Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.transaction.file.ResourceManager
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.transaction.file;
 import javax.transaction.Status;
  * Interface for resource managers.
  * A resource manager is an entity
  * that manages the processing and administration of resources.
  * What is specified here are methods
  * <ul> 
  * <li>for tasks related to starting and stopping of the resource manager
  * <li>for transaction management, like
  * starting, rolling back and committing of transactions  
  * <li>to set and get transaction timeouts
  * <li>to set the isolation level of a transaction
  * <li>for the general administration of resources
  * <li>for reading and writing of resources
  * </ul> 
  * @version $Id: 513490 2007-03-01 20:46:28Z ozeigermann $
 public interface ResourceManager extends Status {
      * Isolation level <b>read uncommitted</b>: data written by other transactions can be read even before they commit  
     public final static int ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED = 0;
      * Isolation level <b>read committed</b>: data written by other transactions can be read after they commit
     public final static int ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED = 10;
      * Isolation level <b>repeatable read</b>: data written by other transactions can be read after they commit if this transaction has not read this data before  
     public final static int ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READ = 50;
      * Isolation level <b>serializable</b>: result of other transactions will not influence the result of this transaction in any way
     public final static int ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE = 100;
      * Shutdown mode: Wait for all transactions to complete
     public final static int SHUTDOWN_MODE_NORMAL = 0;
      * Shutdown mode: Try to roll back all active transactions
     public final static int SHUTDOWN_MODE_ROLLBACK = 1;
      * Shutdown mode: Try to stop active transaction <em>NOW</em>, do no rollbacks
     public final static int SHUTDOWN_MODE_KILL = 2;
      * Prepare result: resource manager guarantees a successful commit
     public final static int PREPARE_SUCCESS = 1;
      * Prepare result: resource manager guarantees a successful commit as there is nothing to commit
     public final static int PREPARE_SUCCESS_READONLY = 2;
      * Prepare result: transaction can not commit
     public final static int PREPARE_FAILURE = -1;
      * Starts this resource manager. A resource manager must be started before transactions
      * can be started or any operations on transactions can be executed.
      * @throws ResourceManagerSystemException if start failed due to internal problems
     public void start() throws ResourceManagerSystemException;
      * Tries to stop this resource manager within the given timeout.
      * @param mode one of {@link #SHUTDOWN_MODE_NORMAL}, {@link #SHUTDOWN_MODE_ROLLBACK}  or {@link #SHUTDOWN_MODE_KILL}
      * @param timeoutMSecs timeout for shutdown in milliseconds
      * @return <code>true</code> if resource manager stopped within given timeout
      * @throws ResourceManagerSystemException if something fatal hapened during shutdown
     public boolean stop(int mode, long timeoutMSecs) throws ResourceManagerSystemException;
      * Tries to stop this resource manager within a default timeout.
      * @param mode one of predefined shutdown modes {@link #SHUTDOWN_MODE_NORMAL}, {@link #SHUTDOWN_MODE_ROLLBACK}  or {@link #SHUTDOWN_MODE_KILL}
      * or any other int representing a shutdown mode
      * @return <code>true</code> if resource manager stopped within given timeout
      * @throws ResourceManagerSystemException if anything fatal hapened during shutdown
     public boolean stop(int mode) throws ResourceManagerSystemException;
      * Tries to bring this resource manager back to a consistent state. 
      * Might be called after system failure. An administrator might be forced
      * to fix system errors outside this resource manager to actually make
      * recovery possible. E.g. there may be a need for more disk space or
      * a network connection must be reestablished.
      * @return <code>true</code> upon successful recovery of the resource manager
      * @throws ResourceManagerSystemException if anything fatal hapened during recovery
     public boolean recover() throws ResourceManagerSystemException;
      * Gets the default isolation level as an integer. 
      * The higher the value the higher the isolation.
      * @return one of the predefined isolation levels {@link #ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED}, 
      * or any other int representing an isolation level
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public int getDefaultIsolationLevel() throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Gets an array of all isolation levels supported by this resource manager.
      * This array must not be <code>null</code> or empty as every resource manager has some sort of isolation level.
