Coverage Report - org.apache.commons.transaction.file.FileResourceManager
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.commons.transaction.file;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.GenericLock;
 import org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.GenericLockManager;
 import org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.LockException;
 import org.apache.commons.transaction.locking.LockManager2;
 import org.apache.commons.transaction.util.FileHelper;
 import org.apache.commons.transaction.util.LoggerFacade;
  * A resource manager for streamable objects stored in a file system.
  * It is intended for developer and "out of the box" use. 
  * It is <em>not</em> intended to be a real alternative for
  * a full blown DMBS (of course it can not be compared to a RDBMS at all).
  * Major features:<br>
  * <ul>
  * <li>Transactions performed with this class more or less comform to the widely accepted ACID properties
  * <li>Reading should be as fast as from the ordinary file system (at the cost of a bit slower commits) 
  * </ul>
  * Compared to a "real" DBMS major limitations are (in order of assumed severity):<br>
  * <ul>
  * <li>Number of simultaneously open resources is limited to the number of available file descriptors
  * <li>It does not scale a bit
  * <li>Pessimistic transaction and locking scheme
  * <li>Isolation level currently is restricted to <em>read committed</em> and <em>repeated read</em> (which is not that bad)
  * </ul>
  * <em>Important</em>: If possible you should have the work and store directory located in the 
  * same file system. If not, you might get additional problems, as there are:
  * <ul>
  * <li>On commit it might be necessay to copy files instead of rename/relink them. This may lead to time consuming, 
  * overly blocking commit phases and higher risk of corrupted files
  * <li>Prepare phase might be too permissive, no check for sufficient memory on store file system is possible
  * </ul> 
  * General limitations include:<br>
  * <ul>
  * <li>Due to lack of synchronization on the transaction context level, every transaction may only be
  * accessed by a <em>single thread</em> throughout its full life. 
  * This means it is forbidden for a thread that has not started a transaction 
  * to perform any operations inside this transaction. However, threads associated
  * with different transactions can safely access these methods concurrently.
  * Reasons for the lack of synchronization are improved performance and simplicity (of the code of this class).
  * <li>There is no dedicated class for a transaction. Having such a class would be better practice and 
  * make certain actions more intuitive.
  * <li>Resource identifiers need a reasonsable string representation obtainable by <code>toString</code>.
  * More specifically, they will have to resolve to a <em>valid</em> file path that does note denote a directory. 
  * If it does, you might be able to create it, but not to read or write anything 
  * from resp. to it. Valid string representations of a resource idenfier are 
  * for example "file" "/root" or "hjfhdfhuhuhsdufhdsufhdsufhdfuhdfduhduhduhdu". 
  * Invalid are for example "/" or "/root/". Invalid on some file systems are for example "c:" or "file://huhu".
  * <li>As there are no active processes inside this RM and it shares its threads with the application,
  * control over transactions is limited to points where the application calls the RM. 
  * In particular, this disables <em>active</em> termination of transactions upon timeout.
  * <li>There is no notion of a connection to this file manager. This means you can not connect from hosts other than
  * local and you will get problems when plugging this store into a J2EE store using connectors. 
  * <li>Methods should throw more specific exceptions
  * </ul>
  * <p><em>Caution</em>:<br>
  * The <code>txId</code> passed to many methods as an identifier for the
  * transaction concerned will function as a key in a <code>HashMap</code>.
  * Thus assure that <code>equals</code> and <code>hashCode</code> are both
  * properly implemented and match each other.</p>
  * <p><em>Caution</em>:<br>
  * You will have to guarantee that no other process will access neither
  * the store or the working dir concurrently to this <code>FileResourceManager</code>.</p>
  * <p><em>Special Caution</em>:<br>
  * Be very careful not to have two instances of <code>FileResourceManager</code>
  * working in the same store and/or working dir.
  * @version $Id: 573315 2007-09-06 16:28:42Z ozeigermann $
 public class FileResourceManager implements ResourceManager, ResourceManagerErrorCodes {
     // reflects the natural isolation level of this store
     protected static final int NO_LOCK = 0;
     protected static final int LOCK_ACCESS = NO_LOCK + 1;
     protected static final int LOCK_SHARED = NO_LOCK + 2;
     protected static final int LOCK_EXCLUSIVE = NO_LOCK + 3;
     protected static final int LOCK_COMMIT = NO_LOCK + 4;
     protected static final int OPERATION_MODE_STOPPED = 0;
     protected static final int OPERATION_MODE_STOPPING = 1;
     protected static final int OPERATION_MODE_STARTED = 2;
     protected static final int OPERATION_MODE_STARTING = 3;
     protected static final int OPERATION_MODE_RECOVERING = 4;
     protected static final String DEFAULT_PARAMETER_ENCODING = "ISO-8859-15";
     protected static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MSECS = 5000;
     protected static final int DEFAULT_COMMIT_TIMEOUT_FACTOR = 2;
     protected static final String WORK_CHANGE_DIR = "change";
     protected static final String WORK_DELETE_DIR = "delete";
     protected static final String CONTEXT_FILE = "transaction.log";
      * --- Static helper methods ---
     protected static void applyDeletes(File removeDir, File targetDir, File rootDir)
             throws IOException {
 150  15
         if (removeDir.isDirectory() && targetDir.isDirectory()) {
 151  15
             File[] files = removeDir.listFiles();
 152  25
             for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
 153  10
                 File removeFile = files[i];
 154  10
                 File targetFile = new File(targetDir, removeFile.getName());
 155  10
                 if (removeFile.isFile()) {
 156  7
                     if (targetFile.exists()) {
 157  7
                         if (!targetFile.delete()) {
 158  0
                             throw new IOException("Could not delete file " + removeFile.getName()
                                     + " in directory targetDir");
                     // indicate, this has been done
 163  7
                 } else {
 165  3
                     applyDeletes(removeFile, targetFile, rootDir);
             // delete empty target directories, except root dir
 169  15
             if (!targetDir.equals(rootDir) && targetDir.list().length == 0) {
 170  0
 173  15
      * --- object members ---
     protected String workDir;
     protected String storeDir;
 183  10
     protected boolean cleanUp = true;
 184  10
     protected boolean dirty = false;
 185  10
     protected int operationMode = OPERATION_MODE_STOPPED;
 186  10
     protected long defaultTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MSECS;
     protected boolean debug;
     protected LoggerFacade logger;
     protected Map globalTransactions;
     protected List globalOpenResources;
     protected LockManager2 lockManager;
 195  10
     protected ResourceIdToPathMapper idMapper = null;
 196  10
     protected TransactionIdToPathMapper txIdMapper = null;
 198  10
     protected int idCnt = 0;
      * --- ctor and general getter / setter methods ---
      * Creates a new resource manager operation on the specified directories.
