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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  package org.apache.commons.numbers.examples.jmh.core;
20  import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
21  import java.util.function.DoubleBinaryOperator;
23  import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider;
24  import org.apache.commons.rng.simple.RandomSource;
25  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
26  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode;
27  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork;
28  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Measurement;
29  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
30  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit;
31  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param;
32  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
33  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
34  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
35  import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Warmup;
36  import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
38  /**
39   * Executes a benchmark to measure the speed of operations in the {@link LinearCombination} class.
40   * Benchmarks focus on the sticky summation of two double values.
41   *
42   * <p>Details of the sticky bit can be found in:
43   * <blockquote>
44   * Coonen, J.T., "An Implementation Guide to a Proposed Standard for Floating Point
45   * Arithmetic", Computer, Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan. 1980, pp 68-79.
46   * </blockquote>
47   */
48  @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
49  @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
50  @Warmup(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
51  @Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 1, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
52  @State(Scope.Benchmark)
53  @Fork(value = 1, jvmArgs = {"-server", "-Xms512M", "-Xmx512M"})
54  public class StickySumPerformance {
55      /** The mask for the sign bit and the mantissa. */
56      private static final long SIGN_MATISSA_MASK = 0x800f_ffff_ffff_ffffL;
58      /** Constant for no method. */
59      private static final String NONE = "none";
60      /** Constant for branched method. */
61      private static final String BRANCHED = "branched";
62      /** Constant for branchless method. */
63      private static final String BRANCHLESS = "branchless";
64      /** Constant for single branch method based on the low bit of the high part. */
65      private static final String BRANCH_ON_HI = "branch_on_hi";
66      /** Constant for single branch method based on the low part. */
67      private static final String BRANCH_ON_LO = "branch_on_lo";
69      /**
70       * The factors to sum.
71       */
72      @State(Scope.Benchmark)
73      public static class BiFactors {
74          /** The exponent for small numbers. */
75          private static final long EXP = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(1.0);
77          /**
78           * The count of sums.
79           */
80          @Param({"10000"})
81          private int size;
83          /**
84           * The fraction of numbers that have a zero round-off.
85           */
86          @Param({"0", "0.1"})
87          private double zeroRoundoff;
89          /** Factors. */
90          private double[] a;
92          /**
93           * Gets the factors to be summed as pairs. The array length will be even.
94           *
95           * @return Factors.
96           */
97          public double[] getFactors() {
98              return a;
99          }
101         /**
102          * Create the factors.
103          */
104         @Setup
105         public void setup() {
106             final UniformRandomProvider rng = RandomSource.XO_RO_SHI_RO_1024_PP.create();
107             a = new double[size * 2];
108             // Report on the dataset
109             int nonZero = 0;
110             int unsetSticky = 0;
111             for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += 2) {
112                 // Create data similar to the summation of an expansion.
113                 // E.g. Generate 2 numbers with large differences in exponents.
114                 // Their sum should have a round-off term containing many bits.
115                 final double x = nextDouble(rng);
116                 // The round-off can conditionally be forced to zero.
117                 final double y = (rng.nextDouble() < zeroRoundoff) ?
118                     0.0 :
119                     nextDouble(rng) * 0x1.0p52;
121                 // Initial expansion
122                 double e1 = x + y;
123                 double e0 = DoublePrecision.twoSumLow(x, y, e1);
125                 // Validate methods
126                 final double expected = fastSumWithStickyBitBranched(e0, e1);
127                 assertEqual(expected, fastSumWithStickyBitBranchless(e0, e1), BRANCHLESS);
128                 assertEqual(expected, fastSumWithStickyBitBranchedOnHigh(e0, e1), BRANCH_ON_HI);
129                 assertEqual(expected, fastSumWithStickyBitBranchedOnLow(e0, e1), BRANCH_ON_LO);
131                 // Lower parts of expansion for use in sticky sum
132                 a[i] = e0;
133                 a[i + 1] = e1;
135                 // Check the sum and round-off
136                 final double sum = e1 + e0;
137                 final double r = e0 - (sum - e1);
138                 if (r != 0) {
139                     nonZero++;
140                 }
141                 if ((Double.doubleToRawLongBits(sum) & 0x1) == 0) {
142                     unsetSticky++;
143                 }
144             }
145             // CHECKSTYLE: stop Regexp
146             System.out.printf("%n%nNon-zero %d/%d (%.3f) : Unset sticky %d/%d (%.3f)%n%n",
147                 nonZero, size,
148                 (double) nonZero / size, unsetSticky, size, (double) unsetSticky / size);
149             // CHECKSTYLE: resume Regexp
150         }
152         /**
153          * Create the next double in the range [1, 2). All mantissa bits have an equal
154          * probability of being set.
