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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  package;
20  import java.text.ParseException;
21  import java.util.List;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
28  /**
29   * Implements {@link FTPFileEntryParser} and {@link Configurable} for IBM zOS/MVS Systems.
30   *
31   * @see FTPFileEntryParser Usage instructions.
32   */
33  public class MVSFTPEntryParser extends ConfigurableFTPFileEntryParserImpl {
35      static final int UNKNOWN_LIST_TYPE = -1;
36      static final int FILE_LIST_TYPE = 0;
37      static final int MEMBER_LIST_TYPE = 1;
38      static final int UNIX_LIST_TYPE = 2;
39      static final int JES_LEVEL_1_LIST_TYPE = 3;
40      static final int JES_LEVEL_2_LIST_TYPE = 4;
42      /**
43       * Dates are ignored for file lists, but are used for member lists where possible
44       */
45      static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"; // 2001/09/18
46                                                                    // 13:52
48      /**
49       * Matches these entries:
50       *
51       * <pre>
52       *  Volume Unit    Referred Ext Used Recfm Lrecl BlkSz Dsorg Dsname
53       *  B10142 3390   2006/03/20  2   31  F       80    80  PS   MDI.OKL.WORK
54       * </pre>
55       *
56       * @see <a href= "">Data set record formats</a>
57       */
58      static final String FILE_LIST_REGEX = "\\S+\\s+" + // volume
59                                                         // ignored
60              "\\S+\\s+" + // unit - ignored
61              "\\S+\\s+" + // access date - ignored
62              "\\S+\\s+" + // extents -ignored
63              // If the values are too large, the fields may be merged (NET-639)
64              "(?:\\S+\\s+)?" + // used - ignored
65              "\\S+\\s+" + // recfm - ignored
66              "\\S+\\s+" + // logical record length -ignored
67              "\\S+\\s+" + // block size - ignored
68              "(PS|PO|PO-E)\\s+" + // Dataset organisation. Many exist
69              // but only support: PS, PO, PO-E
70              "(\\S+)\\s*"; // Dataset Name (file name)
72      /**
73       * Matches these entries:
74       *
75       * <pre>
76       *   Name      VV.MM   Created       Changed      Size  Init   Mod   Id
77       *   TBSHELF   01.03 2002/09/12 2002/10/11 09:37    11    11     0 KIL001
78       * </pre>
79       */
80      static final String MEMBER_LIST_REGEX = "(\\S+)\\s+" + // name
81              "\\S+\\s+" + // version, modification (ignored)
82              "\\S+\\s+" + // create date (ignored)
83              "(\\S+)\\s+" + // modification date
84              "(\\S+)\\s+" + // modification time
85              "\\S+\\s+" + // size in lines (ignored)
86              "\\S+\\s+" + // size in lines at creation(ignored)
87              "\\S+\\s+" + // lines modified (ignored)
88              "\\S+\\s*"; // id of user who modified (ignored)
90      /**
91       * Matches these entries, note: no header:
92       *
93       * <pre>
94       *   IBMUSER1  JOB01906  OUTPUT    3 Spool Files
95       *   012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
96       *             1         2         3         4
97       * </pre>
98       */
99      static final String JES_LEVEL_1_LIST_REGEX = "(\\S+)\\s+" + // job name ignored
100             "(\\S+)\\s+" + // job number
101             "(\\S+)\\s+" + // job status (OUTPUT,INPUT,ACTIVE)
102             "(\\S+)\\s+" + // number of spool files
103             "(\\S+)\\s+" + // Text "Spool" ignored
104             "(\\S+)\\s*" // Text "Files" ignored
105     ;
107     /**
108      * JES INTERFACE LEVEL 2 parser Matches these entries:
109      *
110      * <pre>
112      * IBMUSER1 JOB01906 IBMUSER  OUTPUT A        RC=0000 3 spool files
113      * IBMUSER  TSU01830 IBMUSER  OUTPUT TSU      ABEND=522 3 spool files
114      * </pre>
115      *
116      * Sample output from FTP session:
117      *
118      * <pre>
119      * ftp> quote site filetype=jes
120      * 200 SITE command was accepted
121      * ftp> ls
122      * 200 Port request OK.
125      * IBMUSER1 JOB01906 IBMUSER  OUTPUT A        RC=0000 3 spool files
126      * IBMUSER  TSU01830 IBMUSER  OUTPUT TSU      ABEND=522 3 spool files
127      * 250 List completed successfully.
128      * ftp> ls job01906
129      * 200 Port request OK.
132      * IBMUSER1 JOB01906 IBMUSER  OUTPUT A        RC=0000
133      * --------
135      * 001 JES2              A JESMSGLG       858
136      * 002 JES2              A JESJCL         128
137      * 003 JES2              A JESYSMSG       443
138      * 3 spool files
139      * 250 List completed successfully.
140      * </pre>
141      */
143     static final String JES_LEVEL_2_LIST_REGEX = "(\\S+)\\s+" + // job name ignored
144             "(\\S+)\\s+" + // job number
145             "(\\S+)\\s+" + // owner ignored
146             "(\\S+)\\s+" + // job status (OUTPUT,INPUT,ACTIVE) ignored
147             "(\\S+)\\s+" + // job class ignored
148             "(\\S+).*" // rest ignored
149     ;
151     private int isType = UNKNOWN_LIST_TYPE;
153     /**
154      * Fallback parser for Unix-style listings
155      */
156     private UnixFTPEntryParser unixFTPEntryParser;
158     /*
159      * --------------------------------------------------------------------- Very brief and incomplete description of the zOS/MVS-file system. (Note: "zOS" is
160      * the operating system on the mainframe, and is the new name for MVS)
161      *
162      * The file system on the mainframe does not have hierarchical structure as for example the unix file system. For a more comprehensive description,
163      * please refer to the IBM manuals
164      *
165      * @LINK:
166      *
167      *
168      * Dataset names =============
169      *
170      * A dataset name consist of a number of qualifiers separated by '.', each qualifier can be at most 8 characters, and the total length of a dataset can be
171      * max 44 characters including the dots.
172      *
173      *
174      * Dataset organisation ====================
175      *
176      * A dataset represents a piece of storage allocated on one or more disks. The structure of the storage is described with the field dataset organisation
177      * (DSORG). There are a number of dataset organisations, but only two are usable for FTP transfer.
178      *
179      * DSORG: PS: sequential, or flat file PO: partitioned dataset PO-E: extended partitioned dataset
180      *
181      * The PS file is just a flat file, as you would find it on the unix file system.
182      *
183      * The PO and PO-E files, can be compared to a single level directory structure. A PO file consist of a number of dataset members, or files if you will. It
184      * is possible to CD into the file, and to retrieve the individual members.
185      *
186      *
187      * Dataset record format =====================
188      *
189      * The physical layout of the dataset is described on the dataset itself. There are a number of record formats (RECFM), but just a few is relevant for the
190      * FTP transfer.
191      *
192      * Any one beginning with either F or V can safely be used by FTP transfer. All others should only be used with great care. F means a fixed number of
193      * records per allocated storage, and V means a variable number of records.
194      *
195      *
196      * Other notes ===========
197      *
198      * The file system supports automatically backup and retrieval of datasets. If a file is backed up, the ftp LIST command will return: ARCIVE Not Direct
199      * Access Device KJ.IOP998.ERROR.PL.UNITTEST
200      *
201      *
202      * Implementation notes ====================
203      *
204      * Only datasets that have dsorg PS, PO or PO-E and have recfm beginning with F or V or U, is fully parsed.
205      *
206      * The following fields in FTPFile is used: FTPFile.Rawlisting: Always set. FTPFile.Type: DIRECTORY_TYPE or FILE_TYPE or UNKNOWN FTPFile.Name: name
207      * FTPFile.Timestamp: change time or null
208      *
209      *
210      *
211      * Additional information ======================
212      *
213      * The MVS ftp server supports a number of features via the FTP interface. The features are controlled with the FTP command quote site
214      * filetype=<SEQ|JES|DB2> SEQ is the default and used for normal file transfer JES is used to interact with the Job Entry Subsystem (JES) similar to a job
215      * scheduler DB2 is used to interact with a DB2 subsystem
216      *
217      * This parser supports SEQ and JES.
218      */
220     /**
221      * The sole constructor for a MVSFTPEntryParser object.
222      */
223     public MVSFTPEntryParser() {
224         super(""); // note the regex is set in preParse.
225         super.configure(null); // configure parser with default configurations
226     }
228     /*
229      * @return
230      */
231     @Override
232     protected FTPClientConfig getDefaultConfiguration() {
233         return new FTPClientConfig(FTPClientConfig.SYST_MVS, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT, null);
234     }
236     /**
237      * Parses entries representing a dataset list.