      * @param storeDir directory where main data should go after commit
      * @param workDir directory where transactions store temporary data
      * @param urlEncodePath if set to <code>true</code> encodes all paths to allow for any kind of characters
      * @param logger the logger to be used by this store  
     public FileResourceManager(String storeDir, String workDir, boolean urlEncodePath, LoggerFacade logger) {
 215  0
         this(storeDir, workDir, urlEncodePath, logger, false);
 216  0
      * Creates a new resource manager operation on the specified directories.
      * @param storeDir directory where main data should go after commit
      * @param workDir directory where transactions store temporary data 
      * @param urlEncodePath if set to <code>true</code> encodes all paths to allow for any kind of characters
      * @param logger the logger to be used by this store
      * @param debug if set to <code>true</code> logs all locking information to "transaction.log" for debugging inspection 
     public FileResourceManager(
         String storeDir,
         String workDir,
         boolean urlEncodePath,
         LoggerFacade logger,
         boolean debug) {
 233  9
         this(storeDir, workDir, urlEncodePath ? new URLEncodeIdMapper() : null, new NoOpTransactionIdToPathMapper(), logger, debug);
 234  9
      * Creates a new resource manager operation on the specified directories.
      * This constructor is reintroduced for backwards API compatibility and is used by jakarta-slide.
      * @param storeDir directory where main data should go after commit
      * @param workDir directory where transactions store temporary data
      * @param idMapper mapper for resourceId to path
      * @param logger the logger to be used by this store
      * @param debug if set to <code>true</code> logs all locking information to "transaction.log" for debugging inspection
     public FileResourceManager(
         String storeDir,
         String workDir,
         ResourceIdToPathMapper idMapper,
         LoggerFacade logger,
         boolean debug) {
 252  0
         this(storeDir, workDir, idMapper, new NoOpTransactionIdToPathMapper(), logger, debug);
 253  0
      * Creates a new resource manager operation on the specified directories.
      * @param storeDir directory where main data should go after commit
      * @param workDir directory where transactions store temporary data 
      * @param idMapper mapper for resourceId to path
      * @param txIdMapper mapper for transaction id to path
      * @param logger the logger to be used by this store
      * @param debug if set to <code>true</code> logs all locking information to "transaction.log" for debugging inspection 
     public FileResourceManager(
         String storeDir,
         String workDir,
         ResourceIdToPathMapper idMapper,
         TransactionIdToPathMapper txIdMapper,
         LoggerFacade logger,
 270  10
         boolean debug) {
 271  10
         this.workDir = workDir;
 272  10
         this.storeDir = storeDir;
 273  10
         this.idMapper = idMapper;
 274  10
         this.txIdMapper = txIdMapper;
 275  10
         this.logger = logger;
 276  10
         this.debug = debug;
 277  10
      * Gets the store directory.
      * @return the store directory
      * @see #FileResourceManager(String, String, boolean, LoggerFacade)
      * @see #FileResourceManager(String, String, boolean, LoggerFacade, boolean)
     public String getStoreDir() {
 287  0
         return storeDir;
      * Gets the working directory.
      * @return the work directory
      * @see #FileResourceManager(String, String, boolean, LoggerFacade)
      * @see #FileResourceManager(String, String, boolean, LoggerFacade, boolean)
     public String getWorkDir() {
 298  0
         return workDir;
      * Gets the logger used by this resource manager. 
      * @return used logger 
     public LoggerFacade getLogger() {
 307  0
         return logger;
      * --- public methods of interface ResourceManager ---
     public boolean lockResource(Object resourceId, Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 317  0
         lockResource(resourceId, txId, false);
         // XXX will never return false as it will either throw or return true
 319  0
         return true;
     public boolean lockResource(Object resourceId, Object txId, boolean shared) throws ResourceManagerException {
 323  122
         lockResource(resourceId, txId, shared, true, Long.MAX_VALUE, true);
         // XXX will never return false as it will either throw or return true
 325  76
         return true;
     public boolean lockResource(
         Object resourceId,
         Object txId,
         boolean shared,
         boolean wait,
         long timeoutMSecs,
         boolean reentrant)
         throws ResourceManagerException {
 337  122
         TransactionContext context = (shared ? txInitialSaneCheck(txId) : txInitialSaneCheckForWriting(txId));
 338  121
 339  121
         fileInitialSaneCheck(txId, resourceId);
         // XXX allows locking of non existent resources (e.g. to prepare a create)
 342  121
         int level = (shared ? getSharedLockLevel(context) : LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
         try {
 344  121
             lockManager.lock(txId, resourceId, level, reentrant, Math.min(timeoutMSecs,
             // XXX will never return false as it will either throw or return true
 347  76
             return true;
 348  45
         } catch (LockException e) {
 349  45
             switch (e.getCode()) {
             case LockException.CODE_INTERRUPTED:
 351  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerException("Could not get lock for resource at '"
                         + resourceId + "'", ERR_NO_LOCK, txId);
             case LockException.CODE_TIMED_OUT:
 354  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerException("Lock timed out for resource at '" + resourceId
                         + "'", ERR_NO_LOCK, txId);
             case LockException.CODE_DEADLOCK_VICTIM:
 357  45
                 throw new ResourceManagerException("Deadlock victim resource at '" + resourceId
                         + "'", ERR_DEAD_LOCK, txId);
             default :
 360  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerException("Locking exception for resource at '" + resourceId
                         + "'", ERR_DEAD_LOCK, txId);
     public int getDefaultIsolationLevel() {
 367  0
     public int[] getSupportedIsolationLevels() throws ResourceManagerException {
 371  0
     public boolean isIsolationLevelSupported(int level) throws ResourceManagerException {
 375  0
      * Gets the default transaction timeout in <em>milliseconds</em>.
     public long getDefaultTransactionTimeout() {
 382  90
         return defaultTimeout;
      * Sets the default transaction timeout.
