Uses of Class

Packages that use ImageInfo

Uses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan

Methods in org.apache.sanselan that return ImageInfo
static ImageInfo Sanselan.getImageInfo(byte[] bytes)
          Parses the "image info" of an image.
static ImageInfo Sanselan.getImageInfo(byte[] bytes, java.util.Map params)
          Parses the "image info" of an image.
 ImageInfo ImageParser.getImageInfo(byte[] bytes, java.util.Map params)
 ImageInfo ImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource)
abstract  ImageInfo ImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource, java.util.Map params)
static ImageInfo Sanselan.getImageInfo( file)
          Parses the "image info" of an image file.
static ImageInfo Sanselan.getImageInfo( file, java.util.Map params)
          Parses the "image info" of an image file.
 ImageInfo ImageParser.getImageInfo( file, java.util.Map params)
static ImageInfo Sanselan.getImageInfo( is, java.lang.String filename)
          Parses the "image info" of an image.
static ImageInfo Sanselan.getImageInfo( is, java.lang.String filename, java.util.Map params)
          Parses the "image info" of an image.
static ImageInfo Sanselan.getImageInfo(java.lang.String filename, byte[] bytes)
          Parses the "image info" of an image.
static ImageInfo Sanselan.getImageInfo(java.lang.String filename, byte[] bytes, java.util.Map params)
          Parses the "image info" of an image.

Uses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan.formats.bmp

Methods in org.apache.sanselan.formats.bmp that return ImageInfo
 ImageInfo BmpImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource, java.util.Map params)

Uses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan.formats.gif

Methods in org.apache.sanselan.formats.gif that return ImageInfo
 ImageInfo GifImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource, java.util.Map params)

Uses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan.formats.ico

Methods in org.apache.sanselan.formats.ico that return ImageInfo
 ImageInfo IcoImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource, java.util.Map params)

Uses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan.formats.jpeg

Methods in org.apache.sanselan.formats.jpeg that return ImageInfo
 ImageInfo JpegImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource, java.util.Map params)

Uses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan.formats.png

Subclasses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan.formats.png
 class PngImageInfo

Methods in org.apache.sanselan.formats.png that return ImageInfo
 ImageInfo PngImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource, java.util.Map params)

Uses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan.formats.pnm

Methods in org.apache.sanselan.formats.pnm that return ImageInfo
 ImageInfo PNMImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource, java.util.Map params)

Uses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan.formats.psd

Methods in org.apache.sanselan.formats.psd that return ImageInfo
 ImageInfo PsdImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource, java.util.Map params)

Uses of ImageInfo in org.apache.sanselan.formats.tiff

Methods in org.apache.sanselan.formats.tiff that return ImageInfo
 ImageInfo TiffImageParser.getImageInfo(ByteSource byteSource, java.util.Map params)

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