155          *
156          * @param rng Generator of random numbers.
157          * @return the double
158          */
159         private static double nextDouble(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
160             final long bits = rng.nextLong() & SIGN_MATISSA_MASK;
161             return Double.longBitsToDouble(bits | EXP);
162         }
164         /**
165          * Assert the two values are equal.
166          *
167          * @param expected Expected value
168          * @param actual Actual value
169          * @param msg Error message
170          */
171         private static void assertEqual(double expected, double actual, String msg) {
172             if (, actual) != 0) {
173                 throw new IllegalStateException("Methods do not match: " + msg);
174             }
175         }
176     }
178     /**
179      * The summation method.
180      */
181     @State(Scope.Benchmark)
182     public static class SumMethod {
183         /**
184          * The name of the method.
185          */
187         private String name;
189         /** The function. */
190         private DoubleBinaryOperator fun;
192         /**
193          * Gets the function.
194          *
195          * @return the function
196          */
197         public DoubleBinaryOperator getFunction() {
198             return fun;
199         }
201         /**
202          * Create the function.
203          */
204         @Setup
205         public void setup() {
206             if (NONE.equals(name)) {
207                 fun = (a, b) -> a + b;
208             } else if (BRANCHED.equals(name)) {
209                 fun = StickySumPerformance::fastSumWithStickyBitBranched;
210             } else if (BRANCHLESS.equals(name)) {
211                 fun = StickySumPerformance::fastSumWithStickyBitBranchless;
212             } else if (BRANCH_ON_HI.equals(name)) {
213                 fun = StickySumPerformance::fastSumWithStickyBitBranchedOnHigh;
214             } else if (BRANCH_ON_LO.equals(name)) {
215                 fun = StickySumPerformance::fastSumWithStickyBitBranchedOnLow;
216             } else {
217                 throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown sum method: " + name);
218             }
219         }
220     }
222     /**
223      * Compute the sum of two numbers {@code a} and {@code b} using
224      * Dekker's two-sum algorithm. The values are required to be ordered by magnitude
225      * {@code |a| >= |b|}. The result is adjusted to set the lowest bit as a sticky
226      * bit that summarises the magnitude of the round-off that were lost. The
227      * result is not the correctly rounded result; it is intended the result is to
228      * be used in an addition with a value with a greater magnitude exponent. This
229      * addition will have exact round-to-nearest, ties-to-even rounding taking account
230      * of bits lots in the previous sum.
231      *
232      * @param a First part of sum.
233      * @param b Second part of sum.
234      * @return <code>b - (sum - a)</code>
235      * @see <a href="">
236      * Shewchuk (1997) Theorum 6</a>
237      */
238     private static double fastSumWithStickyBitBranched(double a, double b) {
239         double sum = a + b;
240         // bVirtual = sum - a
241         // b - bVirtual == b round-off
242         final double r = b - (sum - a);
244         if (r != 0) {
245             // Bits will be lost.
246             // In floating-point arithmetic the sticky bit is the bit-wise OR
247             // of the rest of the binary bits that cannot be stored in the
248             // preliminary representation of the result:
249             //
250             // sgn | exp | V | N | .............. | L | G | R | S
251             //
252             // sgn : sign bit
253             // exp : exponent
254             // V : overflow for significand field
255             // N and L : most and least significant bits of the result
256             // G and R : the two bits beyond
257             // S : sticky bit, bitwise OR of all bits thereafter
258             //
259             // The sticky bit is a flag indicating if there is more magnitude beyond
260             // the last bits. Here the round-off is signed so we have to consider the
261             // sign of the sum and round-off together and either add the sticky or
262             // remove it. The final bit is thus used to push up the next addition using
263             // the sum to a higher value, or down to a lower value, when tie breaking for
264             // the correct round-to-nearest, ties-to-even result.
265             long hi = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(sum);
266             // Can only set a sticky bit if the bit is not set.
267             if ((hi & 0x1) == 0) {
268                 // In a standard extended precision result for (a+b) the bits are extra
269                 // magnitude lost and the sticky bit is positive.
270                 // Here the round-off magnitude (r) can be negative so the sticky
271                 // bit should be added (same sign) or subtracted (different sign).