      * @param timeout timeout in <em>milliseconds</em>
     public void setDefaultTransactionTimeout(long timeout) {
 391  0
         defaultTimeout = timeout;
 392  0
     public long getTransactionTimeout(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 395  0
 396  0
         long msecs = 0;
 397  0
         TransactionContext context = getContext(txId);
 398  0
         if (context == null) {
 399  0
             msecs = getDefaultTransactionTimeout();
         } else {
 401  0
             msecs = context.timeoutMSecs;
 403  0
         return msecs;
     public void setTransactionTimeout(Object txId, long mSecs) throws ResourceManagerException {
 407  0
 408  0
         TransactionContext context = getContext(txId);
 409  0
         if (context != null) {
 410  0
             context.timeoutMSecs = mSecs;
         } else {
 412  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_NO_TX, txId);
 414  0
     public int getIsolationLevel(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 417  0
 418  0
         TransactionContext context = getContext(txId);
 419  0
         if (context == null) {
 420  0
             return DEFAULT_ISOLATION_LEVEL;
         } else {
 422  0
             return context.isolationLevel;
     public void setIsolationLevel(Object txId, int level) throws ResourceManagerException {
 427  1
 428  1
         TransactionContext context = getContext(txId);
 429  1
         if (context != null) {
 430  1
 431  1
                 context.isolationLevel = level;
             } else {
 433  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_ISOLATION_LEVEL_UNSUPPORTED, txId);
         } else {
 436  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_NO_TX, txId);
 438  1
     public synchronized void start() throws ResourceManagerSystemException {
 442  10
         logger.logInfo("Starting RM at '" + storeDir + "' / '" + workDir + "'");
 444  10
         operationMode = OPERATION_MODE_STARTING;
 446  10
         globalTransactions = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
 447  10
         lockManager = new GenericLockManager(LOCK_COMMIT, logger);
 448  10
         globalOpenResources = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
 450  10
 451  10
 453  10
         operationMode = OPERATION_MODE_STARTED;
 455  10
         if (dirty) {
 456  0
             logger.logWarning("Started RM, but in dirty mode only (Recovery of pending transactions failed)");
         } else {
 458  10
             logger.logInfo("Started RM");
 461  10
     public synchronized boolean stop(int mode) throws ResourceManagerSystemException {
 464  0
         return stop(mode, getDefaultTransactionTimeout() * DEFAULT_COMMIT_TIMEOUT_FACTOR);
     public synchronized boolean stop(int mode, long timeOut) throws ResourceManagerSystemException {
 469  8
         logger.logInfo("Stopping RM at '" + storeDir + "' / '" + workDir + "'");
 471  8
         operationMode = OPERATION_MODE_STOPPING;
 473  8
 474  8
         boolean success = shutdown(mode, timeOut);
 476  8
 478  8
         if (success) {
 479  8
             operationMode = OPERATION_MODE_STOPPED;
 480  8
             logger.logInfo("Stopped RM");
         } else {
 482  0
             logger.logWarning("Failed to stop RM");
 485  8
         return success;
     public synchronized boolean recover() throws ResourceManagerSystemException {
 489  13
         if (operationMode != OPERATION_MODE_STARTED && operationMode != OPERATION_MODE_STARTING) {
 490  1
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                 "Recovery is possible in started or starting resource manager only");
 494  12
         int oldMode = operationMode;
 495  12
         operationMode = OPERATION_MODE_RECOVERING;
 497  12
 498  12
         if (globalTransactions.size() > 0) {
 499  8
             logger.logInfo("Recovering pending transactions");
 502  12
         dirty = !rollBackOrForward();
 504  12
         operationMode = oldMode;
 505  12
         return dirty;
     public int getTransactionState(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 509  0
         TransactionContext context = getContext(txId);
 511  0
         if (context == null) {
 512  0
             return STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION;
         } else {
 514  0
             return context.status;
     public void startTransaction(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 521  56
         if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine("Starting Tx " + txId);
 523  56
         assureStarted(); // can only start a new transaction when not already stopping
 524  56
         if (txId == null || txIdMapper.getPathForId(txId).length() == 0) {
 525  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_TXID_INVALID, txId);
         // be sure we are the only ones who create this tx 
 529  56
         synchronized (globalTransactions) {
 530  56
             TransactionContext context = getContext(txId);
 532  56
             if (context != null) {
 533  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_DUP_TX, txId);
 536  56
             context = new TransactionContext(txId);
 537  56
 538  56
             globalTransactions.put(txId, context);
 540  56
 541  56
     public void markTransactionForRollback(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 544  0
 545  0
         TransactionContext context = txInitialSaneCheckForWriting(txId);
         try {
 547  0
             context.status = STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK;
 548  0
 549  0
         } finally {
             // be very sure to free locks and resources, as application might crash or otherwise forget to roll this tx back
 551  0
 552  0
 553  0
     public int prepareTransaction(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 556  0
         // do not allow any further writing or commit or rollback when db is corrupt
 558  0
         if (dirty) {
 559  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                 "Database is set to dirty, this *may* mean it is corrupt. No modifications are allowed until a recovery run has been performed!",
 565  0
         if (txId == null) {
 566  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_TXID_INVALID, txId);
 569  0
         TransactionContext context = getContext(txId);
 571  0
         if (context == null) {
 572  0
             return PREPARE_FAILURE;
 575  0
         synchronized (context) {
 577  0
 579  0
             if (context.status != STATUS_ACTIVE) {
 580  0
                 context.status = STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK;
 581  0
 582  0
                 return PREPARE_FAILURE;
 585  0
             if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine("Preparing Tx " + txId);
 587  0
             int prepareStatus = PREPARE_FAILURE;
 589  0
             context.status = STATUS_PREPARING;
 590  0
             // do all checks as early as possible
 592  0
 593  0
             if (context.readOnly) {
 594  0
                 prepareStatus = PREPARE_SUCCESS_READONLY;
             } else {
                 // do all checks as early as possible
                 try {
 598  0
 599  0
                 } catch (ResourceManagerException rme) {
                     // if this did not work, mark it for roll back as early as possible
 601  0
 602  0
                     throw rme;
 603  0
 604  0
                 prepareStatus = PREPARE_SUCCESS;
 606  0
             context.status = STATUS_PREPARED;
 607  0
 608  0
             if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine("Prepared Tx " + txId);
 610  0
             return prepareStatus;
 611  0
     public void rollbackTransaction(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 615  45
 616  45
         TransactionContext context = txInitialSaneCheckForWriting(txId);
         // needing synchronization in order not to interfer with shutdown thread
 618  45
         synchronized (context) {
             try {
 621  45
                 if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine("Rolling back Tx " + txId);
 623  45
                 context.status = STATUS_ROLLING_BACK;
 624  45
 625  45
 626  45
