Package org.apache.commons.scxml.semantics

A collection of classes responsible for implementations of the org.apache.commons.scxml.SCXMLSemantics interface.


Class Summary
ErrorConstants Errors reported by the default SCXMLSemantics implementation.
SCXMLSemanticsImpl This class encapsulates a particular SCXML semantics, that is, a particular semantic interpretation of Harel Statecharts, which aligns mostly with W3C SCXML July 5 public draft (that is, UML 1.5).

Package org.apache.commons.scxml.semantics Description

A collection of classes responsible for implementations of the org.apache.commons.scxml.SCXMLSemantics interface.

Some possible semantic interpretations are, for example:

Specific semantics can be created by subclassing org.apache.commons.scxml.semantics.SCXMLSemanticsImpl, which is the default implementation used.

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