Uses of Class

Packages that use HierarchicalConfiguration.Node
org.apache.commons.configuration The Configuration main package. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.plist Configuration classes supporting NeXT / OpenStep /GNUStep style configuration. 

Uses of HierarchicalConfiguration.Node in org.apache.commons.configuration

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration that return HierarchicalConfiguration.Node
protected  HierarchicalConfiguration.Node HierarchicalConfiguration.createAddPath(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node root)
          Deprecated. Adding new properties is now to a major part delegated to the ExpressionEngine associated with this configuration instance. This method will no longer be called. Developers who want to modify the process of adding new properties should consider implementing their own expression engine.
protected  HierarchicalConfiguration.Node XMLConfiguration.createNode(String name)
          Creates a new node object.
protected  HierarchicalConfiguration.Node SubnodeConfiguration.createNode(String name)
          Creates a new node.
protected  HierarchicalConfiguration.Node HierarchicalConfiguration.createNode(String name)
          Creates a new Node object with the specified name.
protected  HierarchicalConfiguration.Node HierarchicalConfiguration.fetchAddNode(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node startNode)
          Deprecated. Adding new properties is now to a major part delegated to the ExpressionEngine associated with this configuration instance. This method will no longer be called. Developers who want to modify the process of adding new properties should consider implementing their own expression engine.
protected  HierarchicalConfiguration.Node HierarchicalConfiguration.findLastPathNode(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node)
          Deprecated. Adding new properties is now to a major part delegated to the ExpressionEngine associated with this configuration instance. This method will no longer be called. Developers who want to modify the process of adding new properties should consider implementing their own expression engine.
 HierarchicalConfiguration.Node HierarchicalConfiguration.Node.getParent()
          Returns the parent of this node.
 HierarchicalConfiguration.Node HierarchicalConfiguration.getRoot()
          Returns the root node of this hierarchical configuration.

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration with parameters of type HierarchicalConfiguration.Node
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.Node.addChild(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node)
          Adds the given node to the children of this node.
protected  void HierarchicalConfiguration.clearNode(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node)
          Deprecated. Use the method HierarchicalConfiguration.clearNode(ConfigurationNode) instead
protected  HierarchicalConfiguration.Node HierarchicalConfiguration.createAddPath(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node root)
          Deprecated. Adding new properties is now to a major part delegated to the ExpressionEngine associated with this configuration instance. This method will no longer be called. Developers who want to modify the process of adding new properties should consider implementing their own expression engine.
protected  HierarchicalConfiguration.Node HierarchicalConfiguration.fetchAddNode(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node startNode)
          Deprecated. Adding new properties is now to a major part delegated to the ExpressionEngine associated with this configuration instance. This method will no longer be called. Developers who want to modify the process of adding new properties should consider implementing their own expression engine.
protected  HierarchicalConfiguration.Node HierarchicalConfiguration.findLastPathNode(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node)
          Deprecated. Adding new properties is now to a major part delegated to the ExpressionEngine associated with this configuration instance. This method will no longer be called. Developers who want to modify the process of adding new properties should consider implementing their own expression engine.
protected  void HierarchicalConfiguration.findPropertyNodes(ConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyPart, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node, Collection nodes)
          Deprecated. Property keys are now evaluated by the expression engine associated with the configuration; this method will no longer be called. If you want to modify the way properties are looked up, consider implementing you own ExpressionEngine implementation.
protected abstract  Object HierarchicalConfiguration.BuilderVisitor.insert(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node newNode, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node parent, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node sibling1, HierarchicalConfiguration.Node sibling2)
          Inserts a new node into the structure constructed by this builder.
protected  boolean HierarchicalConfiguration.nodeDefined(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node)
          Deprecated. Use the method HierarchicalConfiguration.nodeDefined(ConfigurationNode) instead.
 boolean HierarchicalConfiguration.Node.remove(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node child)
          Removes the specified child from this node.
protected  void HierarchicalConfiguration.removeNode(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node)
          Deprecated. Use the method HierarchicalConfiguration.removeNode(ConfigurationNode) instead.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.Node.setParent(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node)
          Sets the parent of this node.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.setRoot(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node)
          Sets the root node of this hierarchical configuration.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.NodeVisitor.visitAfterChildren(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node, ConfigurationKey key)
          Visits the specified node after its children have been processed.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.NodeVisitor.visitBeforeChildren(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node, ConfigurationKey key)
          Visits the specified node.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.BuilderVisitor.visitBeforeChildren(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node, ConfigurationKey key)
          Visits the specified node before its children have been traversed.

Uses of HierarchicalConfiguration.Node in org.apache.commons.configuration.plist

Subclasses of HierarchicalConfiguration.Node in org.apache.commons.configuration.plist
static class XMLPropertyListConfiguration.ArrayNode
          Container for array elements.
static class XMLPropertyListConfiguration.PListNode
          Node extension with addXXX methods to parse the typed data passed by the SAX handler.

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