272                 if (sum > 0) {
273                     hi += (r > 0) ? 1 : -1;
274                 } else {
275                     hi += (r < 0) ? 1 : -1;
276                 }
277                 sum = Double.longBitsToDouble(hi);
278             }
279         }
280         return sum;
281     }
283     /**
284      * Compute the sum of two numbers {@code a} and {@code b} using
285      * Dekker's two-sum algorithm. The values are required to be ordered by magnitude
286      * {@code |a| >= |b|}. The result is adjusted to set the lowest bit as a sticky
287      * bit that summarises the magnitude of the round-off that were lost. The
288      * result is not the correctly rounded result; it is intended the result is to
289      * be used in an addition with a value with a greater magnitude exponent. This
290      * addition will have exact round-to-nearest, ties-to-even rounding taking account
291      * of bits lots in the previous sum.
292      *
293      * @param a First part of sum.
294      * @param b Second part of sum.
295      * @return <code>b - (sum - a)</code>
296      * @see <a href="">
297      * Shewchuk (1997) Theorum 6</a>
298      */
299     private static double fastSumWithStickyBitBranchless(double a, double b) {
300         final double sum = a + b;
301         // bVirtual = sum - a
302         // b - bVirtual == b round-off
303         final double r = b - (sum - a);
305         // In floating-point arithmetic the sticky bit is the bit-wise OR
306         // of the rest of the binary bits that cannot be stored in the
307         // preliminary representation of the result:
308         //
309         // sgn | exp | V | N | .............. | L | G | R | S
310         //
311         // sgn : sign bit
312         // exp : exponent
313         // V : overflow for significand field
314         // N and L : most and least significant bits of the result
315         // G and R : the two bits beyond
316         // S : sticky bit, bitwise OR of all bits thereafter
317         //
318         // The sticky bit is a flag indicating if there is more magnitude beyond
319         // the last bits.
320         //
321         // Here the round-off is signed so we have to consider the
322         // sign of the sum and round-off together and either add the sticky or
323         // remove it. The final bit is thus used to push up the next addition using
324         // the sum to a higher value, or down to a lower value, when tie breaking for
325         // the correct round-to-nearest, ties-to-even result.
326         //
327         // One extra consideration: sum is already rounded. Since we are using the
328         // last bit to store a sticky bit then if the final bit is 1 then this was
329         // not created by a ties-to-even rounding and is already a sticky bit.
331         // Compute the sticky bit addition:
332         // sign sum   last bit sum    sign r    magnitude r      sticky
333         // x          1               x         x                +0
334         //
335         // 1          0               1         1                +1
336         // 1          0               1         0                +0
337         // 1          0               0         1                -1
338         // 1          0               0         0                +0
339         // 0          0               1         1                -1
340         // 0          0               1         0                +0
341         // 0          0               0         1                +1
342         // 0          0               0         0                +0
343         //
344         // Magnitude of r is computed by bitwise OR of the 63-bits from exponent+mantissa
345         // Sign of sum and r is the sign-bit of sum or r
347         final long hi = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(sum);
349         // Note: >50% of the time all code below here is redundant
350         //if ((hi & 0x1) == 0x1) {
351         //    // Already sticky
352         //    return sum;
353         //}
355         final long lo = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(r);
357         // OR compress least significant 63-bits into lowest bit
358         long sticky = lo;
359         sticky |= sticky >>> 31; // Discard sign bit
360         sticky |= sticky >>> 16;
361         sticky |= sticky >>> 8;
362         sticky |= sticky >>> 4;
363         sticky |= sticky >>> 2;
364         sticky |= sticky >>> 1; // final sticky bit is in position 0
366         // AND with the inverse of the trailing bit from hi to set it to zero
367         // if the last bit in hi is 1 (already sticky).
368         sticky = sticky & ~hi;
370         // Clear the rest. Sticky is now 0 if r was 0.0; or 1 if r was non-zero.
371         sticky = sticky & 0x1;
373         // The sign bit is created as + or - using the XOR of hi and lo.
374         // Signed shift will create a flag: -1 to negate, else 0.
375         final long fNegate = (hi ^ lo) >> 63;
377         // Conditionally negate a value without branching:
378         //
379         // (Logic updated since fNegate is already negative.)