                 if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine("All resources successfully removed for tx" + txId);
 627  45
                 context.status = STATUS_ROLLEDBACK;
 628  45
 629  45
 630  45
 632  45
                 if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine("Rolled back Tx " + txId);
                 // any system or runtime exceptions or errors thrown in rollback means we are in deep trouble, set the dirty flag
 635  45
             } catch (Error e) {
 636  0
                 setDirty(txId, e);
 637  0
                 throw e;
 638  0
             } catch (RuntimeException e) {
 639  0
                 setDirty(txId, e);
 640  0
                 throw e;
 641  0
             } catch (ResourceManagerSystemException e) {
 642  0
                 setDirty(txId, e);
 643  0
                 throw e;
             } finally {
 645  0
                 // tell shutdown thread this tx is finished
 647  45
 648  45
 649  45
 650  45
     public void commitTransaction(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 653  10
 654  10
         TransactionContext context = txInitialSaneCheckForWriting(txId);
 655  9
         // needing synchronization in order not to interfer with shutdown thread
 658  9
         synchronized (context) {
             try {
 661  9
                 if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine("Committing Tx " + txId);
 663  9
                 context.status = STATUS_COMMITTING;
 664  9
 665  9
 666  9
                 if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine("All resources successfully moved for tx" + txId);
 667  9
                 context.status = STATUS_COMMITTED;
 668  9
 669  9
 670  9
 672  9
                 if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine("Committed Tx " + txId);
                 // any system or runtime exceptions or errors thrown in rollback means we are in deep trouble, set the dirty flag
 675  9
             } catch (Error e) {
 676  0
                 setDirty(txId, e);
 677  0
                 throw e;
 678  0
             } catch (RuntimeException e) {
 679  0
                 setDirty(txId, e);
 680  0
                 throw e;
 681  0
             } catch (ResourceManagerSystemException e) {
 682  0
                 setDirty(txId, e);
 683  0
                 throw e;
                 // like "could not upgrade lock"
 685  0
             } catch (ResourceManagerException e) {
 686  0
                 logger.logWarning("Could not commit tx " + txId + ", rolling back instead", e);
 687  0
 688  0
             } finally {
 689  0
                 // tell shutdown thread this tx is finished
 691  9
 692  9
 693  9
 694  9
     public boolean resourceExists(Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
         // create temporary light weight tx
         Object txId;
         TransactionContext context;
 700  0
         synchronized (globalTransactions) {
 701  0
             txId = generatedUniqueTxId();
 702  0
             if (logger.isFinerEnabled())
 703  0
                 logger.logFiner("Creating temporary light weight tx " + txId + " to check for exists");
 704  0
             context = new TransactionContext(txId);
 705  0
             context.isLightWeight = true;
             // XXX higher isolation might be needed to make sure upgrade to commit lock always works
 707  0
             context.isolationLevel = ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED;
             // context.isolationLevel = ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READ;
 709  0
             globalTransactions.put(txId, context);
 710  0
 712  0
         boolean exists = resourceExists(txId, resourceId);
 714  0
 715  0
 716  0
         if (logger.isFinerEnabled())
 717  0
             logger.logFiner("Removing temporary light weight tx " + txId);
 719  0
         return exists;
     public boolean resourceExists(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 723  0
         lockResource(resourceId, txId, true);
 724  0
         return (getPathForRead(txId, resourceId) != null);
     public void deleteResource(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 728  55
         deleteResource(txId, resourceId, true);
 729  33
     public void deleteResource(Object txId, Object resourceId, boolean assureOnly) throws ResourceManagerException {
 733  55
         if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine(txId + " deleting " + resourceId);
 735  55
         lockResource(resourceId, txId, false);
 737  33
         if (getPathForRead(txId, resourceId) == null) {
 738  19
             if (assureOnly) {
 739  19
 741  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException("No such resource at '" + resourceId + "'", ERR_NO_SUCH_RESOURCE, txId);
 743  14
         String txDeletePath = getDeletePath(txId, resourceId);
 744  14
         String mainPath = getMainPath(resourceId);
         try {
 746  14
             getContext(txId).readOnly = false;
             // first undo change / create when there was one
 749  14
             undoScheduledChangeOrCreate(txId, resourceId);
             // if there still is a file in main store, we need to schedule
             // a delete additionally
 753  14
             if (FileHelper.fileExists(mainPath)) {
 754  12
 756  0
         } catch (IOException e) {
 757  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                 "Can not delete resource at '" + resourceId + "'",
 762  14
 763  14
     public void createResource(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 766  61
         createResource(txId, resourceId, true);
 767  37
     public void createResource(Object txId, Object resourceId, boolean assureOnly) throws ResourceManagerException {
 771  61
         if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine(txId + " creating " + resourceId);
 773  61
         lockResource(resourceId, txId, false);
 775  37
         if (getPathForRead(txId, resourceId) != null) {
 776  12
             if (assureOnly) {
 777  12
 779  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(
                 "Resource at '" + resourceId + "', already exists",
 785  25
         String txChangePath = getChangePath(txId, resourceId);
         try {
 787  25
             getContext(txId).readOnly = false;
             // creation means either undoing a delete or actually scheduling a create
 790  25
             if (!undoScheduledDelete(txId, resourceId)) {
 791  25
 794  0
         } catch (IOException e) {
 795  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                 "Can not create resource at '" + resourceId + "'",
 800  25
 801  25
     public void copyResource(Object txId, Object fromResourceId, Object toResourceId, boolean overwrite) throws ResourceManagerException {
 804  0
         if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine(txId + " copying " + fromResourceId + " to " + toResourceId);
 806  0
         lockResource(fromResourceId, txId, true);
 807  0
         lockResource(toResourceId, txId, false);
 809  0
         if (resourceExists(txId, toResourceId) && !overwrite) {
 810  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(
                 "Resource at '" + toResourceId + "' already exists",
 816  0
         InputStream fromResourceStream = null;
 817  0
         OutputStream toResourceStream = null;
         try {
 819  0
             fromResourceStream = readResource(txId, fromResourceId);
 820  0
             toResourceStream = writeResource(txId, toResourceId);
 821  0
             FileHelper.copy(fromResourceStream, toResourceStream);
 822  0
         } catch (IOException e) {
 823  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_SYSTEM, txId, e);
         } finally {
 825  0
 826  0
 827  0
 828  0
     public void moveResource(Object txId, Object fromResourceId, Object toResourceId, boolean overwrite) throws ResourceManagerException {
 831  0
         if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine(txId + " moving " + fromResourceId + " to " + toResourceId);
 833  0
         lockResource(fromResourceId, txId, false);
 834  0
         lockResource(toResourceId, txId, false);
 836  0
         copyResource(txId, fromResourceId, toResourceId, overwrite);
