to specifcy e.g. 
  * <ul>
  * <li>priority to parties either applying for higher or lower lock levels
  * <li>priority not only to higher or lower locks, but to a specific level
  * <li>completely random preferences
  * </ul>
  * </p>
  * @version $Id: 493628 2007-01-07 01:42:48Z joerg $
 public class GenericLock implements MultiLevelLock2 {
     protected Object resourceId;
     // XXX needs to be synchronized to allow for unsynchronized access for deadlock detection
     // in getConflictingOwners to avoid deadlocks between lock to acquire and lock to check for
     // deadlocks
 125  62
     protected Map owners = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
     // XXX needs to be synchronized to allow for unsynchronized access for deadlock detection
     // in getConflictingWaiters to avoid deadlocks between lock to acquire and lock to check for
     // deadlocks
     // Note: having this as a list allows for fair mechanisms in sub classes
 130  62
     protected List waitingOwners = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
     private int maxLockLevel;
     protected LoggerFacade logger;
 133  62
     protected int waiters = 0;
      * Creates a new lock.
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource associated to this lock
      * @param maxLockLevel highest allowed lock level as described in class intro 
      * @param logger generic logger used for all kind of debug logging
 142  62
     public GenericLock(Object resourceId, int maxLockLevel, LoggerFacade logger) {
 143  62
         if (maxLockLevel < 1)
 144  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                 "The maximum lock level must be at least 1 (" + maxLockLevel + " was specified)");
 146  62
         this.resourceId = resourceId;
 147  62
         this.maxLockLevel = maxLockLevel;
 148  62
         this.logger = logger;
 149  62
     public boolean equals(Object o) {
 152  0
         if (o instanceof GenericLock) {
 153  0
             return ((GenericLock)o).resourceId.equals(resourceId);
 155  0
         return false;
     public int hashCode() {
 159  5312
         return resourceId.hashCode();
      * @see MultiLevelLock2#test(Object, int, int)
     public boolean test(Object ownerId, int targetLockLevel, int compatibility) {
 166  0
         boolean success = tryLock(ownerId, targetLockLevel, compatibility, false, true);
 167  0
         return success;
      * @see MultiLevelLock2#has(Object, int)
     public boolean has(Object ownerId, int lockLevel) {
 174  0
         int level = getLockLevel(ownerId);
 175  0
         return (lockLevel <= level);
      * @see org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.MultiLevelLock#acquire(java.lang.Object,
      *      int, boolean, boolean, long)
     public synchronized boolean acquire(Object ownerId, int targetLockLevel, boolean wait,
             boolean reentrant, long timeoutMSecs) throws InterruptedException {
 184  31
         return acquire(ownerId, targetLockLevel, wait, reentrant ? COMPATIBILITY_REENTRANT
                 : COMPATIBILITY_NONE, timeoutMSecs);
      * @see #acquire(Object, int, boolean, int, boolean, long)
     public synchronized boolean acquire(Object ownerId, int targetLockLevel, boolean wait,
             int compatibility, long timeoutMSecs) throws InterruptedException {
 193  34
         return acquire(ownerId, targetLockLevel, wait, compatibility, false, timeoutMSecs);
      * Tries to blockingly acquire a lock which can be preferred.