      * @return array of the predefined isolation levels {@link #ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED}, 
      * or any other int representing an isolation level
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
      * @see #getDefaultIsolationLevel
     public int[] getSupportedIsolationLevels() throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Tests if the specified isolation level is supported by this resource manager.
      * @param level isolation level whose support is to be tested 
      * @return <code>true</code> if the isolation level is supported
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
      * @see #getDefaultIsolationLevel
     public boolean isIsolationLevelSupported(int level) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Gets the isolation level for the specified transaction. 
      * @param txId identifier for the concerned transaction
      * @return one of the predefined isolation levels {@link #ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED}, 
      * or any other int representing an isolation level
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
      * @see #getDefaultIsolationLevel
     public int getIsolationLevel(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Sets the isolation level for the specified transaction.
      * <br>
      * <em>Caution</em>: Implementations are likely to forbid changing the isolation level after any operations
      * have been executed inside the specified transaction.  
      * @param txId identifier for the concerned transaction
      * @param level one of the predefined isolation levels {@link #ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED}, 
      * or any other int representing an isolation level
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
      * @see #getDefaultIsolationLevel
     public void setIsolationLevel(Object txId, int level) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Gets the default transaction timeout in milliseconds.
      * After this time expires and the concerned transaction has not finished
      * - either rolled back or committed - the resource manager is allowed and
      * also encouraged - but not required - to abort the transaction and to roll it back.
      * @return default transaction timeout in milliseconds
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public long getDefaultTransactionTimeout() throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Gets the transaction timeout of the specified transaction in milliseconds.
      * @param txId identifier for the concerned transaction
      * @return transaction timeout of the specified transaction in milliseconds
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
      * @see #getDefaultTransactionTimeout
     public long getTransactionTimeout(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Sets the transaction timeout of the specified transaction in milliseconds.
      * @param txId identifier for the concerned transaction
      * @param mSecs transaction timeout of the specified transaction in milliseconds
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
      * @see #getDefaultTransactionTimeout
     public void setTransactionTimeout(Object txId, long mSecs) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Creates and starts a transaction using the specified transaction identifier.
      * The identifier needs to be unique to this resource manager.
      * As there is no transaction object returned all access to the transaction
      * needs to be addressed to this resource manager.
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction to be started
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public void startTransaction(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Prepares the transaction specified by the given transaction identifier for commit.
      * The preparation may either succeed ({@link #PREPARE_SUCCESS}), 
      * succeed as there is nothing to commit ({@link #PREPARE_SUCCESS_READONLY})
      * or fail ({@link #PREPARE_FAILURE}). If the preparation fails, commit will
      * fail as well and the transaction should be marked for rollback. However, if it 
      * succeeds the resource manager must guarantee that a following commit will succeed as well.
      * <br><br>
      * An alternative way to singal a <em>failed</em> status is to throw an exception.
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction to be prepared
      * @return result of the preparation effort, either {@link #PREPARE_SUCCESS}, {@link #PREPARE_SUCCESS_READONLY} or {@link #PREPARE_FAILURE}   
      * @throws ResourceManagerException alternative way to signal prepare failed
     public int prepareTransaction(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Marks the transaction specified by the given transaction identifier for rollback.
      * This means, even though the transaction is not actually finished, no other operation
      * than <code>rollback</code> is permitted.
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction to be marked for rollback
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public void markTransactionForRollback(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Rolls back the transaction specified by the given transaction identifier. 
      * After roll back the resource manager is allowed to forget about
      * the associated transaction.
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction to be rolled back
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public void rollbackTransaction(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Commis the transaction specified by the given transaction identifier. 
      * After commit the resource manager is allowed to forget about
      * the associated transaction.
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction to be committed
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public void commitTransaction(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Gets the state of the transaction specified by the given transaction identifier.
      * The state will be expressed by an <code>int</code> code as defined 
      * in the {@link javax.transaction.Status} interface. 
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction for which the state is returned
      * @return state of the transaction as defined in {@link javax.transaction.Status}
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public int getTransactionState(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Explicitly locks a resource. Although locking must be done implicitly by methods 
      * creating, reading or modifying resources, there may be cases when you want to do this
      * explicitly.<br>
      * <em>Note</em>: By intention the order of parameters (<code>txId</code> does not come first) is different than in other methods of this interface. 
