Package org.apache.commons.scxml.env

A collection of classes that may be commonly used to bridge the SCXML executor to the runtime environment.


Class Summary
AbstractStateMachine This class demonstrates one approach for providing the base functionality needed by classes representing stateful entities, whose behaviors are defined via SCXML documents.
LogUtils Helper methods for Commons SCXML logging.
SimpleContext Simple Context wrapping a map of variables.
SimpleDispatcher Trivial EventDispatcher implementation.
SimpleErrorHandler Custom error handler that logs the parsing errors in the SCXML document.
SimpleErrorReporter Custom error reporter that log execution errors.
SimpleScheduler EventDispatcher implementation that can schedule delayed <send> events for the "scxml" targettype attribute value (which is also the default).
SimpleSCXMLListener Simple SCXML Listener that logs execution.
Tracer A simple tracer connected to Apache Commons Logging.
URLResolver A PathResolver implementation that resolves against a base URL.

Package org.apache.commons.scxml.env Description

A collection of classes that may be commonly used to bridge the SCXML executor to the runtime environment.

Various sub-packages contain specifics related to a particular environment.

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