Class XoRoShiRo1024PlusPlus

    • Constructor Detail

      • XoRoShiRo1024PlusPlus

        public XoRoShiRo1024PlusPlus​(long[] seed)
        Creates a new instance.
        seed - Initial seed. If the length is larger than 16, only the first 16 elements will be used; if smaller, the remaining elements will be automatically set. A seed containing all zeros will create a non-functional generator.
    • Method Detail

      • transform

        protected long transform​(long s0,
                                 long s15)
        Transform the two consecutive 64-bit states of the generator to a 64-bit output. The transformation function shall vary with respect to different generators.
        s0 - The current state.
        s15 - The previous state.
        the output
      • getStateInternal

        protected byte[] getStateInternal()
        Creates a snapshot of the RNG state.
        getStateInternal in class LongProvider
        the internal state.
      • next

        public long next()
        Return the next random value.
        Specified by:
        next in interface RandomLongSource
        the next random value.
      • jump

        public UniformRandomProvider jump()
        Creates a copy of the UniformRandomProvider and then advances the state of the current instance. The copy is returned.

        The current state will be advanced in a single operation by the equivalent of a number of sequential calls to a method that updates the state of the provider. The size of the jump is implementation dependent.

        Repeat invocations of this method will create a series of generators that are uniformly spaced at intervals of the output sequence. Each generator provides non-overlapping output for the length of the jump for use in parallel computations.

        The jump size is the equivalent of 2512 calls to nextLong(). It can provide up to 2512 non-overlapping subsequences.

        Specified by:
        jump in interface JumpableUniformRandomProvider
        A copy of the current state.
      • longJump

        public JumpableUniformRandomProvider longJump()
        Creates a copy of the JumpableUniformRandomProvider and then advances the state of the current instance. The copy is returned.

        The current state will be advanced in a single operation by the equivalent of a number of sequential calls to a method that updates the state of the provider. The size of the long jump is implementation dependent.

        Repeat invocations of this method will create a series of generators that are uniformly spaced at intervals of the output sequence. Each generator provides non-overlapping output for the length of the long jump for use in parallel computations.

        The returned copy may be jumped m / n times before overlap with the current instance where m is the long jump length and n is the jump length of the JumpableUniformRandomProvider.jump() method.

        The jump size is the equivalent of 2768 calls to nextLong(). It can provide up to 2256 non-overlapping subsequences of length 2768; each subsequence can provide up to 2256 non-overlapping subsequences of length 2512 using the JumpableUniformRandomProvider.jump() method.

        Specified by:
        longJump in interface LongJumpableUniformRandomProvider
        A copy of the current state.