380         // (1 ^  0) -  0 =  1 -  0 =  1
381         // (0 ^  0) -  0 =  0 -  0 =  0
382         // (1 ^ -1) - -1 = -2 - -1 = -1
383         // (0 ^ -1) - -1 = -1 - -1 =  0
384         sticky = (sticky ^ fNegate) - fNegate;
386         return Double.longBitsToDouble(hi + sticky);
387     }
389     /**
390      * Compute the sum of two numbers {@code a} and {@code b} using
391      * Dekker's two-sum algorithm. The values are required to be ordered by magnitude
392      * {@code |a| >= |b|}. The result is adjusted to set the lowest bit as a sticky
393      * bit that summarises the magnitude of the round-off that were lost. The
394      * result is not the correctly rounded result; it is intended the result is to
395      * be used in an addition with a value with a greater magnitude exponent. This
396      * addition will have exact round-to-nearest, ties-to-even rounding taking account
397      * of bits lots in the previous sum.
398      *
399      * @param a First part of sum.
400      * @param b Second part of sum.
401      * @return <code>b - (sum - a)</code>
402      * @see <a href="">
403      * Shewchuk (1997) Theorum 6</a>
404      */
405     private static double fastSumWithStickyBitBranchedOnHigh(double a, double b) {
406         final double sum = a + b;
407         // bVirtual = sum - a
408         // b - bVirtual == b round-off
409         final double r = b - (sum - a);
411         // In floating-point arithmetic the sticky bit is the bit-wise OR
412         // of the rest of the binary bits that cannot be stored in the
413         // preliminary representation of the result:
414         //
415         // sgn | exp | V | N | .............. | L | G | R | S
416         //
417         // sgn : sign bit
418         // exp : exponent
419         // V : overflow for significand field
420         // N and L : most and least significant bits of the result
421         // G and R : the two bits beyond
422         // S : sticky bit, bitwise OR of all bits thereafter
423         //
424         // The sticky bit is a flag indicating if there is more magnitude beyond
425         // the last bits.
426         //
427         // Here the round-off is signed so we have to consider the
428         // sign of the sum and round-off together and either add the sticky or
429         // remove it. The final bit is thus used to push up the next addition using
430         // the sum to a higher value, or down to a lower value, when tie breaking for
431         // the correct round-to-nearest, ties-to-even result.
432         //
433         // One extra consideration: sum is already rounded. Since we are using the
434         // last bit to store a sticky bit then if the final bit is 1 then this was
435         // not created by a ties-to-even rounding and is already a sticky bit.
437         // Compute the sticky bit addition:
438         // sign sum   last bit sum    sign r    magnitude r      sticky
439         // x          1               x         x                +0
440         //
441         // 1          0               1         1                +1
442         // 1          0               1         0                +0
443         // 1          0               0         1                -1
444         // 1          0               0         0                +0
445         // 0          0               1         1                -1
446         // 0          0               1         0                +0
447         // 0          0               0         1                +1
448         // 0          0               0         0                +0
449         //
450         // Magnitude of r is computed by bitwise OR of the 63-bits from exponent+mantissa
451         // Sign of sum and r is the sign-bit of sum or r
453         final long hi = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(sum);
455         if ((hi & 0x1) == 0x1) {
456             // Already sticky
457             return sum;
458         }
460         final long lo = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(r);
462         // OR compress least significant 63-bits into lowest bit
463         long sticky = lo;
464         sticky |= sticky >>> 31; // Discard sign bit
465         sticky |= sticky >>> 16;
466         sticky |= sticky >>> 8;
467         sticky |= sticky >>> 4;
468         sticky |= sticky >>> 2;
469         sticky |= sticky >>> 1; // final sticky bit is in position 0
471         // No requirement for AND with the inverse of the trailing bit from hi as we
472         // have eliminated that condition.
474         // Clear the rest. Sticky is now 0 if r was 0.0; or 1 if r was non-zero.
475         sticky = sticky & 0x1;
477         // The sign bit is created as + or - using the XOR of hi and lo.
478         // Signed shift will create a flag: -1 to negate, else 0.
479         final long fNegate = (hi ^ lo) >> 63;
481         // Conditionally negate a value without branching:
482         //
483         // (Logic updated since fNegate is already negative.)
484         // (1 ^  0) -  0 =  1 -  0 =  1
485         // (0 ^  0) -  0 =  0 -  0 =  0
486         // (1 ^ -1) - -1 = -2 - -1 = -1
487         // (0 ^ -1) - -1 = -1 - -1 =  0
488         sticky = (sticky ^ fNegate) - fNegate;
490         return Double.longBitsToDouble(hi + sticky);
492     }
494     /**
495      * Compute the sum of two numbers {@code a} and {@code b} using
496      * Dekker's two-sum algorithm. The values are required to be ordered by magnitude
497      * {@code |a| >= |b|}. The result is adjusted to set the lowest bit as a sticky
498      * bit that summarises the magnitude of the round-off that were lost. The
499      * result is not the correctly rounded result; it is intended the result is to
500      * be used in an addition with a value with a greater magnitude exponent. This
501      * addition will have exact round-to-nearest, ties-to-even rounding taking account
502      * of bits lots in the previous sum.