 838  0
         deleteResource(txId, fromResourceId, false);
 839  0
     public InputStream readResource(Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
         // create temporary light weight tx
         Object txId;
 844  1
         synchronized (globalTransactions) {
 845  1
             txId = generatedUniqueTxId();
 846  1
             if (logger.isFinerEnabled())
 847  0
                 logger.logFiner("Creating temporary light weight tx " + txId + " for reading");
 848  1
             TransactionContext context = new TransactionContext(txId);
 849  1
             context.isLightWeight = true;
             // XXX higher isolation might be needed to make sure upgrade to commit lock always works
 851  1
             context.isolationLevel = ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED;
             // context.isolationLevel = ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READ;
 853  1
             globalTransactions.put(txId, context);
 854  1
 856  1
         InputStream is = readResource(txId, resourceId);
 857  1
         return is;
     public InputStream readResource(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 862  5
         if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine(txId + " reading " + resourceId);
 864  5
         lockResource(resourceId, txId, true);
 866  5
         String resourcePath = getPathForRead(txId, resourceId);
 867  5
         if (resourcePath == null) {
 868  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException("No such resource at '" + resourceId + "'", ERR_NO_SUCH_RESOURCE, txId);
 871  5
         File file = new File(resourcePath);
         try {
 873  5
             FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file);
 874  5
 875  5
             return new InputStreamWrapper(stream, txId, resourceId);
 876  0
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
 877  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException("File '" + resourcePath + "' does not exist", ERR_SYSTEM, txId);
     public OutputStream writeResource(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 882  1
         return writeResource(txId, resourceId, false);
     public OutputStream writeResource(Object txId, Object resourceId, boolean append) throws ResourceManagerException {
 887  1
         if (logger.isFineEnabled()) logger.logFine(txId + " writing " + resourceId);
 889  1
         lockResource(resourceId, txId, false);
 891  1
         if (append) {
 892  0
             String mainPath = getMainPath(resourceId);
 893  0
             String txChangePath = getChangePath(txId, resourceId);
 894  0
             String txDeletePath = getDeletePath(txId, resourceId);
 896  0
             boolean changeExists = FileHelper.fileExists(txChangePath);
 897  0
             boolean deleteExists = FileHelper.fileExists(txDeletePath);
 898  0
             boolean mainExists = FileHelper.fileExists(mainPath);
 900  0
             if (mainExists && !changeExists && !deleteExists) {
                 // the read and the write path for resourceId will be different!
 902  0
                 copyResource(txId, resourceId, resourceId, true);
 906  1
         String resourcePath = getPathForWrite(txId, resourceId);
         try {
 909  1
             FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(resourcePath, append);
 910  1
             TransactionContext context = getContext(txId);
 911  1
 912  1
             context.readOnly = false;
 913  1
             return stream;
 914  0
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
 915  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException("File '" + resourcePath + "' does not exist", ERR_SYSTEM, txId);
      * --- additional public methods complementing implementation of interfaces ---
      * Resets the store by deleting work <em>and</em> store directory.
     public synchronized void reset() {
 929  0
         FileHelper.removeRec(new File(storeDir));
 930  0
         FileHelper.removeRec(new File(workDir));
 931  0
         new File(storeDir).mkdirs();
 932  0
         new File(workDir).mkdirs();
 933  0
      * Synchronizes persistent data with caches. Is implemented with an empty
      * body, but called by other methods relying on synchronization. Subclasses
      * that utilize caching must implement this method reasonably.
      * @throws ResourceManagerSystemException if anything fatal hapened during synchonization
     public synchronized void sync() throws ResourceManagerSystemException {
 943  18
      * Generates a transaction identifier unique to this resource manager. To do so
      * it requires this resource manager to be started.
      * @return generated transaction identifier
      * @throws ResourceManagerSystemException if this resource manager has not been started, yet
     public String generatedUniqueTxId() throws ResourceManagerSystemException {
 953  1
         String txId;
 955  1
         synchronized (globalTransactions) {
             do {
 957  1
                 txId = Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "-"
                         + Integer.toHexString(idCnt++);
                 // XXX busy loop
 960  1
             } while (getContext(txId) != null);
 961  1
 962  1
         return txId;
      * --- sane checks ---
     protected void fileInitialSaneCheck(Object txId, Object path) throws ResourceManagerException {
 972  121
         if (path == null || path.toString().length() == 0) {
 973  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_RESOURCEID_INVALID, txId);
 975  121
     protected void assureStarted() throws ResourceManagerSystemException {
 978  56
         if (operationMode != OPERATION_MODE_STARTED) {
 979  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException("Resource Manager Service not started", ERR_SYSTEM, null);
 981  56
     protected void assureRMReady() throws ResourceManagerSystemException {
 984  404
         if (operationMode != OPERATION_MODE_STARTED && operationMode != OPERATION_MODE_STOPPING) {
 985  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException("Resource Manager Service not ready", ERR_SYSTEM, null);
 987  404
     protected void assureNotMarkedForRollback(TransactionContext context) throws ResourceManagerException {
 990  130
         if (context.status == STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) {
 991  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_MARKED_FOR_ROLLBACK, context.txId);
 993  130
     protected TransactionContext txInitialSaneCheckForWriting(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 996  172
         // do not allow any further writing or commit or rollback when db is corrupt
 998  172
         if (dirty) {
 999  2
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                 "Database is set to dirty, this *may* mean it is corrupt. No modifications are allowed until a recovery run has been performed!",
 1004  170
         return txInitialSaneCheck(txId);
     protected TransactionContext txInitialSaneCheck(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 1008  175
 1009  175
         if (txId == null) {
 1010  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_TXID_INVALID, txId);
 1013  175
         TransactionContext context = getContext(txId);
 1015  175
         if (context == null) {
 1016  0
             throw new ResourceManagerException(ERR_NO_TX, txId);
 1019  175
         return context;
      * --- General Helpers ---
     protected TransactionContext getContext(Object txId) {
 1029  282
         return (TransactionContext) globalTransactions.get(txId);
     protected String assureLeadingSlash(Object pathObject) {
 1033  318
         String path = "";
 1034  318
         if (pathObject != null) {
 1035  318
             if (idMapper != null) {
 1036  0
                 path = idMapper.getPathForId(pathObject);
             } else {
 1038  318
                 path = pathObject.toString();
 1040  318
             if (path.length() > 0 && path.charAt(0) != '/' && path.charAt(0) != '\\') {
 1041  228
                 path = "/" + path;
 1044  318
         return path;
     protected String getMainPath(Object path) {
 1048  89