      * This is done to make clear locking affects all transactions, not only the locking one. 
      * This should be clear anyhow, but seems to be worth noting.
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource to be locked 
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction that tries to acquire a lock
      * @param shared <code>true</code> if this lock may be shared by other <em>shared</em> locks
      * @param wait <code>true</code> if the method shall block when lock can not be acquired now
      * @param timeoutMSecs timeout in milliseconds
      * @param reentrant <code>true</code> if the lock should be acquired even when the <em>requesting transaction and no other</em> holds an incompatible lock
      * @return <code>true</code> when the lock has been acquired
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public boolean lockResource(
         Object resourceId,
         Object txId,
         boolean shared,
         boolean wait,
         long timeoutMSecs,
         boolean reentrant)
         throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Explicitly locks a resource in reentrant style. This method blocks until the lock
      * actually can be acquired or the transaction times out. 
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource to be locked 
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction that tries to acquire a lock
      * @param shared <code>true</code> if this lock may be shared by other <em>shared</em> locks
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
      * @see #lockResource(Object, Object, boolean, boolean, long, boolean)
     public boolean lockResource(Object resourceId, Object txId, boolean shared) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Explicitly locks a resource exclusively, i.e. for writing, in reentrant style. This method blocks until the lock
      * actually can be acquired or the transaction times out. 
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource to be locked 
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction that tries to acquire a lock
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
      * @see #lockResource(Object, Object, boolean)
      * @see #lockResource(Object, Object, boolean, boolean, long, boolean)
     public boolean lockResource(Object resourceId, Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Checks if a resource exists. 
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction in which the resource is to be checked for
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource to check for 
      * @return <code>true</code> if the resource exists
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public boolean resourceExists(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Checks if a resource exists wihtout being in a transaction. This means only take
      * into account resources already globally commited.
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource to check for 
      * @return <code>true</code> if the resource exists
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if an error occured
     public boolean resourceExists(Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Deletes a resource.
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction in which the resource is to be deleted
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource to be deleted
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if the resource does not exist or any other error occured
     public void deleteResource(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Deletes a resource.
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction in which the resource is to be deleted
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource to be deleted
      * @param assureOnly if set to <code>true</code> this method will not throw an exception when the resource does not exist
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if the resource does not exist and <code>assureOnly</code> was not set to <code>true</code> or any other error occured
     public void deleteResource(Object txId, Object resourceId, boolean assureOnly) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Creates a resource.
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction in which the resource is to be created
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource to be created
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if the resource already exist or any other error occured
     public void createResource(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException;
      * Creates a resource.
      * @param txId identifier for the transaction in which the resource is to be created
      * @param resourceId identifier for the resource to be created
      * @param assureOnly if set to <code>true</code> this method will not throw an exception when the resource already exists
      * @throws ResourceManagerException if the resource already exists and <code>assureOnly</code> was not set to <code>true</code> or any other error occured
     public void createResource(Object txId, Object resourceId, boolean assureOnly) throws ResourceManagerException;
          * Opens a streamable resource for reading.
          * <br><br>
          * <em>Important</em>: By contract, the application is responsible for closing the stream after its work is finished.
          * @param txId identifier for the transaction in which the streamable resource is to be openend
          * @param resourceId identifier for the streamable resource to be opened
          * @return stream to read from 
          * @throws ResourceManagerException if the resource does not exist or any other error occured
         public InputStream readResource(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException;
          * Opens a streamable resource for a single reading request not inside the scope of a transaction.
          * <br><br>
          * <em>Important</em>: By contract, the application is responsible for closing the stream after its work is finished.
          * @param resourceId identifier for the streamable resource to be opened
          * @return stream to read from 
          * @throws ResourceManagerException if the resource does not exist or any other error occured
         public InputStream readResource(Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException;
          * Opens a resource for writing. 
          * <br><br>
          * <em>Important</em>: By contract, the application is responsible for closing the stream after its work is finished.
          * @param txId identifier for the transaction in which the streamable resource is to be openend
          * @param resourceId identifier for the streamable resource to be opened
          * @return stream to write to 
          * @throws ResourceManagerException if the resource does not exist or any other error occured
         public OutputStream writeResource(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException;