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Apache Commons Parent Release Notes

Release History

Version Date Description
71 2024-06-07 Version 71: Maintenance and update dependencies.
70 2024-05-11 Version 70: Maintenance and update dependencies.
69 2024-03-29 Version 69: Maintenance and update dependencies
68 2024-03-19 Version 68: Maintenance and update dependencies
67 2024-03-02 Version 67: Maintenance and update dependencies
66 2024-01-29 Version 66: Maintenance and update dependencies.
65 2023-11-17 Version 65: Maintenance and update dependencies.
64 2023-10-06 Version 64: Maintenance and update dependencies.
63 2023-10-02 Version 63: Maintenance and update dependencies.
62 2023-09-02 Version 62: Maintenance and update dependencies.
61 2023-08-26 Version 61: Maintenance and update dependencies.
60 2023-08-20 Version 60: Maintenance and update dependencies.
59 2023-07-22 Version 59: Maintenance and update dependencies.
58 2023-05-20 Version 58: Maintenance and update dependencies.
57 2023-04-22 Version 57: Maintenance and update dependencies.
56 2022-12-30 Version 56: Maintenance and update dependencies.
55 2022-12-07 Version 55: Maintenance and update dependencies.
54 2022-09-18 Version 54: SBOMs, drop JDepend, replace FindBugs with SpotBugs, dependency bumps.
53 2022-03-31 WARNING: checkstyle version has been updated; there are breaking changes which may require updates to checkstyle.xml files
52 2020-07-30 Add support for Java 15.
51 2020-06-23 Fix incompatibilty issues with Java 7 Add support for Java 13. Update various plugin versions.
50 2019-12-17 Update site generation. Updates to commons-skin:4.2, fixes custom footer copyright notice and removes redundant site.xml head element. Removes jacoco aggregate reports and changes conditional japicmp plugin to require Java 8 and activate via opt-in behavior. Includes some plugins updates.
49 2019-09-10 Release version 49
48 2019-03-20 Release version 48
47 2018-07-02 Release version 47
46 2018-04-07 Plugin updates Notes on japicmp usage in 46 ---------------------------- For japicmp to work when running 'mvn site', we must first run package because japicmp needs a built artifact to which to compare the previous version. Thus, we run 'mvn package site' to get an appropriate japicmp report.
45 2018-03-12 Changing location of commons-release-plugin
44 2018-03-08 Plugin Updates and add new commons-release-plugin Notes on Building version 44. ----------------------------- When building, because of an issue with japicmp, we have an erroneous non-failing stacktrace that occurs. Specifically, we see: [warn] No new version specified and file './commons-parent/pom.xml' of artifact could not be opened as jar archive: error in opening zip file java.util.zip.ZipException: error in opening zip file mainly caused by an error in japicmp.maven.JApiCmpMojo.populateArchivesListsFromParameters(JApiCmpMojo.java:341). We have asked for this to be addressed in the github issue: https://github.com/siom79/japicmp/issues/195
43 2018-01-02 Updates plugins and generally requires Java 7.
42 2016-12-29 Updates plugins
41 2016-08-15 Updates plugins and adds source compatibility profiles
40 2016-04-30 Updates plugins and parent; fixes COMMONSSITE-87 and COMMONSSITE-82. N.B. The assembly plugin now runs in the verify phase (it was previously run in the package phase). See COMMONSSITE-87. This allows child poms to create additional jars to be added to the assembly. This will affect child poms that rely on the assembly occurring in the package phase. They will need to be amended to use the verify phase instead.
39 2015-09-07 Uses a new location assembly location; updates plugins; allows Java 8 builds to use animal-sniffer.
38 2015-06-25 Fix bug in site Security link; update plugins
37 2015-01-28 Update plugins, add Animal Sniffer and site-basic profile
36 2014-12-21 Update plugins, fix release-notes profile.
35 2014-10-22 Update plugins and maintenance
34 2014-04-16 The main changes in this release are: - Added Maven enforcer to ensure builds use Maven 3.0.0 or later - Surefire 2.16 to 2.17 - scm-publish 1.0-beta to 1.0 - added java-1.8 profile
33 2014-02-14 The main changes in this release are: - Fixed Jacoco configuration syntax - updated some plugins
32 2013-07-01 The main changes in this release are: - added fix for Javadoc vulnerability (CVE-2013-1571, VU#225657) MJAVADOC-370 - updated some plugins
31 2013-06-24 The main changes in this release are: - dropped unused 'rc' profile - fixed the maven.compile[r] names - updated some plugins and the RAT excludes list
30 2013-05-28 The main changes in this release are RAT configuration changes: - updated excludes: added .pmd and download_*.cgi - changed excludes so child POM excludes will be appended to the parent list - duplicated settings in build section so they apply to standalone invocations Coverage tool: Made JaCoCo an optional profile Restored Cobertura as an optional profile
29 2013-05-18 Replace Cobertura with JaCoCo; update plugin versions
28 2013-01-26 Update plugins
27 2012-09-24 Update plugins
26 2012-08-23 Update plugins
25 2012-??-?? Update plugins
24 2012-03-13 Update and add plugins
23 2012-01-11 The Maven3 site plugin has been updated to support ssh/scp for deployment The buildNumber plugin now defaults to using SVN CLI, and does not run if buildNumber.skip=true To use javasvn instead, use the profile: javasvn
22 2011-09-21 Starting with version 22, the RAT plugin has changed Maven group and id, so any existing configuration needs to be updated. To fix component POMs, please change any occurrences of: <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>rat-maven-plugin</artifactId> to the new values: <groupId>org.apache.rat</groupId> <artifactId>apache-rat-plugin</artifactId>

Release 71 – 2024-06-07

Type Changes By
Update Bump org.junit:junit-bom from 5.11.0-M1 to 5.11.0-M2 #419. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 #418. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 #417. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.16.0 to 10.17.0 on Java 11 and up. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump commons.pmd-impl.version from 7.1.0 to 7.2.0 #422. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.6.3 to 3.7.0 #424. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 #425. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 #425. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 70 – 2024-05-11

