Class ContextedException

  extended by java.lang.Throwable
      extended by java.lang.Exception
          extended by org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ContextedException
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ExceptionContext

public class ContextedException
extends Exception
implements ExceptionContext

An exception that provides an easy and safe way to add contextual information.

An exception trace itself is often insufficient to provide rapid diagnosis of the issue. Frequently what is needed is a select few pieces of local contextual data. Providing this data is tricky however, due to concerns over formatting and nulls.

The contexted exception approach allows the exception to be created together with a map of context values. This additional information is automatically included in the message and printed stack trace.

An unchecked version of this exception is provided by ContextedRuntimeException.

To use this class write code as follows:

   try {
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new ContextedException("Error posting account transaction", e)
          .addValue("accountNumber", accountNumber)
          .addValue("amountPosted", amountPosted)
          .addValue("previousBalance", previousBalance)

The output in a printStacktrace() (which often is written to a log) would look something like the following:

 org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ContextedException: java.lang.Exception: Error posting account transaction
  Exception Context:

  at org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ContextedExceptionTest.testAddValue(
  ..... (rest of trace)

Apache Software Foundation, D. Ashmore
See Also:
ContextedRuntimeException, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
          Instantiates ContextedException without message or cause.
ContextedException(String message)
          Instantiates ContextedException with message, but without cause.
ContextedException(String message, Throwable cause)
          Instantiates ContextedException with cause and message.
ContextedException(String message, Throwable cause, ExceptionContext context)
          Instantiates ContextedException with cause, message, and ExceptionContext.
ContextedException(Throwable cause)
          Instantiates ContextedException with cause, but without message.
Method Summary
 ContextedException addValue(String label, Object value)
          Adds information helpful to a developer in diagnosing and correcting the problem.
 String getFormattedExceptionMessage(String baseMessage)
          Implementors provide the given base message with context label/value item information appended.
 Set<String> getLabelSet()
          Retrieves the labels defined in the contextual data.
 String getMessage()
          Provides the message explaining the exception, including the contextual data.
 Object getValue(String label)
          Retrieves a contextual data value associated with the label.
 ContextedException replaceValue(String label, Object value)
          Replaces information helpful to a developer in diagnosing and correcting the problem.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
fillInStackTrace, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getStackTrace, initCause, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ContextedException()
Instantiates ContextedException without message or cause.

The context information is stored using a default implementation.


public ContextedException(String message)
Instantiates ContextedException with message, but without cause.

The context information is stored using a default implementation.

message - the exception message, may be null


public ContextedException(Throwable cause)
Instantiates ContextedException with cause, but without message.

The context information is stored using a default implementation.

cause - the underlying cause of the exception, may be null


public ContextedException(String message,
                          Throwable cause)
Instantiates ContextedException with cause and message.

The context information is stored using a default implementation.

message - the exception message, may be null
cause - the underlying cause of the exception, may be null


public ContextedException(String message,
                          Throwable cause,
                          ExceptionContext context)
Instantiates ContextedException with cause, message, and ExceptionContext.

message - the exception message, may be null
cause - the underlying cause of the exception, may be null
context - the context used to store the additional information, null uses default implementation
Method Detail


public ContextedException addValue(String label,
                                   Object value)
Adds information helpful to a developer in diagnosing and correcting the problem. For the information to be meaningful, the value passed should have a reasonable toString() implementation. If the added label is already available, the label is appended with an index.

Note: This exception is only serializable if the object added is serializable.

Specified by:
addValue in interface ExceptionContext
label - a textual label associated with information, null not recommended
value - information needed to understand exception, may be null
this, for method chaining


public ContextedException replaceValue(String label,
                                       Object value)
Replaces information helpful to a developer in diagnosing and correcting the problem. For the information to be meaningful, the value passed should have a reasonable toString() implementation. If the replaced label does not yet exist, it is simply added.

Note: This exception is only serializable if the object added is serializable.

Specified by:
replaceValue in interface ExceptionContext
label - a textual label associated with information, null not recommended
value - information needed to understand exception, may be null
this, for method chaining


public Object getValue(String label)
Retrieves a contextual data value associated with the label.

Specified by:
getValue in interface ExceptionContext
label - the label to get the contextual value for, may be null
the contextual value associated with the label, may be null


public Set<String> getLabelSet()
Retrieves the labels defined in the contextual data.

Specified by:
getLabelSet in interface ExceptionContext
the set of labels, never null


public String getMessage()
Provides the message explaining the exception, including the contextual data.

getMessage in class Throwable
the message, never null
See Also:


public String getFormattedExceptionMessage(String baseMessage)
Implementors provide the given base message with context label/value item information appended.

Specified by:
getFormattedExceptionMessage in interface ExceptionContext
baseMessage - the base exception message without context information appended
the exception message with context information appended, never null

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