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SpotBugs Bug Detector Report

The following document contains the results of SpotBugs

SpotBugs Version is 4.8.5

Threshold is medium

Effort is default


Classes Bugs Errors Missing Classes
236 33 1 0


Class Bugs
org.apache.commons.net.examples.ftp.TFTPExample 2
org.apache.commons.net.examples.ntp.SimpleNTPServer 2
org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.chargen 1
org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.daytime 1
org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.echo 1
org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.finger 1
org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.fwhois 1
org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.rdate 1
org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.rexec 1
org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.rlogin 1
org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.rshell 1
org.apache.commons.net.finger.FingerClient 1
org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.MLSxEntryParser 1
org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.RegexFTPFileEntryParserImpl 2
org.apache.commons.net.nntp.Article 2
org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeInfo 4
org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeStamp 1
org.apache.commons.net.smtp.SimpleSMTPHeader 1
org.apache.commons.net.telnet.TelnetOutputStream 1
org.apache.commons.net.tftp.TFTPRequestPacket 1
org.apache.commons.net.util.Base64 3
org.apache.commons.net.util.SSLSocketUtils 1
org.apache.commons.net.util.SubnetUtils 2


Bug Category Details Line Priority
org.apache.commons.net.examples.ftp.TFTPExample.receive(int, String, String, String, TFTPClient) may fail to clean up java.io.OutputStream on checked exception EXPERIMENTAL OBL_UNSATISFIED_OBLIGATION_EXCEPTION_EDGE 168 Medium
org.apache.commons.net.examples.ftp.TFTPExample.send(int, String, String, String, TFTPClient) may fail to clean up java.io.InputStream on checked exception EXPERIMENTAL OBL_UNSATISFIED_OBLIGATION_EXCEPTION_EDGE 203 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.examples.ntp.SimpleNTPServer at new org.apache.commons.net.examples.ntp.SimpleNTPServer() will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 64 Medium
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.examples.ntp.SimpleNTPServer at new org.apache.commons.net.examples.ntp.SimpleNTPServer(int) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 75 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The class name org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.chargen doesn't start with an upper case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION 39-124 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The class name org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.daytime doesn't start with an upper case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION 33-76 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The class name org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.echo doesn't start with an upper case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION 42-139 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The class name org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.finger doesn't start with an upper case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION 32-118 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The class name org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.fwhois doesn't start with an upper case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION 29-73 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The class name org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.rdate doesn't start with an upper case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION 34-76 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The class name org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.rexec doesn't start with an upper case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION 36-83 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The class name org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.rlogin doesn't start with an upper case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION 43-90 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
The class name org.apache.commons.net.examples.unix.rshell doesn't start with an upper case letter BAD_PRACTICE NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION 38-85 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
org.apache.commons.net.finger.FingerClient.getInputStream(boolean, String, String) may fail to close stream BAD_PRACTICE OS_OPEN_STREAM 116 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Class (org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.MLSxEntryParser) using singleton design pattern has non-private constructor. CORRECTNESS SING_SINGLETON_HAS_NONPRIVATE_CONSTRUCTOR 138-139 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.RegexFTPFileEntryParserImpl at new org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.RegexFTPFileEntryParserImpl(String) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 60 Medium
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.RegexFTPFileEntryParserImpl at new org.apache.commons.net.ftp.parser.RegexFTPFileEntryParserImpl(String, int) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 75 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Primitive field org.apache.commons.net.nntp.Article.kid is public and set from inside the class, which makes it too exposed. Consider making it private to limit external accessibility. BAD_PRACTICE PA_PUBLIC_PRIMITIVE_ATTRIBUTE 63 Medium
Primitive field org.apache.commons.net.nntp.Article.next is public and set from inside the class, which makes it too exposed. Consider making it private to limit external accessibility. BAD_PRACTICE PA_PUBLIC_PRIMITIVE_ATTRIBUTE 66 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeInfo at new org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeInfo(NtpV3Packet, long) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 53 Medium
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeInfo at new org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeInfo(NtpV3Packet, long, List) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 78 Medium
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeInfo at new org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeInfo(NtpV3Packet, long, List, boolean) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 93 Medium
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeInfo at new org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeInfo(NtpV3Packet, long, boolean) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 66 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeStamp at new org.apache.commons.net.ntp.TimeStamp(String) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 248 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.smtp.SimpleSMTPHeader at new org.apache.commons.net.smtp.SimpleSMTPHeader(String, String, String) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 67 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Unread field: org.apache.commons.net.telnet.TelnetOutputStream.convertCRtoCRLF; should this field be static? PERFORMANCE SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC 36 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.tftp.TFTPRequestPacket at new org.apache.commons.net.tftp.TFTPRequestPacket(int, DatagramPacket) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 89 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.util.Base64 at new org.apache.commons.net.util.Base64(int, byte[]) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 523 Medium
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.util.Base64 at new org.apache.commons.net.util.Base64(int, byte[], boolean) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 556 Medium
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.util.Base64 at new org.apache.commons.net.util.Base64(boolean) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 481 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Redundant nullcheck of sslParameters, which is known to be non-null in org.apache.commons.net.util.SSLSocketUtils.enableEndpointNameVerification(SSLSocket) STYLE RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE 38 Medium


Bug Category Details Line Priority
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.util.SubnetUtils at new org.apache.commons.net.util.SubnetUtils(String) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 290 Medium
Exception thrown in class org.apache.commons.net.util.SubnetUtils at new org.apache.commons.net.util.SubnetUtils(String, String) will leave the constructor. The object under construction remains partially initialized and may be vulnerable to Finalizer attacks. BAD_PRACTICE CT_CONSTRUCTOR_THROW 323 Medium