Type Changes By
Add Add profile benchmark for JMH benchmarks. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Add JMH to dependency management section. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix Set Javadoc link to latest Java API LTS version. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix Set Jacoco defaults to 1.00. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.14.2 to 10.16.0 on Java 11 and up. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.11 to 0.8.12 #392. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-artifact-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 #393. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin from to #394, #411. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs from 4.8.3 to 4.8.5. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache:apache (parent POM) from 31 to 32. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.commons:commons-build-plugin from 1.13 to 1.14.0 #397. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jar-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.4.1 #398. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.commons:commons-release-plugin from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 #401. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.20.0 to 0.21.2 #403, #410. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-pmd-plugin from 3.21.2 to 3.22.0 #404. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump commons.pmd-impl.version from 6.55.0 to 7.1.0 #388, #408. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.bcel:bcel from 6.8.2 to 6.9.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.junit.jupiter:junit-* from 5.10.2 to 5.11.0-M1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.junit.platform:junit-platform-* from 5.10.2 to 5.11.0-M1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.junit.vintage:junit-vintage-engine from 5.10.2 to 5.11.0-M1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory

Release 69 – 2024-03-29

Type Changes By
Update Bump org.cyclonedx:cyclonedx-maven-plugin from 2.7.11 to 2.8.0 #389. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.moditect:moditect-maven-plugin from 1.2.0.Final to 1.2.1.Final #390. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 68 – 2024-03-19

Type Changes By
Update Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin from 3.6.0 to 3.7.1 #378, #384. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.18.5 to 0.20.0 #376. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.14.0 to 10.14.2 on Java 11 and up. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.moditect:moditect-maven-plugin from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0.Final #379. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin from 3.12.1 to 3.13.0 #385. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory

Release 67 – 2024-03-02

Type Changes By
Update Bump org.junit:junit-bom from 5.10.1 to 5.10.2. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin from to #366. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.18.3 to 0.18.5 #365, #368. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 #369. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.bcel:bcel from 6.8.1 to 6.8.2. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.13.0 to 10.14.0 on Java 11 and up. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.spdx:spdx-maven-plugin from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3 #371. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 66 – 2024-01-29

Type Changes By
Add Add property commons.javadoc21.java.link. ggregory
Add Add artifact:check-buildplan to the validate phase. ggregory
Fix Drop markmail from mailingList section sebb
Update Bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.5 to 3.5.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin from to Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs from 4.8.1 to 4.8.3. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.6.2 to 3.6.3. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.12.5 to 10.12.6 on Java 11 and up. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.2.5. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.2.5. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-surefire-report-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.2.5. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.spdx:spdx-maven-plugin from 0.7.0 to 0.7.2. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.11.0 to 3.12.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.12.6 to 10.13.0 on Java 11 and up. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jxr-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin from 0.15 to 0.16.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.bcel:bcel from 6.8.0 to 6.8.1. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.cyclonedx:cyclonedx-maven-plugin from 2.7.10 to 2.7.11. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Drop Javadoc properties commons.javadocX.java.link for non-LTS Java versions. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory

Release 65 – 2023-11-17

Type Changes By
Add Add exec-maven-plugin to plugin management section. ggregory
Fix s/commons.surefire-report.version/commons.surefire.version/ incorrectly added in 714c3a9 sebb
Update Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs from 4.7.3 to 4.8.1 #317. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.10 to 0.8.11 #321. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.18.1 to 0.18.3 #320. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-jxr-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-surefire-report-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.codehaus.mojo:javancss-maven-plugin from undefined to 2.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump cyclonedx-maven-plugin from 2.7.9 to 2.7.10. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.21.0 to 3.21.2. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.6.0 to 3.6.2. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump JUnit from 5.10.0 to 5.10.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.moditect:moditect-maven-plugin from 1.0.0.Final to 1.1.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin from to Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-surefire-report-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache:apache from 30 to 31. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.12.4 on 10.12.5 when on Java 11 and up. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin from 2.16.1 to 2.16.2 #330. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory

Release 64 – 2023-10-06

Type Changes By
Add Restore building on Java 8 (com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle 10.x requires Java 11). Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Rename profile 'moditect' to 'java-9-up'. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Merge profile 'jdk9-compiler' into 'java-9-up' and remove 'jdk9-compiler'. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Remove Remove 'javasvn' profile. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Remove Remove '.svn'-activated profile. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Remove Remove 'jdk9-compiler.' profile. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Use Checkstyle 9.x on Java less than 11 and Checkstyle 10.x on Java 11 and up. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory

Release 63 – 2023-10-02

Type Changes By
Add Add commons.conf.dir property defaulting to src/conf. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump GitHub actions. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.17.2 to 0.18.1 #302, #313. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin from 2.16.0 to 2.16.1 #309. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin from to #312. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Remove Remove obsolete Travis CI profiles. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory

Release 62 – 2023-09-02

Type Changes By
Fix Use addServiceUses when generating JPMS module info. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump GitHub actions. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 61 – 2023-08-26

Type Changes By
Fix Always use version.maven-source-plugin 3.2.1 (workaround MSOURCES-143). Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump GitHub actions. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 60 – 2023-08-20

Type Changes By
Fix Reuse the parent POM's maven-enforcer-plugin configuration Thanks to Slawomir Jaranowski. sjaranowski
Fix Workaround MSOURCES-143 by using version.maven-source-plugin 3.2.1 on Java 8. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Fix Remove property commons.source-plugin.version and reuse the parent POM's version.maven-source-plugin. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Add SPDX SBOM in the package phase. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump JUnit from 5.9.3 to 5.10.0. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-assembly-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.1.2. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.1.2. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.20.0 to 3.21.0. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.3 to 3.4.5. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-source-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin from 5.1.8 to 5.1.9. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.spdx:spdx-maven-plugin from 0.6.5 to 0.7.0. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump GitHub actions. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 59 – 2023-07-22

Type Changes By
Add Add moditect profile for JPMS on Java >= 9. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Add POM property commons.javadoc.javaee8.link. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Add POM property commons.javadoc.javaee9.link. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Add POM property commons.javadoc.javaee9.1.link. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Add POM property commons.javadoc.javaee10.link. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Add Don't use the animal sniffer plugin on Java >=9, use the compiler release flag instead. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump GitHub actions in .github. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump versions-maven-plugin from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0 #276. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump buildnumber-maven-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 #277. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump biz.aQute.bndlib from 6.4.0 to 6.4.1 #279. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from to #284. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org:apache:apache (parent POM) from 29 to 30. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump commons-release-plugin from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump commons-build-plugin from 1.12 to 1.13. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 58 – 2023-05-20

Type Changes By
Add Add commons.javadoc20.java.link. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump cyclonedx-maven-plugin from 2.7.7 to 2.7.9 to pick up the fix for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHARED-1247 #266, #272. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.9 to 0.8.10 #265. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump junit-bom from 5.9.2 to 5.9.3 #263. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump build-helper-maven-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 #270. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump buildnumber-maven-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 #271. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 57 – 2023-04-22

Type Changes By
Fix Fix cyclonedx-maven-plugin configuration for multi-module projects. Thanks to Hervé Boutemy. ggregory
Fix Drop non-reproducible Implementation-Build in jar #242. Thanks to Hervé Boutemy. ggregory
Fix Use Java compiler release flag when compiling with Java >= 9.]. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.37 to 2.1.38 #201. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump cyclonedx-maven-plugin from 2.7.3 to 2.7.7 #195, #220, #253, #262. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump junit-bom from 5.9.1 to 5.9.2 #198. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.19.0 to 3.20.0 #206. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump commons.pmd-impl.version from 6.54.0 to 6.55.0 #227. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.0.0 #202, #222, #235. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-surefire-plugin from 3.0.0-M8 to 3.0.0 #219, #236. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-surefire-report-plugin from 3.0.0-M7 to 3.0.0 #205, #207, #221, #237. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2 #204, #260. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.1 to 3.4.3 #203, @262. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-enforcer-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.3.0 #212, #255. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump spdx-maven-plugin from 0.6.3 to 0.6.5 #213, #259. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 #218. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump versions-maven-plugin from 2.14.2 to 2.15.0 #224. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-assembly-plugin from 3.4.2 to 3.5.0 #226. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from to #225, #231, #243, #254. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.10.1 to 3.11.0 #229. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.17.1 to 0.17.2 #230. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump commons.javadoc.java.link from Java 7 to 8. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump minimum Maven version from 3.3.9 to 3.6.3. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.8 to 0.8.9 #256. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.22 to 1.23 #251. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 56 – 2022-12-30

Type Changes By
Fix Add Privacy link to site.xml sebb
Update Bump apache from 28 to 29 #182. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump versions-maven-plugin from 2.13.0 to 2.14.2 #181, #187, #191. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump wagon-ssh from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 #190. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 55 – 2022-12-07

Type Changes By
Update Make CycloneDX work better with multi-module projects. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update New interface methods must be default methods to maintain BC. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Add property commons.javadoc19.java.link. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump actions/cache from 3.0.8 to 3.0.11 #152, #155, #160. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump actions/checkout from 3.0.2 to 3.1.0 #154. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump actions/setup-java from 3.5.1 to 3.6.0 #164. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 #165 Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.27 to 2.1.35 #162, #166, #168, #178. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump github/codeql-action from 2.1.23 to 2.1.31 #148, #150, #156, #172. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump ossf/scorecard-action from 1.1.2 to 2.0.6 #163. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump apache from 27 to 28 #175 Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump JUnit from 5.9.0 to 5.9.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump spdx-maven-plugin from 0.5.5 to 0.6.3. Version 0.6.2 fixes NPE https://github.com/spdx/spdx-maven-plugin/issues/53 #159 Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump pmd from 6.49.0 to 6.52.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump Apache Commons BCEL from 6.5.0 to 6.7.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump cyclonedx-maven-plugin from 2.7.1 to 2.7.3 #157, #173. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from to #158, #170, #171. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump spotbugs from 4.7.2 to 4.7.3 #161. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump versions-maven-plugin from 2.12.0 to 2.13.0 #167. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.16.0 to 0.17.1 #174. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump biz.aQute.bndlib from 6.3.1 to 6.4.0 #176. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 54 – 2022-09-18

Type Changes By
Add Add .vscode/* to RAT excludes. sebb
Add Add property commons.javadoc18.java.link. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Add Add JUnit BOM to dependency management. ggregory
Add Add CycloneDX SBOM generation #122. Thanks to Steve Springett. ggregory
Add Add SPDX SBOM generation. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Remove Remove org.codehaus.mojo:jdepend-maven-plugin 2.0; it does not work with current versions of RAT and site plugins. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Remove Remove FindBugs properties, use SpotBugs instead. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Remove Remove Maven Clirr plugin in favor of JApiCmp. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump actions/cache from 3 to 3.0.8, #118. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 3.0.2. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump actions/setup-java from 2 to 3.5.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump apache from 24 to 27 #112, #127. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump build-helper-maven-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0 #105. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.7 to 0.8.8. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump spotbugs from 4.5.3 to 4.7.2 #120, #143. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from to, #129, #142. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.4.1 #107, #128. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-site-plugin from 3.11.0 to 3.12.1 #108, #132. Fix [WARNING] An issue has occurred with apache-rat-plugin:0.14:rat report, skipping LinkageError org.apache.rat.mp.RatReportMojo.generate(Lorg/codehaus/doxia/sink/Sink;Ljava/util/Locale;)V, Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-bundle-plugin from 5.1.4 to 5.1.8, #111, #126, #133. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump net.sourceforge.pmd:pmd-* from 6.44.0 to 6.49.0, #138. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-jxr-plugin from 3.1.1 to 3.3.0 #110, #136. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.3.2 to 3.4.1 #114. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump apache-rat from 0.13 to 0.15. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump biz.aQute.bndlib from 6.2.0 to 6.3.1. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-pmd-plugin from 3.16.0 to 3.19.0 #141. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-enforcer-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh 3.5.1 to 3.5.2. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-assembly-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.4.2 #123. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump Surefire 2.22.2 to 3.0.0-M7. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump Failsafe 2.22.2 to 3.0.0-M7. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.21 to 1.22. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump japicmp-maven-plugin from 0.15.7 to 0.16.0 #140. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump versions-maven-plugin from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0 #144. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-jar-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 #147. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory

Release 53 – 2022-03-31

Type Changes By
Fix Use HTTPS for Javadoc links to Oracle. ggregory
Fix Use HTTPS for most links to Apache. ggregory
Fix Rename property biz.aQute.bndlib.version -> commons.biz.aQute.bndlib.version. ggregory
Add Add .asf.yaml to RAT excludes. sebb
Add Add versions-maven-plugin run for this build. ggregory
Add Add maven-checkstyle-plugin to pluginManagement. ggregory
Add Allow Maven PMD plugin to override PMD implementation jars with property "commons.pmd-impl.version". ggregory
Add Add property commons.javadoc16.java.link. ggregory
Add Add and use property commons.enforcer-plugin.version. ggregory
Add Add SpotBugs to plugin management section. ggregory
Add Add and use property commons.buildnumber-plugin.version. ggregory
Add Add property commons.javadoc17.java.link. ggregory
Update Bump versions-maven-plugin from 2.7 to 2.10.0 #97, #101. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.2.2 #19, #41, #89, #103. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump Jacoco from 0.8.5 to 0.8.7, #42. ggregory, Dependabot
Update Bump actions/setup-java from v1.4.0 to v2, #18, #22. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump commons-build-plugin 1.11 -> 1.12 sebb
Update Bump biz.aQute.bndlib from 5.1.2 to 6.2.0, #23, #31, #64, #76. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.1 to 3, #15, #21, #25, #66, #71, #79. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump com.github.siom79.japicmp:japicmp-maven-plugin 0.14.3 -> 0.15.7, #34, #68, #93. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh 3.4.0 -> 3.4.3, #32 ggregory
Update Bump maven-pmd-plugin 3.13.0 -> 3.16.0 #91. Thanks to Gary Gregory, Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump commons.checkstyle-plugin.version 3.1.1 -> 3.1.2. ggregory
Update Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 #29, #38, #44, #102. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.19 to 1.21 #30. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 8.40 to 9.0.2 #33, #45, #48, #54, #55, #38, #77. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-bundle-plugin from 5.1.1 to 5.1.4 #35, #82, #87. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-jxr-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.1.1 #39. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.3.2 #43, #59, #96. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump commons.pmd-impl.version from 6.29.0 to 6.44.0 #46, #47, #53, #57, #62, #80, #90, #99. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from 4.0.4 to #50, #60, #83, #100. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump spotbugs from 4.0.6 to 4.5.3. ggregory
Update Bump maven-enforcer-plugin from 3.0.0-M3 to 3.0.0 #52. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump buildnumber-maven-plugin from 1.4 to 3.0.0 #81. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump maven-site-plugin from 3.9.1 to 3.11.0 #84, #98. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump wagon-ssh from 3.4.3 to 3.5.1 #85. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump checkstyle from 9.2 to 9.3 #86. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.8.1 to 3.10.1 #88. Thanks to Dependabot, Gary Gregory. ggregory
Update Bump maven-jar-plugin from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2 #92. Thanks to Dependabot. ggregory
Update Bump commons-release-plugin from 1.7 to 1.8.0. Thanks to Gary Gregory. ggregory

Release 52 – 2020-07-30

Type Changes By
Update Update maven-site-plugin version 3.8.2 -> 3.9.1. chtompki
Add Align Javadoc version with java override profile sebb
Update Update biz.aQute.bndlib version 5.1.0 -> 5.1.2, Java 15 support. ggregory
Update Update maven-bundle-plugin from 4.2.1 to 5.1.1, Java 15 support. ggregory
Update Update animal-sniffer-maven-plugin from 1.18 to 1.19. ggregory
Update Update build-helper-maven-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0. ggregory
Update Update commons.checkstyle-plugin.version from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1. ggregory

Release 51 – 2020-06-23

Type Changes By
Update JApiCmp 0.14.1 -> 0.14.3. ggregory
Update maven-enforcer-plugin 3.0.0-M2 -> 3.0.0-M3. ggregory
Update maven-source-plugin 3.2.0 -> 3.2.1. ggregory
Update commons.spotbugs.version 3.1.6 -> ggregory
Update org.apache:apache 21 -> 23. ggregory
Update maven-javadoc-plugin 3.1.1 -> 3.2.0. ggregory
Update commons.pmd.version 3.12.0 -> 3.13.0. ggregory
Update Fix https://github.com/bndtools/bnd/issues/3903 seen with Commons CSV. ggregory
Fix Allow Java7 builds: commons.animal-sniffer.version=1.17; biz.aQute.bndlib.version=3.5.0 sebb
Fix PR#5: change <docEncoding> to <docencoding> for maven javadoc plugin. sebb
Update commons.project-info.version 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 sebb
Update Add support for Java 13 ggregory
Update Support NOTICE and LICENSE alongside .txt versions erans
Update commons.wagon-ssh.version 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 sebb
Update biz.aQute.bndlib.version 5.0.1 -> 5.1.0 sebb
Update bcel version 6.4.1 -> 6.5.0 sebb
Update maven pre-requisite 3.0.5 -> 3.5.0 sebb
Update commons.build-helper.version 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0 sebb
Add Allow override of changes.announcementFile/announcementDirectory sebb
Update maven-assembly-plugin 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0 ggregory

Release 50 – 2019-12-17

Type Changes By
Update site.xml: Removed custom head element. PrettyPrint functionality is loaded by commons-skin-4.2. aherbert
Update site.xml: commons-skin 4.1 -> 4.2 aherbert
Update site.xml: Removed CDATA tag around the custom footer element aherbert
Update commons.wagon-ssh.version 3.3.3 -> 3.3.4 aherbert
Update commons.assembly-plugin.version 3.1.1 -> 3.2.0 aherbert
Update commons.source-plugin.version 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 aherbert
Update commons.jar-plugin.version 3.1.2 -> 3.2.0 aherbert
Update jacoco-maven-plugin 0.8.4 -> 0.8.5 aherbert
Update Move japicmp reporting section to the profile for opt-in behavior. Remove japicmp.skip flag used to skip the report. aherbert
Update Disable jacoco non-aggregate reports. aherbert
Update Update site build from Apache Commons BCEL 6.3.1 to 6.4.1. ggregory

Release 49 – 2019-09-10

Type Changes By
Update maven-site-plugin 3.7.1 -> 3.8.2 chtompki
Update commons.felix.version=maven-bundle-plugin 4.2.0 -> 4.2.1 chtompki
Update commons-build-plugin 1.10 -> 1.11 chtompki
Update commons-release-plugin 1.6 -> 1.7 ggregory
Update jacoco-maven-plugin 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4 ggregory
Fix Downdate felix plugin to work on Java 7 sebb
Update Update maven-project-info-reports-plugin's Apache Commons BCEL from 6.3 to 6.3.1. ggregory
Update japicmp-maven-plugin 0.13.0 -> 0.13.1 ggregory
Update maven-bundle-plugin 4.1.0 -> 4.2.0 ggregory
Fix commons.scmPubUrl was not built properly, e.g. using 'pool' instead of 'commons-pool' ggregory
Update japicmp-maven-plugin 0.13.1 -> 0.14.0 ggregory
Update japicmp-maven-plugin should not break builds on source incompatible changes by default. ggregory
Update commons.compiler.version 3.8.0 ->3.8.1. ggregory
Update Add properties commons.javadoc6.java.link through commons.javadoc12.java.link ggregory
Update Add properties commons.javadoc.javaee5.link through commons.javadoc.javaee7.link ggregory
Update Maven Surefire and Failsafe plugins 2.22.1 -> 2.22.2 ggregory
Update commons.jar-plugin.version 3.1.1 -> 3.1.2 ggregory
Update Add profile java-1.12 ggregory
Add Add commons.pmd.version ggregory
Update maven-source-plugin 3.0.1 -> 3.1.0 ggregory
Update japicmp-maven-plugin 0.14.0 -> 0.14.1 ggregory
Add Add commons.checkstyle-plugin.version ggregory
Add Add property commons.release.4.desc (see Apache Commons Pool.) ggregory
Add Add property commons.release.4.binary.suffix (see Apache Commons Pool.) ggregory
Update commons.wagon-ssh.version 3.3.2 -> 3.3.3 ggregory
Update commons.javadoc.version 3.1.0 -> 3.1.1 ggregory
Update Add missing source config for Javadoc plugin. ggregory
Update Adding Java 8 default methods should not break binary compatibility. ggregory
Update Set Javadoc source option to Maven compiler source setting. ggregory
Update jacoco-maven-plugin 0.8.3 -> 0.8.4. ggregory
Update commons-release-plugin 1.6 -> 1.7. ggregory
Update animal-sniffer-maven-plugin 1.17 -> 1.18. ggregory

Release 48 – 2019-03-20

Type Changes By
Update Run "apache-rat:check" as part of "mvn validate" chtompki
Fix Revert revert change in commons.scmPubUrl in Parent 47, use commons.packageId for osgi chtompki
Update commons.build-plugin.version: 1.9 -> 1.10
Update commons.release-plugin.version: 1.5 -> 1.6
Update commons.spotbugs.version: 3.1.3 -> 3.1.6
Update japicmp-maven-plugin: 0.12.0 -> 0.13.0
Fix Revert change in commons.scmPubUrl in Parent 47. Fixes COMMONSSITE-124. britter
Update Update parent from org.apache:apache 19 to 20.
Update maven-compiler-plugin 3.7.0 -> 3.8.0
Fix re-enabled japicmp and introduced japicmp.skip property that controls whether japicmp reports are run. It is disabled by default and enabled via a special profile enabled by the presence of the file src/site/resources/profile.japicmp - org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin 3.5.0 -> 3.5.1
Update org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin 3.5.0 -> 3.5.1
Update org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin 0.8.1 -> 0.8.3 (Java 11)
Update org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0
Update maven-surefire-plugin 2.22.0 -> 2.22.1
Update maven-surefire-report-plugin 2.22.0 -> 2.22.1
Update maven-failsafe-plugin 2.22.0 -> 2.22.1
Update versions-maven-plugin 2.5 -> 2.7
Update org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin 3.5.1 -> 4.1.0
Update maven-jxr-plugin 2.5 -> 3.0.0
Update org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin 0.12 -> 0.13
Update commons.wagon-ssh.version 3.2.0 -> 3.3.1
Update maven-assembly-plugin 3.1.0 -> 3.1.1
Update commons.jar-plugin.version 3.1.0 -> 3.1.1
Update commons.animal-sniffer.version 1.16 -> 1.17
Update org.apache.bcel:bcel 6.2 -> 6.3
Update commons-release-plugin 1.4 -> 1.5
Update org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh 3.3.1 -> 3.3.2
Update org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin 3.0.1 -> 3.1.0

Release 47 – 2018-07-02

Type Changes By
Update Set the version of Apache Commons BCEL used by maven-project-info-reports-plugin to avoid "org.apache.bcel.classfile.ClassFormatException: Invalid byte tag in constant pool: 19"
Update Allows JApiCmp's ignoreMissingClasses parameter to be easily overridable with the property commons.japicmp.ignoreMissingClasses.
Update japicmp-maven-plugin 0.11.1 -> 0.12.0
Add New properties: commons.distSvnStagingUrl, commons.releaseManagerName, commons.releaseManagerKey
Update maven-javadoc-plugin 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1 (Java 10 compatibility)
Update maven-site-plugin 3.7.0 -> 3.7.1.
Update org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
Update maven-surefire-report-plugin 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
Update maven-enforcer-plugin 3.0.0-M1 -> 3.0.0-M2
Update commons-release-plugin 1.2 -> 1.3
Update commons-build-plugin 1.8 -> 1.9
Update maven-surefire-plugin 2.21.0 -> 2.22.0
Update maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.9 -> 3.0.0

Release 46 – 2018-04-07

Type Changes By
Update japicmp-maven-plugin 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1
Update maven-surefire-report-plugin 2.20.1 -> 2.21.0
Add Add java-1.10 profile
Add Add java-1.11 profile
Update jacoco-maven-plugin 0.8.0 -> 0.8.1
Update commons-build-plugin 1.7 -> 1.8
Update commons-release-plugin 1.1 -> 1.2
Update japicmp-maven-plugin: oldVersionPattern=\d+\.\d+\.\d*
Update maven-assembly-plugin: 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0
Remove Prerequisites tag; should only be used for maven-plugins, using maven-enforcer-plugin instead.

