Apache Commons logo Apache Commons RNG

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Apache Commons RNG Client API API for client code that uses random numbers generators.
Apache Commons RNG Core Pure Java implementations of random numbers generator algorithms. Code in this module should not be used directly by applications; please use the client interface defined in module "commons-rng-client-api" and the factory methods defined in module "commons-rng-simple". In a future release, modularization may be enforced through JPMS access restrictions.
Apache Commons RNG Simple Simple API for instantiating random numbers generators.
Apache Commons RNG Sampling The Apache Commons RNG Sampling module provides samplers for various distributions.
Apache Commons RNG (Bill of Materials) Bill of Materials (BOM) to aid in dependency management when referencing multiple Apache Commons RNG artifacts.
Apache Commons RNG Documentation Aggregator module to genenerate Apache Commons RNG documentation.
Apache Commons RNG Examples Examples of use of the "Commons RNG" library. Codes in this module and its sub-modules are not part of the library. They provide checking, benchmarking tools to enhance the documentation and to help ensure correctness of the implementations.