Class SCXMLHelper

  extended by org.apache.commons.scxml.SCXMLHelper

public final class SCXMLHelper
extends Object

Helper class, all methods static final.

Method Summary
static void cloneDatamodel(Datamodel datamodel, Context ctx, Evaluator evaluator, org.apache.commons.logging.Log log)
          Clone data model.
static Set getAncestorClosure(Set states, Set upperBounds)
          Creates a set which contains given states and all their ancestors recursively up to the upper bound.
static TransitionTarget getLCA(TransitionTarget tt1, TransitionTarget tt2)
          Finds the least common ancestor of transition targets tt1 and tt2 if one exists.
static String getNodeValue(Node node)
          Retrieve a DOM node value as a string depending on its type.
static Set getStatesExited(Transition t, Set currentStates)
          Returns the set of all states (and parallels) which are exited if a given transition t is going to be taken.
static boolean implementationOf(Class clas, Class interfayce)
          Whether the class implements the interface.
static boolean inConflict(Transition t1, Transition t2, Set currentStates)
          According to the UML definition, two transitions are conflicting if the sets of states they exit overlap.
static boolean isDescendant(TransitionTarget tt, TransitionTarget ctx)
          Checks whether a transition target tt (State or Parallel) is a descendant of the transition target context.
static boolean isLegalConfig(Set states, ErrorReporter errRep)
          Checks whether a given set of states is a legal Harel State Table configuration (with the respect to the definition of the OR and AND states).
static boolean isStringEmpty(String attr)
          Return true if the string is empty.
static void setNodeValue(Node node, String value)
          Set node value, depending on its type, from a String.
static boolean subtypeOf(Class child, Class parent)
          Whether the first argument is a subtype of the second.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static boolean isStringEmpty(String attr)
Return true if the string is empty.

attr - The String to test
Is string empty


public static boolean isDescendant(TransitionTarget tt,
                                   TransitionTarget ctx)
Checks whether a transition target tt (State or Parallel) is a descendant of the transition target context.

tt - TransitionTarget to check - a potential descendant
ctx - TransitionTarget context - a potential ancestor
true iff tt is a descendant of ctx, false otherwise


public static Set getAncestorClosure(Set states,
                                     Set upperBounds)
Creates a set which contains given states and all their ancestors recursively up to the upper bound. Null upperBound means root of the state machine.

states - The Set of States
upperBounds - The Set of upper bound States
transitive closure of a given state set


public static boolean isLegalConfig(Set states,
                                    ErrorReporter errRep)
Checks whether a given set of states is a legal Harel State Table configuration (with the respect to the definition of the OR and AND states).

states - a set of states
errRep - ErrorReporter to report detailed error info if needed
true if a given state configuration is legal, false otherwise


public static TransitionTarget getLCA(TransitionTarget tt1,
                                      TransitionTarget tt2)
Finds the least common ancestor of transition targets tt1 and tt2 if one exists.

tt1 - First TransitionTarget
tt2 - Second TransitionTarget
closest common ancestor of tt1 and tt2 or null


public static Set getStatesExited(Transition t,
                                  Set currentStates)
Returns the set of all states (and parallels) which are exited if a given transition t is going to be taken. Current states are necessary to be taken into account due to orthogonal states and cross-region transitions - see UML specs for more details.

t - transition to be taken
currentStates - the set of current states (simple states only)
a set of all states (including composite) which are exited if a given transition is taken


public static boolean inConflict(Transition t1,
                                 Transition t2,
                                 Set currentStates)
According to the UML definition, two transitions are conflicting if the sets of states they exit overlap.

t1 - a transition to check against t2
t2 - a transition to check against t1
currentStates - the set of current states (simple states only)
true if the t1 and t2 are conflicting transitions
See Also:
getStatesExited(Transition, Set)


public static boolean subtypeOf(Class child,
                                Class parent)
Whether the first argument is a subtype of the second.

child - The candidate subtype
parent - The supertype
true if child is subtype of parent, otherwise false


public static boolean implementationOf(Class clas,
                                       Class interfayce)
Whether the class implements the interface.

clas - The candidate class
interfayce - The interface
true if clas implements interfayce, otherwise false


public static void setNodeValue(Node node,
                                String value)
Set node value, depending on its type, from a String.

node - A Node whose value is to be set
value - The new value


public static String getNodeValue(Node node)
Retrieve a DOM node value as a string depending on its type.

node - A node to be retreived
The value as a string


public static void cloneDatamodel(Datamodel datamodel,
                                  Context ctx,
                                  Evaluator evaluator,
                                  org.apache.commons.logging.Log log)
Clone data model.

ctx - The context to clone to.
datamodel - The datamodel to clone.
evaluator - The expression evaluator.
log - The error log.

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