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PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 6.55.0.

Violations By Priority

Priority 1


Rule Violation Line
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 131

Priority 3


Rule Violation Line
ImmutableField Private field 'neuronsPerCity' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 42
ImmutableField Private field 'numSamples' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 46
ImmutableField Private field 'numJobs' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 50
ImmutableField Private field 'maxTrials' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 54
AssignmentInOperand Avoid assignments in operands 95


Rule Violation Line
AvoidLiteralsInIfCondition Avoid using Literals in Conditional Statements 91
DoNotUseThreads To be compliant to J2EE, a webapp should not use any thread. 111
AvoidInstanceofChecksInCatchClause An instanceof check is being performed on the caught exception. Create a separate catch clause for this exception type. 127
DoNotUseThreads To be compliant to J2EE, a webapp should not use any thread. 134
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 163165



Rule Violation Priority Line
ImmutableField Private field 'neuronsPerCity' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 3 42
ImmutableField Private field 'numSamples' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 3 46
ImmutableField Private field 'numJobs' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 3 50
ImmutableField Private field 'maxTrials' could be made final; it is only initialized in the declaration or constructor. 3 54
AssignmentInOperand Avoid assignments in operands 3 95


Rule Violation Priority Line
AvoidLiteralsInIfCondition Avoid using Literals in Conditional Statements 3 91
DoNotUseThreads To be compliant to J2EE, a webapp should not use any thread. 3 111
AvoidInstanceofChecksInCatchClause An instanceof check is being performed on the caught exception. Create a separate catch clause for this exception type. 3 127
AvoidThrowingRawExceptionTypes Avoid throwing raw exception types. 1 131
DoNotUseThreads To be compliant to J2EE, a webapp should not use any thread. 3 134
AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops Avoid instantiating new objects inside loops 3 163165