Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.transaction.file.ResourceManagerErrorCodes
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 package org.apache.commons.transaction.file;
  * Error codes for resource managers.
  * @version $Id: 493628 2007-01-07 01:42:48Z joerg $
  * @see ResourceManager
  * @see ResourceManagerException
  * @see ResourceManagerSystemException
 public interface ResourceManagerErrorCodes {
      * Error code: unknown error
     public static final int ERR_UNKNOWN = -1;
      * Error code: general system error
     public static final int ERR_SYSTEM = 1;
      * Error code: global inconsistent data system error
     public static final int ERR_SYSTEM_INCONSISTENT = ERR_SYSTEM + 1;
      * Error code: inconsistent transaction data system error
     public static final int ERR_TX_INCONSISTENT = ERR_SYSTEM + 2;
      * Error code: no transaction error
     public static final int ERR_NO_TX = 1000;
      * Error code: transaction identifier invalid error
     public static final int ERR_TXID_INVALID = ERR_NO_TX + 1;
      * Error code: transaction inactive error
     public static final int ERR_TX_INACTIVE = ERR_NO_TX + 2;
      * Error code: transaction identifier already exists error
     public static final int ERR_DUP_TX = ERR_NO_TX + 4;
      * Error code: calling thread is not owner of transaction error (only in single thread implementations)
     public static final int ERR_THREAD_INVALID = ERR_NO_TX + 5;
      * Error code: requested isolation level is not supported for this transaction error 
     public static final int ERR_ISOLATION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED = ERR_NO_TX + 6;
      * Error code: operation not possible as transaction is alredy marked for rollback error
     public static final int ERR_MARKED_FOR_ROLLBACK = ERR_NO_TX + 7;
      * Error code: resource identifier invalid error
     public static final int ERR_RESOURCEID_INVALID = 4000;
      * Error code: resource already exists error
     public static final int ERR_RESOURCE_EXISTS = ERR_RESOURCEID_INVALID + 1;
      * Error code: resource does not exist error
     public static final int ERR_NO_SUCH_RESOURCE = ERR_RESOURCEID_INVALID + 2;
      * Error code: general lock error
     public static final int ERR_LOCK = 5000;
      * Error code: lock could not be acquired error
     public static final int ERR_NO_LOCK = ERR_LOCK + 1;
      * Error code: lock could not be acquired error
     public static final int ERR_DEAD_LOCK = ERR_LOCK + 2;