238      * <pre>
239      * Format of ZOS/MVS file list: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
240      * Volume Unit Referred Ext Used Recfm Lrecl BlkSz Dsorg Dsname
241      * B10142 3390 2006/03/20 2 31 F 80 80 PS MDI.OKL.WORK
242      * ARCIVE Not Direct Access Device KJ.IOP998.ERROR.PL.UNITTEST
243      * B1N231 3390 2006/03/20 1 15 VB 256 27998 PO PLU
244      * B1N231 3390 2006/03/20 1 15 VB 256 27998 PO-E PLB
245      * Migrated                                                HLQ.DATASET.NAME
246      * </pre>
247      * <pre>
248      * ----------------------------------- Group within Regex [1] Volume [2] Unit [3] Referred [4] Ext: number of extents [5] Used [6] Recfm: Record format [7]
249      * Lrecl: Logical record length [8] BlkSz: Block size [9] Dsorg: Dataset organisation. Many exists but only support: PS, PO, PO-E [10] Dsname: Dataset name
250      * </pre>
251      *
252      * @param entry zosDirectoryEntry
253      * @return null: entry was not parsed.
254      */
255     private FTPFile parseFileList(final String entry) {
256         if (matches(entry)) {
257             final FTPFile file = new FTPFile();
258             file.setRawListing(entry);
259             final String name = group(2);
260             final String dsorg = group(1);
261             file.setName(name);
263             // DSORG
264             if ("PS".equals(dsorg)) {
265                 file.setType(FTPFile.FILE_TYPE);
266             } else if ("PO".equals(dsorg) || "PO-E".equals(dsorg)) {
267                 // regex already ruled out anything other than PO or PO-E
268                 file.setType(FTPFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE);
269             } else {
270                 return null;
271             }
273             return file;
274         }
276         final boolean migrated = entry.startsWith("Migrated");
277         if (migrated || entry.startsWith("ARCIVE")) {
278             // Type of file is unknown for migrated datasets
279             final FTPFile file = new FTPFile();
280             file.setRawListing(entry);
281             file.setType(FTPFile.UNKNOWN_TYPE);
282             file.setName(entry.split("\\s+")[migrated ? 1 : 5]);
283             return file;
284         }
286         return null;
287     }
289     /**
290      * Parses a line of a z/OS - MVS FTP server file listing and converts it into a usable format in the form of an <code>FTPFile</code> instance. If the
291      * file listing line doesn't describe a file, then <code>null</code> is returned. Otherwise, a <code>FTPFile</code> instance representing the file is
292      * returned.
293      *
294      * @param entry A line of text from the file listing
295      * @return An FTPFile instance corresponding to the supplied entry
296      */
297     @Override
298     public FTPFile parseFTPEntry(final String entry) {
299         switch (isType) {
300         case FILE_LIST_TYPE:
301             return parseFileList(entry);
302         case MEMBER_LIST_TYPE:
303             return parseMemberList(entry);
304         case UNIX_LIST_TYPE:
305             return unixFTPEntryParser.parseFTPEntry(entry);
306         case JES_LEVEL_1_LIST_TYPE:
307             return parseJeslevel1List(entry);
308         case JES_LEVEL_2_LIST_TYPE:
309             return parseJeslevel2List(entry);
310         default:
311             break;
312         }
314         return null;
315     }
317     /**
318      * Matches these entries, note: no header:
319      *
320      * <pre>
321      * [1]      [2]      [3]   [4] [5]
322      * IBMUSER1 JOB01906 OUTPUT 3 Spool Files
323      * 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
324      *           1         2         3         4
325      * -------------------------------------------
326      * Group in regex
327      * [1] Job name
328      * [2] Job number
329      * [3] Job status (INPUT,ACTIVE,OUTPUT)
330      * [4] Number of sysout files
331      * [5] The string "Spool Files"
332      * </pre>
333      *
334      * @param entry zosDirectoryEntry
335      * @return null: entry was not parsed.
336      */
337     private FTPFile parseJeslevel1List(final String entry) {
338         return parseJeslevelList(entry, 3);
339     }
341     /**
342      * Matches these entries:
343      *
344      * <pre>
345      * [1]      [2]      [3]     [4]    [5]
347      * IBMUSER1 JOB01906 IBMUSER OUTPUT A       RC=0000 3 spool files
348      * IBMUSER  TSU01830 IBMUSER OUTPUT TSU     ABEND=522 3 spool files
349      * 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
350      *           1         2         3         4
351      * -------------------------------------------
352      * Group in regex
353      * [1] Job name
354      * [2] Job number
355      * [3] Owner
356      * [4] Job status (INPUT,ACTIVE,OUTPUT)
357      * [5] Job Class
358      * [6] The rest
359      * </pre>
360      *
361      * @param entry zosDirectoryEntry
362      * @return null: entry was not parsed.
