Apache Commons logo Apache Commons RNG

JIRA Report

Fix Version Key Component Summary Type Resolution Status
1.6 RNG-183 sampling Pareto distribution sampler to concentrate samples at the lower/upper bounds for extreme shape parameters Improvement Implemented Resolved
1.6 RNG-184 sampling ArraySampler to shuffle all primitive array types and generic T[] arrays New Feature Implemented Resolved
1.5 RNG-166 sampling LogNormalSampler should allow negative scale (mean of the natural logarithm of the distribution values) Bug Fixed Closed
1.5 RNG-165 sampling RejectionInversionZipfSampler should allow exponent of zero Bug Fixed Closed
1.5 RNG-172 sampling UniformLongSampler can precompute the rejection limit Improvement Implemented Closed
1.5 RNG-164 sampling Refactor SimpleSampler in SamplerBaseTest.java to improve test logic Improvement Implemented Closed
1.5 RNG-182 bom, client-api, core, sampling, simple Bill of Materials (BOM) New Feature Implemented Closed
1.5 RNG-179 sampling The Fast Loaded Dice Roller: A Near-Optimal Exact Sampler for Discrete Probability Distributions New Feature Implemented Closed
1.5 RNG-177 sampling Add stream methods to the sampler API New Feature Implemented Closed
1.5 RNG-167 sampling Sampling from a T-distribution New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-159 sampling ZigguratSampler.NormalizedGaussian has incorrect Gaussian output Bug Fixed Closed
1.4 RNG-146 sampling GaussianSampler should not allow infinite standard deviation Bug Fixed Closed
1.4 RNG-144 sampling AhrensDieterExponentialSampler can infinite loop Bug Fixed Closed
1.4 RNG-130 sampling UnitSphereSampler for 1 dimension can return invalid length samples Bug Fixed Closed
1.4 RNG-163 client-api, core, sampling, simple Update to JUnit 5 Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-160 sampling Performance of modified Ziggurat samplers Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-157 sampling Deprecate UnitSphereSampler constructor Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-155 sampling ZigguratNormalizedGaussianSampler to use a table size of 256 Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-154 sampling Avoid infinite samples in the normalised Gaussian samplers Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-153 sampling Update the UnitBallSampler method to use an exponential deviate Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-152 sampling Update sampling to use ZigguratSampler.NormalizedGaussian Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-151 sampling Modified Ziggurat algorithm for normal and exponential sampling Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-150 sampling Update samplers to use the ziggurat exponential sampler Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-129 sampling Performance improvement for UnitSphereSampler Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-128 sampling UnitBallSampler Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-126 sampling PoissonSamplerCache to return a SharedStateDiscreteSampler Improvement Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-162 client-api, core, sampling, simple Update to Java 8 New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-158 client-api, core, sampling, simple Update to Java 1.7 New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-156 sampling Dirichlet distribution sampler New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-147 sampling LevySampler New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-145 sampling "ContinuousUniformSampler" with both bounds excluded New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-140 sampling nextLong(long lo, long hi) New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-138 sampling CompositeSamplers to return a single sample from a composite of 2 or more samplers of the same type New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-137 sampling StableSampler to sample from a stable distribution New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-136 sampling ObjectSampler<T> and SharedStateObjectSampler<T> interfaces New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-135 sampling TetrahedronSampler: Sample uniformly from a tetrahedron New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-134 sampling BoxSampler to sampler uniformly from a box (or hyperrectangle) New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-133 sampling LineSampler: Sample uniformly within a line New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-131 sampling TriangleSampler: Sample uniformly within a triangle New Feature Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-132 sampling Package rng.sampling.shape for sampling coordinates from shapes Task Implemented Closed
1.4 RNG-125 core, sampling Run the performance benchmarks for new generators Task Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-96 sampling AhrensDieterMarsagliaTsangGammaSampler incorrectly names parameters Bug Fixed Closed
1.3 RNG-93 sampling SmallMeanPoissonSampler should require p0 to be positive Bug Fixed Closed
1.3 RNG-92 sampling LargeMeanPoissonSampler cannot handle a mean less than 1 Bug Fixed Closed
1.3 RNG-121 sampling Cheng Beta Sampler Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-114 sampling Improve ListSampler shuffle algorithm to detect instances of RandomAccess Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-110 sampling Factory methods for Discrete and Continuous distribution samplers Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-109 sampling DiscreteProbabilityCollectionSampler to use an internal DiscreteSampler Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-103 sampling LargeMeanPoissonSampler to use KempSmallMeanPoissonSampler Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-95 sampling DiscreteUniformSampler Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-74 sampling DiscreteUniformSampler can be optimised for the algorithm Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-73 sampling Improve Javadoc for the samplers Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-71 sampling Validate parameters for the distribution samplers Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-68 sampling AhrensDieterMarsagliaTsangGammaSampler constructor can be optimised for the theta parameter Improvement Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-102 sampling SharedStateSampler interface New Feature Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-101 sampling MarsagliaTsangWang discrete probability sampler New Feature Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-100 sampling GuideTableDiscreteSampler New Feature Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-99 sampling AliasMethodDiscreteSampler New Feature Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-91 sampling Kemp small mean poisson sampler New Feature Implemented Closed
1.3 RNG-69 sampling GeometricSampler New Feature Implemented Closed
1.2 RNG-56 sampling Infinite loop in Ziggurat implementation Bug Fixed Closed
1.2 RNG-55 sampling UnitSphereSampler Bug Fixed Closed
1.2 RNG-52 sampling PoissonSampler allows mean above Integer.MAX_VALUE Bug Fixed Closed
1.2 RNG-61 sampling PermutationSampler shuffle contains unnecessary conditional Improvement Fixed Closed
1.2 RNG-51 sampling PoissonSampler single use speed improvements using a cache Improvement Implemented Closed
1.2 RNG-62 sampling CombinationSampler New Feature Implemented Closed
1.1 RNG-50 sampling PoissonSampler single use speed improvements Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 RNG-43 sampling Log-normal samplers Improvement Implemented Closed
1.1 RNG-42 sampling Use Ziggurat implementation in other samplers Improvement Fixed Closed
1.1 RNG-36 sampling Variation of the Box-Muller algorithm New Feature Fixed Closed
1.1 RNG-34 sampling Benchmarks for samplers Task Implemented Closed
1.1 RNG-53 sampling Prevent bad usage of internal class Wish Fixed Closed
1.1 RNG-47 sampling Migrate "EnumeratedDistribution" from "Commons Math" Wish Fixed Closed
1.1 RNG-39 sampling Move "UnitSphereRandomVectorGenerator" from "Commons Math" Wish Implemented Closed
1.1 RNG-37 sampling Ziggurat algorithm Wish Fixed Closed
1.1 RNG-35 sampling Marker interface for normalized Gaussian sampler Wish Implemented Closed
1.0 RNG-30 sampling Sampling New Feature Implemented Closed