Release 45 – 2018-03-12

Type Changes By
Update Rearranging plugin order in -Prelease, removing commons-release-plugin from build>pluginManagement

Release 44 – 2018-03-08

Type Changes By
Add new profile module-name to add 'Automatic-Module-Name' entry to the manifest
Update felix:maven-bundle-plugin 3.4.0 -> 3.5.0.
Update build artifacts -test.jar, -sources.jar and -test-sources.jar always, not only at release time
Update maven-enforcer-plugin set version to 3.0.0-M1 and update Maven requirement from 3.0.0 to 3.0.5 (the latest 3.0.x.)
Update jacoco-maven-plugin 0.7.9 -> 0.8.0.
Update Fix japicmp config: add to reporting section and define ignoreMissingNewVersion explicitly
Update org.apache:apache 18 -> 19
Add COMMONSSITE-105: Add commons-release-plugin version 1.1
Add COMMONSSITE-106: Add spotbugs-maven-plugin version 3.1.3
Update maven-surefire-plugin 2.20.1 -> 2.21.0
Update maven-failsafe-plugin 2.20.1 -> 2.21.0

Release 43 – 2018-01-02

Type Changes By
Update maven-compiler-plugin 3.6.1 -> 3.6.2.
Update maven-compiler-plugin 3.6.2 -> 3.7.0.
Update jacoco-maven-plugin -> 0.7.9.
Update maven-javadoc-plugin 2.10.4 -> 3.0.0 (Java 9 compatibility.)
Update Update japicmp 0.9.3 -> 0.10.0.
Update animal-sniffer-maven-plugin 1.15 -> 1.16.
Update commons.findbugs.version 3.0.3 -> 3.0.5 (requires Java 7.)
Update commons.clirr.version 2.7 -> 2.8.
Update maven-surefire-plugin 2.19.1 -> 2.20.1.
Update Add maven-failsafe-plugin 2.20.1 (to along with surefire.)
Update felix:maven-bundle-plugin 3.0.1 -> 3.4.0 (requires Java 7.
Update versions-maven-plugin 2.3 -> 2.5.
Update japicmp-maven-plugin 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0.
Update build-helper-maven-plugin 1.10 -> 3.0.0 (requires Maven 3 and Java 7.)
Update wagon-ssh 2.10 -> 3.0.0.
Update maven-site-plugin 3.6 -> 3.7 (fixes Java 9 builds; for migrating from 3.4 to 3.5.1, see https://maven.apache.org/components/plugins/maven-site-plugin/migrate.html)

Release 42 – 2016-12-29

Type Changes By
Update maven-site-plugin 3.4 -> 3.6 (for migrating from 3.4 to 3.5.1, see https://maven.apache.org/components/plugins/maven-site-plugin/migrate.html)
Update jacoco-maven-plugin : ->
Update commons-build-plugin : 1.6 -> 1.7
Update maven-changes-plugin : 2.12 -> 2.12.1
Update Update japicmp: 0.8.0 -> 0.9.1
Update maven-compiler-plugin : 3.5.1 -> 3.6.0
Update japicmp plugin no longer fail on "mvn site" (it requires target/*jar), use "mvn package site -Pjapicmp" to include its report
Update japicmp-maven-plugin : 0.8.0 -> 0.9.3
Add new profiles to run coveralls coverage reports via Travis using Jacoco or Cobertura respectively
Update new property commons.japicmp.breakBuildOnBinaryIncompatibleModifications controls the breakBuildOnBinaryIncompatibleModifications setting of japicmp

Release 41 – 2016-08-15

Type Changes By
Update COMMONSSITE-89 - support both clirr and japicmp Clirr report must now be explicitly enabled using src/site/resources/profile.clirr file or -Pclirr option
Update maven-source-plugin 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1
Update commons.rat.version 0.11 -> 0.12
Update maven-javadoc-plugin 2.10.3 -> 2.10.4
Update RAT: Exclude Eclipse local files and folders
Update Changed ciManagement to Jenkins builds.apache.org
Update Update Apache parent: 17 -> 18

Release 40 – 2016-04-30

Type Changes By
Update Update Apache Parent POM : 16 -> 17
Update COMMONSSITE-87 - ensure assembly plugin runs after all package phase plugins
Update COMMONSSITE-82 - use Commons Skin 4.1 (site.xml)
Update Require minimum of Maven 3.0.5
Update maven-assembly-plugin : 2.5.5 -> 2.6
Update maven-changes-plugin : 2.11 -> 2.12
Update maven-clean-plugin : 2.6.1 -> 3.0.0
Update maven-compiler-plugin : 3.3 -> 3.5.1
Update maven-enforcer-plugin : 1.3.1 -> 1.4.1
Update maven-source-plugin : 2.4 -> 3.0.0
Update maven-surefire-plugin : 2.18.1 -> 2.19.1
Update maven-project-info-reports-plugin : 2.8 -> 2.9
Update maven-release-plugin : 2.5.2 -> 2.5.3
Update animal-sniffer-maven-plugin : 1.11 -> 1.15
Update build-helper-maven-plugin : 1.9.1 -> 1.10
Update buildnumber-maven-plugin 1.3 -> 1.4 (supports git SCM now)
Update clirr-maven-plugin : 2.6.1 -> 2.7
Update commons-build-plugin : 1.4 -> 1.6
Update felix:maven-bundle-plugin : 2.5.3 -> 3.0.0
Update findbugs-maven-plugin : 3.0.0 -> 3.0.3
Update jacoco-maven-plugin : ->
Update wagon-ssh : 2.8 -> 2.10

