Interface NamespacePrefixesHolder

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public interface NamespacePrefixesHolder

A NamespacePrefixesHolder is an entity that retains namespace prefix information from the document for deferred XPath evaluation.

Method Summary
 Map getNamespaces()
          Get the map of namespaces, with keys as prefixes and values as URIs.
 void setNamespaces(Map namespaces)
          Get the map of namespaces, with keys as prefixes and values as URIs.

Method Detail


void setNamespaces(Map namespaces)
Get the map of namespaces, with keys as prefixes and values as URIs.

namespaces - The namespaces prefix map.


Map getNamespaces()
Get the map of namespaces, with keys as prefixes and values as URIs.

The namespaces prefix map.

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