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(storeDir.length() + path.toString().length() + 5);
 1049  89
 1050  89
         return buf.toString();
     protected String getTransactionBaseDir(Object txId) {
 1054  550
         return workDir + '/' + txIdMapper.getPathForId(txId);
     protected String getChangePath(Object txId, Object path) {
 1058  115
         String txBaseDir = getTransactionBaseDir(txId);
 1059  115
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(txBaseDir.length() + path.toString().length()
                 + WORK_CHANGE_DIR.length() + 5);
 1061  115
 1062  115
         return buf.toString();
     protected String getDeletePath(Object txId, Object path) {
 1066  114
         String txBaseDir = getTransactionBaseDir(txId);
 1067  114
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(txBaseDir.length() + path.toString().length()
                 + WORK_DELETE_DIR.length() + 5);
 1069  114
 1070  114
         return buf.toString();
     protected boolean undoScheduledDelete(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 1074  25
         String txDeletePath = getDeletePath(txId, resourceId);
 1075  25
         File deleteFile = new File(txDeletePath);
 1076  25
         if (deleteFile.exists()) {
 1077  0
             if (!deleteFile.delete()) {
 1078  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                     "Failed to undo delete of '" + resourceId + "'",
 1083  0
             return true;
 1085  25
         return false;
     protected boolean undoScheduledChangeOrCreate(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 1089  14
         String txChangePath = getChangePath(txId, resourceId);
 1090  14
         File changeFile = new File(txChangePath);
 1091  14
         if (changeFile.exists()) {
 1092  2
             if (!changeFile.delete()) {
 1093  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                     "Failed to undo change / create of '" + resourceId + "'",
 1098  2
             return true;
 1100  12
         return false;
     protected String getPathForWrite(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
         try {
             // when we want to write, be sure to write to a local copy
 1106  1
             String txChangePath = getChangePath(txId, resourceId);
 1107  1
             if (!FileHelper.fileExists(txChangePath)) {
 1108  1
 1110  1
             return txChangePath;
 1111  0
         } catch (IOException e) {
 1112  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                 "Can not write to resource at '" + resourceId + "'",
     protected String getPathForRead(Object txId, Object resourceId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 1122  75
         String mainPath = getMainPath(resourceId);
 1123  75
         String txChangePath = getChangePath(txId, resourceId);
 1124  75
         String txDeletePath = getDeletePath(txId, resourceId);
         // now, this gets a bit complicated:
 1128  75
         boolean changeExists = FileHelper.fileExists(txChangePath);
 1129  75
         boolean deleteExists = FileHelper.fileExists(txDeletePath);
 1130  75
         boolean mainExists = FileHelper.fileExists(mainPath);
 1131  75
         boolean resourceIsDir =
             ((mainExists && new File(mainPath).isDirectory())
                 || (changeExists && new File(txChangePath).isDirectory()));
 1134  75
         if (resourceIsDir) {
 1135  0
             logger.logWarning("Resource at '" + resourceId + "' maps to directory");
         // first do some sane checks
         // this may never be, two cases are possible, both disallowing to have a delete together with a change
         // 1. first there was a change, than a delete -> at least delete file exists (when there is a file in main store)
         // 2. first there was a delete, than a change -> only change file exists
 1143  75
         if (!resourceIsDir && changeExists && deleteExists) {
 1144  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                 "Inconsistent delete and change combination for resource at '" + resourceId + "'",
         // you should not have been allowed to delete a file that does not exist at all
 1151  75
         if (deleteExists && !mainExists) {
 1152  0
             throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                 "Inconsistent delete for resource at '" + resourceId + "'",
 1158  75
         if (changeExists) {
 1159  2
             return txChangePath;
 1160  73
         } else if (mainExists && !deleteExists) {
 1161  29
             return mainPath;
         } else {
 1163  44
             return null;
      * --- Locking Helpers ---
     protected int getSharedLockLevel(TransactionContext context) throws ResourceManagerException {
 1174  5
         if (context.isolationLevel == ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED
             || context.isolationLevel == ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED) {
 1176  3
             return LOCK_ACCESS;
 1177  2
         } else if (
             context.isolationLevel == ISOLATION_LEVEL_REPEATABLE_READ
                 || context.isolationLevel == ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE) {
 1180  2
             return LOCK_SHARED;
         } else {
 1182  0
             return LOCK_ACCESS;
      * --- Resource Management ---
     protected void registerOpenResource(Object openResource) {
 1193  6
         if (logger.isFinerEnabled())
 1194  0
             logger.logFiner("Registering open resource " + openResource);
 1195  6
 1196  6
     protected void releaseGlobalOpenResources() {
         ArrayList copy;
 1200  8
         synchronized (globalOpenResources) {
             // XXX need to copy in order to allow removal in releaseOpenResource  
 1202  8
             copy = new ArrayList(globalOpenResources);
 1203  8
             for (Iterator it = copy.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 1204  1
                 Object stream =;
 1205  1
 1206  1
 1207  8
 1208  8
     protected void closeOpenResource(Object openResource) {
 1211  10
         if (logger.isFinerEnabled()) logger.logFiner("Releasing resource " + openResource);
 1212  10
 1213  10
         if (openResource instanceof InputStream) {
 1214  8
             InputStream is = (InputStream) openResource;
             try {
 1216  8
 1217  0
             } catch (IOException e) {
                 // do not care, as it might have been closed somewhere else, before 
 1219  8
 1220  8
         } else if (openResource instanceof OutputStream) {
 1221  2
             OutputStream os = (OutputStream) openResource;
             try {
 1223  2
 1224  0
             } catch (IOException e) {
                 // do not care, as it might have been closed somewhere else, before 
 1226  2
 1228  10
      * --- Recovery / Shutdown Support ---
     protected boolean rollBackOrForward() {
 1237  12
         boolean allCool = true;
 1239  12
         synchronized (globalTransactions) {
 1240  12
             ArrayList contexts = new ArrayList(globalTransactions.values());
 1241  12
             for (Iterator it = contexts.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 1242  12
                 TransactionContext context = (TransactionContext);
 1243  12
                 if (context.status == STATUS_COMMITTING) {
                     // roll forward
 1245  3
                     logger.logInfo("Rolling forward " + context.txId);
                     try {
 1248  3
 1249  3
                         context.status = STATUS_COMMITTED;
 1250  3
 1251  3
 1252  3
 1253  0
                     } catch (ResourceManagerException e) {
                         // this is not good, but what can we do now?
 1255  0
                         allCool = false;
 1256  0
                         logger.logSevere("Rolling forward of " + context.txId + " failed", e);
 1257  3
 1258  9
                 } else if (context.status == STATUS_COMMITTED) {
 1259  2
                     logger.logInfo("Cleaning already commited " + context.txId);
 1260  2
                     try {
 1262  2
 1263  0
                     } catch (ResourceManagerException e) {
                         // this is not good, but what can we do now?
 1265  0
                         allCool = false;
 1266  0
                         logger.logWarning("Cleaning of " + context.txId + " failed", e);
 1267  2
                 } else {
                     // in all other cases roll back and warn when not rollback was explicitely selected for tx
 1270  7
                     if (context.status != STATUS_ROLLING_BACK
                         && context.status != STATUS_ROLLEDBACK
                         && context.status != STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK) {
 1273  3
                         logger.logWarning("Irregularly rolling back " + context.txId);
                     } else {
 1275  4
                         logger.logInfo("Rolling back " + context.txId);
                     try {
 1278  7
 1279  7
                         context.status = STATUS_ROLLEDBACK;
 1280  7
 1281  7
 1282  7
 1283  0
                     } catch (ResourceManagerException e) {
 1284  0
                         logger.logWarning("Rolling back of " + context.txId + " failed", e);
 1285  7
 1287  12
 1289  12
 1290  12
         return allCool;
     protected void recoverContexts() {
 1294  12
         File dir = new File(workDir);
 1295  12
         File[] files = dir.listFiles();
 1296  12
         if (files == null)
 1297  0
 1298  26
         for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
 1299  14
             File file = files[i];
 1300  14
             Object txId = txIdMapper.getIdForPath(file.getName());
             // recover all transactions we do not already know
 1302  14
             if (!globalTransactions.containsKey(txId)) {
 1304  12
                 logger.logInfo("Recovering " + txId);
                 TransactionContext context;
                 try {
 1307  12
                     context = new TransactionContext(txId);
 1308  12
 1309  10
                     globalTransactions.put(txId, context);
 1310  2
                 } catch (ResourceManagerException e) {
                     // this is not good, but the best we get, just log as warning
 1312  2
                     logger.logWarning("Recovering of " + txId + " failed");
 1313  10
 1316  12
     protected boolean waitForAllTxToStop(long timeoutMSecs) {
 1319  8
         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         // be sure not to lock globalTransactions for too long, as we need to give
         // txs the chance to complete (otherwise deadlocks are very likely to occur)
         // instead iterate over a copy as we can be sure no new txs will be registered
         // after operation level has been set to stopping
         Collection transactionsToStop;
 1327  8
         synchronized (globalTransactions) {
 1328  8
             transactionsToStop = new ArrayList(globalTransactions.values());
 1329  8
 1330  8
         for (Iterator it = transactionsToStop.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 1331  2
             long remainingTimeout = startTime - System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMSecs;
 1333  2
             if (remainingTimeout <= 0) {
 1334  0
                 return false;
 1337  2
             TransactionContext context = (TransactionContext);
 1338  2
             synchronized (context) {
 1339  2
                 if (!context.finished) {
 1340  2
                         "Waiting for tx " + context.txId + " to finish for " + remainingTimeout + " milli seconds");
 1343  4
                 while (!context.finished && remainingTimeout > 0) {
                     try {
 1345  2
 1346  0
                     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 1347  0
                         return false;
 1348  2
 1349  2
                     remainingTimeout = startTime - System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMSecs;
 1351  2
                 if (context.finished) {
 1352  2
                     logger.logInfo("Tx " + context.txId + " finished");
                 } else {
 1354  0
                     logger.logWarning("Tx " + context.txId + " failed to finish in given time");
 1356  2
 1357  2
 1359  8
         return (globalTransactions.size() == 0);
     protected boolean shutdown(int mode, long timeoutMSecs) {
 1363  8
         switch (mode) {
             case SHUTDOWN_MODE_NORMAL :
 1365  8
                 return waitForAllTxToStop(timeoutMSecs);
             case SHUTDOWN_MODE_ROLLBACK :
 1367  0
                 return rollBackOrForward();
             case SHUTDOWN_MODE_KILL :
 1369  0
                 return true;
             default :
 1371  0
                 return false;
     protected void setDirty(Object txId, Throwable t) {
 1376  0
             "Fatal error during critical commit/rollback of transaction " + txId + ", setting database to dirty.",
 1379  0
         dirty = true;
 1380  0
      * Inner class to hold the complete context, i.e. all information needed, for a transaction.
     protected class TransactionContext {
         protected Object txId;
 1389  69
         protected int status = STATUS_ACTIVE;
 1390  69
         protected int isolationLevel = DEFAULT_ISOLATION_LEVEL;
 1391  69
         protected long timeoutMSecs = getDefaultTransactionTimeout();
         protected long startTime;
 1393  69
         protected long commitTime = -1L;
 1394  69
         protected boolean isLightWeight = false;
 1395  69
         protected boolean readOnly = true;
 1396  69
         protected boolean finished = false;
         // list of streams participating in this tx
 1399  69
         private List openResources = new ArrayList();
 1401  69
         public TransactionContext(Object txId) throws ResourceManagerException {
 1402  69
             this.txId = txId;
 1403  69
             startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 1404  69
         public long getRemainingTimeout() {
 1407  0
             long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
 1408  0
             return (startTime - now + timeoutMSecs);
         public synchronized void init() throws ResourceManagerException {
 1412  56
             String baseDir = getTransactionBaseDir(txId);
 1413  56
             String changeDir = baseDir + "/" + WORK_CHANGE_DIR;
 1414  56
             String deleteDir = baseDir + "/" + WORK_DELETE_DIR;
 1416  56
             new File(changeDir).mkdirs();
 1417  56
             new File(deleteDir).mkdirs();
 1419  56
 1420  56
         public synchronized void rollback() throws ResourceManagerException {
 1423  52
 1424  52
 1425  52
         public synchronized void commit() throws ResourceManagerException {
 1428  12
             String baseDir = getTransactionBaseDir(txId);
 1429  12
             String changeDir = baseDir + "/" + WORK_CHANGE_DIR;
 1430  12
             String deleteDir = baseDir + "/" + WORK_DELETE_DIR;
 1432  12
 1433  12
             try {
 1435  12
                 applyDeletes(new File(deleteDir), new File(storeDir), new File(storeDir));
 1436  12
                 FileHelper.moveRec(new File(changeDir), new File(storeDir));
 1437  0
             } catch (IOException e) {
 1438  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerSystemException("Commit failed", ERR_SYSTEM, txId, e);
 1439  12
 1440  12
 1441  12
             commitTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
 1442  12
         public synchronized void notifyFinish() {
 1445  55
             finished = true;
 1446  55
 1447  55
         public synchronized void cleanUp() throws ResourceManagerException {
 1450  66
             if (!cleanUp)
 1451  0
                 return; // XXX for debugging only
 1452  66
             boolean clean = true;
 1453  66
             Exception cleanException = null;
 1454  66
             String baseDir = getTransactionBaseDir(txId);
 1455  66
             FileHelper.removeRec(new File(baseDir));
 1456  66
             if (!clean) {
 1457  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(
                     "Clean up failed due to unreleasable lock",