      * @see #acquire(Object, int, boolean, int, boolean, long) 
      * @since 1.1 
     public synchronized boolean acquire(Object ownerId, int targetLockLevel, boolean preferred,
             long timeoutMSecs) throws InterruptedException {
 204  180
         return acquire(ownerId, targetLockLevel, true, COMPATIBILITY_REENTRANT, preferred,
      * @see org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.MultiLevelLock2#acquire(Object,
      *      int, boolean, int, boolean, long)
      * @since 1.1 
     public synchronized boolean acquire(
         Object ownerId,
         int targetLockLevel,
         boolean wait,
         int compatibility,
         boolean preferred,
         long timeoutMSecs)
         throws InterruptedException {
 222  3653
         if (logger.isFinerEnabled()) {
 223  0
                         + " trying to acquire lock for "
                         + resourceId.toString()
                         + " at level "
                         + targetLockLevel
                         + " at "
                         + System.currentTimeMillis());
 233  3653
         if (tryLock(ownerId, targetLockLevel, compatibility, preferred)) {
 235  2475
             if (logger.isFinerEnabled()) {
 236  0
                             + " actually acquired lock for "
                             + resourceId.toString()
                             + " at "
                             + System.currentTimeMillis());
 244  2475
             return true;
         } else {
 246  1178
             if (!wait) {
 247  169
                 return false;
             } else {
 249  1009
                 long started = System.currentTimeMillis();
 250  1009
                 for (long remaining = timeoutMSecs;
 251  1467
                     remaining > 0;
 252  458
                     remaining = timeoutMSecs - (System.currentTimeMillis() - started)) {
 254  1194
                     if (logger.isFinerEnabled()) {
 255  0
                                     + " waiting on "
                                     + resourceId.toString()
                                     + " for msecs "
                                     + timeoutMSecs
                                     + " at "
                                     + System.currentTimeMillis());
 265  1194
                     LockOwner waitingOwner = new LockOwner(ownerId, targetLockLevel, compatibility,
                     try {
 268  1194
 269  1194
                         if (preferred) {
                             // while waiting we already make our claim we are next
 271  585
                             LockOwner oldLock = null;
                             try {
                                 // we need to remember it to restore it after waiting
 274  585
                                 oldLock = (LockOwner) owners.get(ownerId);
                                 // this creates a new owner, so we do not need to
                                 // copy the old one
 277  585
                                 setLockLevel(ownerId, null, targetLockLevel, compatibility,
                                 // finally wait
 281  585
                             } finally {
                                 // we need to restore the old lock in order not to
                                 // interfere with the intention lock in the
                                 // following check
                                 // and not to have it in case of success either
                                 // as there will be an ordinary lock then
 289  585
                                 if (oldLock != null) {
 290  27
                                     owners.put(ownerId, oldLock);
                                 } else {
 292  558
 294  558
 296  585
                         } else {
 297  609
                     } finally {
 300  1194
 301  1194
 303  1194
                     if (tryLock(ownerId, targetLockLevel, compatibility, preferred)) {
 305  736
                         if (logger.isFinerEnabled()) {
 306  0
                                         + " waiting on "
                                         + resourceId.toString()
                                         + " eventually got the lock at "
                                         + System.currentTimeMillis());
 314  736
                         return true;
 317  273
                 return false;
     protected void registerWaiter(LockOwner waitingOwner) {
 323  1859
         synchronized (waitingOwners) {
 324  1859
 325  1859
 326  1859
 327  1859
 328  1859
     protected void unregisterWaiter(LockOwner waitingOwner) {
 331  3461
         synchronized (waitingOwners) {
 332  3461
             if (waitingOwners.remove(waitingOwner))
 333  1859
 334  3461
 335  3461
      * @see org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.MultiLevelLock#release(Object)
     public synchronized boolean release(Object ownerId) {
 341  2570
         if (owners.remove(ownerId) != null) {
 342  2543
             if (logger.isFinerEnabled()) {
 343  0
                             + " releasing lock for "
                             + resourceId.toString()
                             + " at "
                             + System.currentTimeMillis());
 350  2543
 351  2543
             return true;
 353  27
         return false;
      * @see org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.MultiLevelLock#getLockLevel(Object)
     public int getLockLevel(Object ownerId) {
 360  324
         LockOwner owner = (LockOwner) owners.get(ownerId);
 361  324
         if (owner == null) {
 362  63
             return 0;
         } else {
 364  261
             return owner.lockLevel;
      * Gets the resource assotiated to this lock. 
      * @return identifier for the resource associated to this lock 
     public Object getResourceId() {
 374  0
         return resourceId;
      * Gets the lowest lock level possible.
      * @return minimum lock level
     public int getLevelMinLock() {
 383  2206
         return 0;
      * Gets the highst lock level possible.
      * @return maximum lock level
     public int getLevelMaxLock() {
 392  5207
         return maxLockLevel;
     public Object getOwner() {
 396  0
         LockOwner owner = getMaxLevelOwner();
 397  0
         if (owner == null)
 398  0
             return null;
 399  0
         return owner.ownerId;
     public synchronized String toString() {
 403  68
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
 404  68
 406  68
         for (Iterator it = owners.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 407  68
             LockOwner owner = (LockOwner);
 408  68
             buf.append("- ").append(owner.toString()).append("\n");
 409  68
 411  68
         if (waiters != 0) {
 412  4
             buf.append(waiters).append(" waiting:\n");
 413  4
             for (Iterator it = waitingOwners.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 414  4
                 LockOwner owner = (LockOwner);
 415  4
                 buf.append("- ").append(owner.toString()).append("\n");
 416  4
 419  68
         return buf.toString();
     protected synchronized LockOwner getMaxLevelOwner() {
 423  0
         return getMaxLevelOwner(null, -1, false);
     protected synchronized LockOwner getMaxLevelOwner(LockOwner reentrantOwner, boolean preferred) {
 427  4415
         return getMaxLevelOwner(reentrantOwner, -1, preferred);
     protected synchronized LockOwner getMaxLevelOwner(int supportLockLevel, boolean preferred) {
 431  3
         return getMaxLevelOwner(null, supportLockLevel, preferred);
     protected synchronized LockOwner getMaxLevelOwner(LockOwner reentrantOwner,
             int supportLockLevel, boolean preferred) {
 436  4418
         LockOwner maxOwner = null;
 437  4418
         for (Iterator it = owners.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 438  3006
             LockOwner owner = (LockOwner);
 439  3006
             if (owner.lockLevel != supportLockLevel && !owner.equals(reentrantOwner)
                     && (maxOwner == null || maxOwner.lockLevel < owner.lockLevel)
                     // if we are a preferred lock we must not interfere with other intention
                     // locks as we otherwise might mututally lock without resolvation
                     && !(preferred && owner.intention)) {
 444  2236
                 maxOwner = owner;
 446  3006
 447  4418
         return maxOwner;
     protected synchronized void setLockLevel(Object ownerId, LockOwner lock, int targetLockLevel,
             int compatibility, boolean intention) {
         // be sure there exists at most one lock per owner
 453  3367
         if (lock != null) {
 454  236
             if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) {
 455  0
                             + " upgrading lock for "
                             + resourceId.toString()
                             + " to level "
                             + targetLockLevel
                             + " at "
                             + System.currentTimeMillis());
         } else {
 465  3131
             if (logger.isFinestEnabled()) {
 466  0
                             + " getting new lock for "
                             + resourceId.toString()
                             + " at level "
                             + targetLockLevel
                             + " at "
                             + System.currentTimeMillis());
 476  3367
         owners.put(ownerId, new LockOwner(ownerId, targetLockLevel, compatibility, intention));
 477  3367
     protected boolean tryLock(Object ownerId, int targetLockLevel, int compatibility,
             boolean preferred) {
 481  4872
         return tryLock(ownerId, targetLockLevel, compatibility, preferred, false);
     protected synchronized boolean tryLock(Object ownerId, int targetLockLevel, int compatibility,
             boolean preferred, boolean tryOnly) {
 487  4872
         LockOwner myLock = (LockOwner) owners.get(ownerId);
         // determine highest owner        
         LockOwner highestOwner;
 491  4872
         if (compatibility == COMPATIBILITY_REENTRANT) {
 492  4869
             if (myLock != null && targetLockLevel <= myLock.lockLevel) {
                 // we already have it
 494  454
                 return true;
             } else {
                 // our own lock will not be compromised by ourself
 497  4415
                 highestOwner = getMaxLevelOwner(myLock, preferred);
 499  3
         } else if (compatibility == COMPATIBILITY_SUPPORT) {
             // we are compatible with any other lock owner holding
             // the same lock level
 502  3
             highestOwner = getMaxLevelOwner(targetLockLevel, preferred);
 504  0
         } else if (compatibility == COMPATIBILITY_REENTRANT_AND_SUPPORT) {
 505  0
             if (myLock != null && targetLockLevel <= myLock.lockLevel) {
                 // we already have it
 507  0
                 return true;
             } else {
                 // our own lock will not be compromised by ourself and same lock level 
 510  0
                 highestOwner = getMaxLevelOwner(myLock, targetLockLevel, preferred);
         } else {
 513  0
             highestOwner = getMaxLevelOwner();
         int i;
         // what is our current lock level?
