Package org.apache.commons.lang3.text

Provides classes for handling and manipulating text, partly as an extension to java.text.


Interface Summary
FormatFactory Format factory.

Class Summary
CompositeFormat Formats using one formatter and parses using a different formatter.
ExtendedMessageFormat Extends java.text.MessageFormat to allow pluggable/additional formatting options for embedded format elements.
StrBuilder Builds a string from constituent parts providing a more flexible and powerful API than StringBuffer.
StrLookup<V> Lookup a String key to a String value.
StrMatcher A matcher class that can be queried to determine if a character array portion matches.
StrSubstitutor Substitutes variables within a string by values.
StrTokenizer Tokenizes a string based based on delimiters (separators) and supporting quoting and ignored character concepts.
WordUtils Operations on Strings that contain words.

Package org.apache.commons.lang3.text Description

Provides classes for handling and manipulating text, partly as an extension to java.text. The classes in this package are, for the most part, intended to be instantiated. (ie. they are not utility classes with lots of static methods)


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