Release 39 – 2015-09-07

Type Changes By
Update Update Compiler Plugin : 3.2 -> 3.3
Update Update Build Helper Plugin : 1.8 -> 1.9.1
Update Update Release Plugin : 2.5.1 -> 2.5.2
Update Update Javadoc Plugin : 2.10.2 -> 2.10.3
Update Update Jar Plugin : 2.5 -> 2.6
Update Drop the "trunks-proper" profile
Update Update animal-sniffer Plugin : 2.13 -> 2.14 (for Java7+ build profile)
Update Move assembly to standard location. src/main -> src/assembly/src.xml
Update Update Jacoco Plugin : ->

Release 38 – 2015-06-25

Type Changes By
Update Fix URL for Security link
Update Update Assembly Plugin : 2.5.3 -> 2.5.5
Update Update Cobertura Plugin : 2.6 -> 2.7
Update Update Jacoco Plugin : 0.7.2 -> 0.7.4
Update Update Javadoc Plugin : 2.10.1 -> 2.10.2
Update Update Surefire Plugin : 2.18 -> 2.18.1

Release 37 – 2015-01-28

Type Changes By
Update Update minimum Maven prerequisite (as defined by Findbugs) 3.0 -> 3.0.1
Update Update org.apache:apache 15 to 16 (nop for Commons: maven-compiler-plugin already contained source/target)
Update Update Maven Project Info Reports Plugin : 2.7 -> 2.8
Update merged maven-3 profile into main body (Maven 2 is no longer supported)
Add Added Animal Sniffer profile (active by default)
Update renamed the profile jdk7-findbugs to jdk7-plugin-fix-version
Add Allow to configure dependency excludes of bundle-plugin with commons.osgi.excludeDependencies
Add Added property commons.changes.onlyCurrentVersion for changes plugin Jira report
Update Update GPG Plugin : 1.5 -> 1.6
Update Update Antrun Plugin : 1.7 -> 1.8
Add Allow changes Jira report maxEntries to be overridden (default 100)
Add Allow changes Jira report runOnlyAtExecutionRoot to be overridden
Add Added site-basic profile to allow quick generation of the basic site docs

Release 36 – 2014-12-21

Type Changes By
Update Update maven-jxr-plugin 2.4 to 2.5
Update Update maven-surefire-plugin(s) 2.17 to 2.18
Update Update maven-assembly-plugin 2.5 to 2.5.1
Update Update maven-clean-plugin 2.6 to 2.6.1
Update Update commons.wagon-ssh.version 2.6 to 2.8
Fix Add announcementDirectory to release-notes profile.

Release 35 – 2014-10-22

Type Changes By
Add Add link to security page in general navigation section
Add Added java-1.9 profile
Update Suppress test Javadocs when building site
Update Suppress test Javadocs
Update Update JaCoCo to
Update Update maven-compiler-plugin 3.1 to 3.2
Update Update maven-source-plugin 2.2.1 to 2.4
Update Update maven-site-plugin 3.3 to 3.4
Update Update maven-gpg-plugin 1.4 to 1.5
Update Update maven-jar-plugin 2.4 to 2.5
Update Update maven-release-plugin 2.4.2 to 2.5.1
Update Update maven-bundle-plugin 2.4.0 to 2.5.3
Update Update buildnumber-maven-plugin 1.2 to 1.3
Update Update wagon-ssh 2.3 to 2.6
Update Update maven-scm-publish-plugin 1.0 to 1.1
Update Update jdepend-maven-plugin 2.0-beta-2 to 2.0
Update Update apache-rat-plugin 0.10 to 0.11
Update Update maven-clean-plugin 2.5 to 2.6.
Update Update maven-changes-plugin 2.9 to 2.11
Update Update maven-deploy-plugin 2.8.1 to 2.8.2
Update Update maven-install-plugin 2.5.1 to 2.5.2
Update Update maven-javadic-plugin 2.9.1 to 2.10.1
Update Update apache 13 to 15
Update Add property commons.findbugs.version.

Release 34 – 2014-04-16

Type Changes By
Update Added java-1.8 profile
Update maven-scm-publish-plugin 1.0-beta -> 1.0
Update maven-surefire-plugin(s) 2.16 -> 2.17
Update Added Maven enforcer to ensure builds use Maven 3.0.0 or later

Release 33 – 2014-02-14

Type Changes By
Update commons-skin 3 -> 4
Update maven-deploy-plugin 2.7 -> 2.8.1
Update maven-jxr-plugin 2.3 -> 2.4
Update maven-install-plugin 2.4 -> 2.5.1
Update maven-release-plugin 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2
Update maven-surefire-plugin(s) 2.15 -> 2.16
Update remote-resources-plugin 1.4 -> 1.5
Update apache-rat-plugin 0.9 -> 0.10
Update clirr-maven-plugin 2.5 -> 2.6.1
Update cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.2 -> 2.6
Update jacoco-maven-plugin ->
Update Fixed JaCoCo configuration - syntax changed completely between 0.6.2.x and 0.6.3.x
Update Add commons.compiler.version property so compiler plugin version can be overridden if necessary
Update Add source archive to Maven artifacts

Release 32 – 2013-07-01

Type Changes By
Update maven-javadoc-plugin 2.9 -> 2.9.1

Release 31 – 2013-06-24

Type Changes By
Update Dropped "rc" profile as no longer relevant
Update maven-bundle-plugin 2.3.7 -> 2.4.0
Update maven-surefire[-report]-plugin 2.14.1 -> 2.15
Fix renamed properties maven.compile.* -> maven.compiler.*. Fixes COMMONSSITE-69.
Update Exclude .checkstyle and .fbprefs from RAT check

Release 30 – 2013-05-28

Type Changes By
Update cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.2 reinstated
Update jacoco-maven-plugin ->
Update rat-maven-plugin 0.8 -> 0.9
Update maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.6 -> 2.7