         int currentLockLevel;
 519  4418
         if (highestOwner != null) {
 520  2212
             currentLockLevel = highestOwner.lockLevel;
         } else {
 522  2206
             currentLockLevel = getLevelMinLock();
         // we are only allowed to acquire our locks if we do not compromise locks of any other lock owner
 526  4418
         if (isCompatible(targetLockLevel, currentLockLevel)) {
 527  2782
             if (!tryOnly) {
                 // if we really have the lock, it no longer is an intention
 529  2782
                 setLockLevel(ownerId, myLock, targetLockLevel, compatibility, false);
 531  2782
             return true;
         } else {
 533  1636
             return false;
     protected boolean isCompatible(int targetLockLevel, int currentLockLevel) {
 538  5207
         return (targetLockLevel <= getLevelMaxLock() - currentLockLevel);
     protected Set getConflictingOwners(Object ownerId, int targetLockLevel, int compatibility) {
 543  257
         LockOwner myLock = (LockOwner) owners.get(ownerId);
 544  257
         if (myLock != null && targetLockLevel <= myLock.lockLevel) {
             // shortcut as we already have the lock
 546  10
             return null;
 549  247
         LockOwner testLock = new LockOwner(ownerId, targetLockLevel, compatibility, false);
         List ownersCopy;
 551  247
         synchronized (owners) {
 552  247
             ownersCopy = new ArrayList(owners.values());
 553  247
 554  247
         return getConflictingOwners(testLock, ownersCopy);
     protected Collection getConflictingWaiters(Object ownerId) {
 559  650
         LockOwner owner = (LockOwner) owners.get(ownerId);
 560  650
         if (owner != null) {
             List waiterCopy;
 562  649
             synchronized (waitingOwners) {
 563  649
                 waiterCopy = new ArrayList(waitingOwners);
 564  649
 565  649
             Collection conflicts = getConflictingOwners(owner, waiterCopy);
 566  649
             return conflicts;
 568  1
         return null;
     protected Set getConflictingOwners(LockOwner myOwner, Collection ownersToTest) {
 573  896
         if (myOwner == null) return null;
 575  896
         Set conflicts = new HashSet();
         // check if any locks conflict with ours
 578  896
         for (Iterator it = ownersToTest.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 579  821
             LockOwner owner = (LockOwner);
             // we do not interfere with ourselves, except when explicitely said so
 582  821
             if ((myOwner.compatibility == COMPATIBILITY_REENTRANT || myOwner.compatibility == COMPATIBILITY_REENTRANT_AND_SUPPORT)
                     && owner.ownerId.equals(myOwner.ownerId))
 584  32
             // otherwise find out the lock level of the owner and see if we conflict with it
 587  789
             int onwerLockLevel = owner.lockLevel;
 589  789
             if (myOwner.compatibility == COMPATIBILITY_SUPPORT
                     || myOwner.compatibility == COMPATIBILITY_REENTRANT_AND_SUPPORT
                     && myOwner.lockLevel == onwerLockLevel)
 592  0
 594  789
             if (!isCompatible(myOwner.lockLevel, onwerLockLevel)) {
 595  679
 597  789
 598  896
         return (conflicts.isEmpty() ? null : conflicts);
     protected static class LockOwner {
         public final Object ownerId;
         public final int lockLevel;
         public final boolean intention;
         public final int compatibility;
 607  7940
         public LockOwner(Object ownerId, int lockLevel, int compatibility, boolean intention) {
 608  7940
             this.ownerId = ownerId;
 609  7940
             this.lockLevel = lockLevel;
 610  7940
             this.intention = intention;
 611  7940
             this.compatibility = compatibility;
 612  7940
         public String toString() {
 615  72
             StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
 616  72
             buf.append(ownerId.toString()).append(": level ").append(lockLevel).append(", complevel ")
                     .append(compatibility).append(intention ? ", intention/preferred" : "");
 618  72
             return buf.toString();
         public boolean equals(Object o) {
 622  5945
             if (o instanceof LockOwner) {
 623  3258
                 return ((LockOwner)o).ownerId.equals(ownerId);
 625  2687
             return false;
         public int hashCode() {
 629  0
             return ownerId.hashCode();