363      */
364     private FTPFile parseJeslevel2List(final String entry) {
365         return parseJeslevelList(entry, 4);
366     }
368     private FTPFile parseJeslevelList(final String entry, final int matchNum) {
369         if (matches(entry)) {
370             final FTPFile file = new FTPFile();
371             if (group(matchNum).equalsIgnoreCase("OUTPUT")) {
372                 file.setRawListing(entry);
373                 final String name = group(2); /* Job Number, used by GET */
374                 file.setName(name);
375                 file.setType(FTPFile.FILE_TYPE);
376                 return file;
377             }
378         }
379         return null;
380     }
382     /**
383      * Parses entries within a partitioned dataset.
384      *
385      * Format of a memberlist within a PDS:
386      *
387      * <pre>
388      *    0         1        2          3        4     5     6      7    8
389      *   Name      VV.MM   Created       Changed      Size  Init   Mod   Id
390      *   TBSHELF   01.03 2002/09/12 2002/10/11 09:37    11    11     0 KIL001
391      *   TBTOOL    01.12 2002/09/12 2004/11/26 19:54    51    28     0 KIL001
392      *
393      * -------------------------------------------
394      * [1] Name
395      * [2] VV.MM: Version . modification
396      * [3] Created: yyyy / MM / dd
397      * [4,5] Changed: yyyy / MM / dd HH:mm
398      * [6] Size: number of lines
399      * [7] Init: number of lines when first created
400      * [8] Mod: number of modified lines a last save
401      * [9] Id: User id for last update
402      * </pre>
403      *
404      * @param entry zosDirectoryEntry
405      * @return null: entry was not parsed.
406      */
407     private FTPFile parseMemberList(final String entry) {
408         final FTPFile file = new FTPFile();
409         if (matches(entry)) {
410             file.setRawListing(entry);
411             final String name = group(1);
412             final String datestr = group(2) + " " + group(3);
413             file.setName(name);
414             file.setType(FTPFile.FILE_TYPE);
415             try {
416                 file.setTimestamp(super.parseTimestamp(datestr));
417             } catch (final ParseException e) {
418                 // just ignore parsing errors.
419                 // TODO check this is ok
420                 // Drop thru to try simple parser
421             }
422             return file;
423         }
425         /*
426          * Assigns the name to the first word of the entry. Only to be used from a safe context, for example from a memberlist, where the regex for some reason
427          * fails. Then just assign the name field of FTPFile.
428          */
429         if (entry != null && !entry.trim().isEmpty()) {
430             file.setRawListing(entry);
431             final String name = entry.split(" ")[0];
432             file.setName(name);
433             file.setType(FTPFile.FILE_TYPE);
434             return file;
435         }
436         return null;
437     }
439     /**
440      * Pre-parses is called as part of the interface. Per definition, it is called before the parsing takes place. Three kinds of lists are recognized:
441      * <ul>
442      *     <li>z/OS-MVS File lists,</li>
443      *     <li>z/OS-MVS Member lists,</li>
444      *     <li>unix file lists.</li>
445      * </ul>
446      * @since 2.0
447      */
448     @Override
449     public List<String> preParse(final List<String> orig) {
450         // simply remove the header line. Composite logic will take care of the
451         // two different types of
452         // list in short order.
453         if (orig != null && !orig.isEmpty()) {
454             final String header = orig.get(0);
455             if (header.contains("Volume") && header.contains("Dsname")) {
456                 setType(FILE_LIST_TYPE);
457                 super.setRegex(FILE_LIST_REGEX);
458             } else if (header.contains("Name") && header.contains("Id")) {
459                 setType(MEMBER_LIST_TYPE);
460                 super.setRegex(MEMBER_LIST_REGEX);
461             } else if (header.startsWith("total")) {
462                 setType(UNIX_LIST_TYPE);
463                 unixFTPEntryParser = new UnixFTPEntryParser();
464             } else if (header.indexOf("Spool Files") >= 30) {
465                 setType(JES_LEVEL_1_LIST_TYPE);
466                 super.setRegex(JES_LEVEL_1_LIST_REGEX);
467             } else if (header.startsWith("JOBNAME") && header.indexOf("JOBID") > 8) { // header contains JOBNAME JOBID OWNER // STATUS CLASS
468                 setType(JES_LEVEL_2_LIST_TYPE);
469                 super.setRegex(JES_LEVEL_2_LIST_REGEX);
470             } else {
471                 setType(UNKNOWN_LIST_TYPE);
472             }
474             if (isType != JES_LEVEL_1_LIST_TYPE) { // remove header is necessary
475                 orig.remove(0);
476             }
477         }
479         return orig;
480     }
482     /**
483      * Sets the type of listing being processed.
484      *
485      * @param type The listing type.
486      */
487     void setType(final int type) {
488         isType = type;
489     }
491 }