Release 29 – 2013-05-18

Type Changes By
Update cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.2 -> removed
Update jacoco-maven-plugin ->
Update maven-surefire-plugin 2.13 -> 2.14.1
Update maven-surefire-report-plugin 2.13 -> 2.14.1
Update maven-changes-plugin 2.8 -> 2.9
Update maven-compiler-plugin 3.0 -> 3.1
Update maven-release-plugin 2.3.2 -> 2.4.1
Update maven-site-plugin 3.2 -> 3.3
Update The main change is the replacement of Cobertura with JaCoCo for test coverage analysis. The former is not maintained anymore, has numerous bugs and is extremely slow in some situations (typically generating coverage reports for [math] took about 9 hours whereas standard tests run in about 10 minutes). One important implication is that since JaCoCo relies on setting an agent, it is triggered only if JDK used to run the tests is at least Java 1.5 (this is automatically detected), and it changes the argument line of surefire tests. If a component also needs to adapt the surefire command line, it must add the property ${argLine} to the argument line in order to preserve JaCoCo settings. An example for this is Apache Commons IO, where the maven-surefire-plugin setting must read as (note the use of the ${argLine} property): <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <forkMode>pertest</forkMode> <!-- limit memory size see IO-161 --> <!-- the ${argLine} preserves jacoco agent settings (see (see https://github.com/jacoco/jacoco/issues/44) --> <argLine>-Xmx25M ${argLine}</argLine> ... </configuration> </plugin> ... </plugins>

Release 28 – 2013-01-26

Type Changes By
Update apache-parent-pom 9 -> 13 maven-surefire-plugin 2.12.3 -> 2.12.4 maven-surefire-report-plugin 2.12.3 -> 2.12.4 cobertura-maven-plugin 2.5.1 -> 2.5.2 buildnumber-maven-plugin 1.1 -> 1.2
Update Also changed, but omitted from changes section in released version: Added maven-scm-publish-plugin 1.0-beta-2 Removed timestamp from Javadoc output Moved Cobertura from default to reporting profile Renamed module sanselan -> imaging Added scm publishing properties

Release 27 – 2012-09-24

Type Changes By
Update update maven-site-plugin to 3.1 in reporting section use properties for all reporting plugins to ensure consistency maven-changes-plugin: 2.7.1 -> 2.8 (fixes MCHANGES-285 SAXException parsing JIRA XML from JIRA 5.1) maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.5 -> 2.5.1 maven-resources-plugin 2.5 -> 2.6 maven-surefire-plugin 2.12.2 -> 2.12.3 maven-surefire-report-plugin 2.12.2 -> 2.12.3

Release 26 – 2012-08-23

Type Changes By
Update FELIX-3037 has been fixed so the profile java-1.5-detected is no longer needed (in fact it causes problems, because it reverts bndlib to a version that is missing some required new methods)
Update maven-changes-plugin: 2.6 -> 2.7.1 maven-clean-plugin: 2.4.1 -> 2.5 maven-compiler-plugin: 2.3.2 -> 2.5.1 maven-project-info-reports-plugin: 2.4 -> 2.5 maven-release-plugin: 2.2.2 -> 2.3.2 maven-remote-resources-plugin: 1.2.1 -> 1.3 maven-site-plugin: 3.0 -> 3.1 maven-source-plugin: 2.1.2 -> 2.2 maven-surefire-plugin: 2.12 -> 2.12.2 maven-surefire-report-plugin: 2.12 -> 2.12.2 org.codehaus.mojo:buildnumber-maven-plugin: 1.0 -> 1.1

Release 25 – 2012-??-??

Type Changes By
Update Updated various plugin versions: clirr-maven-plugin: 2.3 -> 2.4 clirr and RAT added to pluginManagement so can override the version from Apache POM Add changes and jira reports

Release 24 – 2012-03-13

Type Changes By
Update Updated various plugin versions: antrun: 1.6 -> 1.7 assembly: 2.2.1 -> 2.3 jar: 2.3.2 -> 2.4 release: 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2 remote-resources: override Apache pom 9 with 1.2.1 commons-build: 1.3 -> 1.4 bundle: 2.3.5 -> 2.3.7; removed workround for Java 1.5 as no longer necessary Added cobertura: 2.5.1 to reporting and buildManagement surefire: 2.9 -> 2.12 surefire-report: 2.9 -> 2.12 Allow override of surefire-report aggregate setting using property commons.surefire-report.aggregate javadoc: 2.8 -> 2.8.1 rat: 0.7 -> 0.8 wagon-ssh 1.0 -> 2.2 (M3 only) Deleted "ci" profile (does not apply with Nexus) Add default project info reports: excluded license/plugins/plugin management Add tests.jar and test-sources.jar to deployed files

Release 23 – 2012-01-11

Type Changes By
Add added java-1.7 profile ggregory
Add added ssh/scp support to maven-site-plugin in Maven3 ggregory
Update moved buildNumber plugin to profile which is activated unless buildNumber.skip=true changed buildNumber plugin default provider to CLI; added 'javasvn' profile as override Thanks to Olivier Lamy. sebb
Update added aggregate:false to jxr plugin (aggregate is deprecated) sebb
Update updated modules list, added: bcel, functor, jcs, ognl sebb

Release 22 – 2011-09-21

Type Changes By
Add Add commons.release.version and commons.rc.version for use in releasing commons parent sebb
Add Add release-notes profile to generate RELEASE-NOTES.txt from changes.xml. Added changes.xml and template release-notes.vm sebb
Add Add pom description sebb
Fix Added workround for bundle plugin 2.3.5 on Java 1.5 - replace embedded bndlib with previous version sebb
Add Add buildnumber plugin and put build details into manifests. sebb
Add Add Clirr report for all components sebb
Update Update to site plugin 3.0 (usable by Maven 2 and Maven 3) sebb
Fix Fix resources and testResource overrides to include the default directories. Components which redefine these may no longer need to do so. sebb
Update Update to latest releases of plugins.
Remove Remove Maven IDEA plugin. sebb
Update Update to Apache RAT plugin, and enable use as standalone goal. sebb
Add Add Javadoc link to Java EE. ggregory