 1463  66
         public synchronized void finalCleanUp() throws ResourceManagerException {
 1466  55
 1467  55
 1468  55
         public synchronized void upgradeLockToCommit() throws ResourceManagerException {
 1471  12
             for (Iterator it =  lockManager.getAll(txId).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 1472  23
                 GenericLock lock = (GenericLock);
                 // only upgrade if we had write access
 1474  23
                 if (lock.getLockLevel(txId) == LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) {
                     try {
                         // in case of deadlocks, make failure of non-committing tx more likely
 1477  21
                         if (!lock
                                 getDefaultTransactionTimeout() * DEFAULT_COMMIT_TIMEOUT_FACTOR)) {
 1484  0
                             throw new ResourceManagerException(
                                 "Could not upgrade to commit lock for resource at '"
                                     + lock.getResourceId().toString()
                                     + "'",
 1491  0
                     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 1492  0
                         throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(ERR_SYSTEM, txId, e);
 1493  21
 1496  23
 1497  12
         public synchronized void freeLocks() {
 1500  120
 1501  120
         public synchronized void closeResources() {
 1504  119
             synchronized (globalOpenResources) {
 1505  119
                 for (Iterator it = openResources.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 1506  9
                     Object stream =;
 1507  9
 1508  9
 1509  119
 1510  119
         public synchronized void registerResource(Object openResource) {
 1513  6
             synchronized (globalOpenResources) {
 1514  6
 1515  6
 1516  6
 1517  6
         public synchronized void saveState() throws ResourceManagerException {
 1520  175
             String statePath = getTransactionBaseDir(txId) + "/" + CONTEXT_FILE;
 1521  175
             File file = new File(statePath);
 1522  175
             BufferedWriter writer = null;
             try {
 1524  175
                 OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);
 1525  175
                 writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os, DEFAULT_PARAMETER_ENCODING));
 1526  175
 1527  0
             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
 1528  0
                 String msg = "Saving status information to '" + statePath + "' failed! Could not create file";
 1529  0
                 logger.logSevere(msg, e);
 1530  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(msg, ERR_SYSTEM, txId, e);
 1531  0
             } catch (IOException e) {
 1532  0
                 String msg = "Saving status information to '" + statePath + "' failed";
 1533  0
                 logger.logSevere(msg, e);
 1534  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(msg, ERR_SYSTEM, txId, e);
             } finally {
 1536  175
                 if (writer != null) {
                     try {
 1538  175
 1539  0
                     } catch (IOException e) {
 1540  175
 1544  175
         public synchronized void recoverState() throws ResourceManagerException {
 1547  12
             String statePath = getTransactionBaseDir(txId) + "/" + CONTEXT_FILE;
 1548  12
             File file = new File(statePath);
 1549  12
             BufferedReader reader = null;
             try {
 1551  12
                 InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
 1553  10
                 reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, DEFAULT_PARAMETER_ENCODING));
 1554  10
                 txId = reader.readLine();
 1555  10
                 status = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine());
 1556  10
                 isolationLevel = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine());
 1557  10
                 timeoutMSecs = Long.parseLong(reader.readLine());
 1558  10
                 startTime = Long.parseLong(reader.readLine());
 1559  2
             } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
 1560  2
                 String msg = "Recovering status information from '" + statePath + "' failed! Could not find file";
 1561  2
                 logger.logSevere(msg, e);
 1562  2
                 throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(msg, ERR_SYSTEM, txId);
 1563  0
             } catch (IOException e) {
 1564  0
                 String msg = "Recovering status information from '" + statePath + "' failed";
 1565  0
                 logger.logSevere(msg, e);
 1566  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(msg, ERR_SYSTEM, txId, e);
 1567  0
             } catch (Throwable t) {
 1568  0
                 String msg = "Recovering status information from '" + statePath + "' failed";
 1569  0
                 logger.logSevere(msg, t);
 1570  0
                 throw new ResourceManagerSystemException(msg, ERR_SYSTEM, txId, t);
             } finally {
 1572  12
                 if (reader != null) {
                     try {
 1574  10
 1575  0
                     } catch (IOException e) {
 1576  12
 1580  10
         public synchronized String toString() {
 1583  175
             StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
 1584  175
 1585  175
 1586  175
 1587  175
 1588  175
 1589  175
             if (debug) {
 1590  175
                 buf.append("----- Lock Debug Info -----\n");
 1592  175
                 for (Iterator it = lockManager.getAll(txId).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
 1593  68
                     GenericLock lock = (GenericLock);
 1594  68
 1595  68
 1598  175
             return buf.toString();
     private class InputStreamWrapper extends InputStream {
         private InputStream is;
         private Object txId;
         private Object resourceId;
 1608  5
         public InputStreamWrapper(InputStream is, Object txId, Object resourceId) {
 1609  5
    = is;
 1610  5
             this.txId = txId;
 1611  5
             this.resourceId = resourceId;
 1612  5
         public int read() throws IOException {
 1615  0
         public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException {
 1619  0
         public int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
 1623  3
             return, off, len);
         public int available() throws IOException {
 1627  1
             return is.available();
         public void close() throws IOException {
             try {
 1632  3
 1633  3
             } finally {
 1634  0
                 TransactionContext context;
 1635  3
                 synchronized (globalTransactions) {
 1636  3
                     context = getContext(txId);
 1637  3
                     if (context == null) {
 1638  0
 1640  3
 1641  3
                 synchronized (context) {
 1642  3
                     if (context.isLightWeight) {
 1643  1
                         if (logger.isFinerEnabled())
 1644  0
                             logger.logFiner("Upon close of resource removing temporary light weight tx " + txId);
 1645  1
 1646  1
                     } else {
                         // release access lock in order to allow other transactions to commit
 1649  2
                         if (lockManager.getLevel(txId, resourceId) == LOCK_ACCESS) {
 1650  1
                             if (logger.isFinerEnabled()) {
 1651  0
                                 logger.logFiner("Upon close of resource releasing access lock for tx " + txId + " on resource at " + resourceId);
 1653  1
                             lockManager.release(txId, resourceId);
 1656  3
 1657  6
 1658  3
         public void mark(int readlimit) {
 1661  0
 1662  0
         public void reset() throws IOException {
 1665  0
 1666  0
         public boolean markSupported() {
 1669  0
             return is.markSupported();