503      *
504      * @param a First part of sum.
505      * @param b Second part of sum.
506      * @return <code>b - (sum - a)</code>
507      * @see <a href="">
508      * Shewchuk (1997) Theorum 6</a>
509      */
510     private static double fastSumWithStickyBitBranchedOnLow(double a, double b) {
511         final double sum = a + b;
512         // bVirtual = sum - a
513         // b - bVirtual == b round-off
514         final double r = b - (sum - a);
516         // In floating-point arithmetic the sticky bit is the bit-wise OR
517         // of the rest of the binary bits that cannot be stored in the
518         // preliminary representation of the result:
519         //
520         // sgn | exp | V | N | .............. | L | G | R | S
521         //
522         // sgn : sign bit
523         // exp : exponent
524         // V : overflow for significand field
525         // N and L : most and least significant bits of the result
526         // G and R : the two bits beyond
527         // S : sticky bit, bitwise OR of all bits thereafter
528         //
529         // The sticky bit is a flag indicating if there is more magnitude beyond
530         // the last bits.
531         //
532         // Here the round-off is signed so we have to consider the
533         // sign of the sum and round-off together and either add the sticky or
534         // remove it. The final bit is thus used to push up the next addition using
535         // the sum to a higher value, or down to a lower value, when tie breaking for
536         // the correct round-to-nearest, ties-to-even result.
537         //
538         // One extra consideration: sum is already rounded. Since we are using the
539         // last bit to store a sticky bit then if the final bit is 1 then this was
540         // not created by a ties-to-even rounding and is already a sticky bit.
542         // Compute the sticky bit addition.
543         // This is only done when r is non-zero:
544         // sign sum   last bit sum    sign r    sticky
545         // x          1               x         +0
546         //
547         // 1          0               1         +1
548         // 1          0               0         -1
549         // 0          0               1         -1
550         // 0          0               0         +1
551         //
552         // Sign of sum and r is the sign-bit of sum or r
554         // In the majority of cases there is some round-off.
555         // Testing for non-zero allows the branch to assume the sticky bit magnitude
556         // is 1 (unless the final bit of hi is already set).
557         if (r != 0) {
558             // Bits will be lost.
559             final long hi = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(sum);
560             final long lo = Double.doubleToRawLongBits(r);
562             // Can only set a sticky bit if the bit is not already set.
563             // Flip the bits and extract the lowest bit. This is 1 if
564             // the sticky bit is not currently set. If already set then
565             // 'sticky' is zero and the rest of this execution path has
566             // no effect but we have eliminated the requirement to check the
567             // 50/50 branch:
568             // if ((hi & 0x1) == 0) {
569             //    // set sticky ...
570             // }
571             int sticky = ~((int) hi) & 0x1;
573             // The sign bit is created as + or - using the XOR of hi and lo.
574             // Signed shift will create a flag: -1 to negate, else 0.
575             final int fNegate = (int) ((hi ^ lo) >> 63);
577             // Conditionally negate a value without branching:
578             //
579             // (Logic updated since fNegate is already negative.)
580             // (1 ^  0) -  0 =  1 -  0 =  1
581             // (0 ^  0) -  0 =  0 -  0 =  0
582             // (1 ^ -1) - -1 = -2 - -1 = -1
583             // (0 ^ -1) - -1 = -1 - -1 =  0
584             sticky = (sticky ^ fNegate) - fNegate;
586             return Double.longBitsToDouble(hi + sticky);
587         }
589         return sum;
590     }
592     // Benchmark methods.
594     /**
595      * Benchmark the sticky summation of two numbers.
596      *
597      * @param factors Factors.
598      * @param bh Data sink.
599      * @param method Summation method.
600      */
601     @Benchmark
602     public void stickySum(BiFactors factors, Blackhole bh, SumMethod method) {
603         final DoubleBinaryOperator fun = method.getFunction();
604         final double[] a = factors.getFactors();
605         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += 2) {
606             bh.consume(fun.applyAsDouble(a[i], a[i + 1]));
607         }
608     }
609 }