Apache Commons logo Commons Email


Commons Email uses Maven.

Maven Goals

To build a jar and verify all files, change into Email's root directory and run mvn. The result will be in the "target" subdirectory.

To only build the jar file, change into Email's root directory and run mvn clean package. The result will be in the "target" subdirectory.

To only build the Javadocs, run "mvn clean javadoc:javadoc". The result will be in "target/docs/apidocs".

To build the full website, run "mvn clean verify site". The result will be in "target/site". You must be using JDK 5 or higher to successfully complete this target.


Commons Email requires Java 8.

Commons Email requires SubEtha SMTP for its unit tests.

This jar will be automatically installed to your local Maven repository if you build using mvn clean install.