Class DatabaseConfiguration

  extended by org.apache.commons.configuration.event.EventSource
      extended by org.apache.commons.configuration.AbstractConfiguration
          extended by org.apache.commons.configuration.DatabaseConfiguration
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DatabaseConfiguration
extends AbstractConfiguration

Configuration stored in a database. The properties are retrieved from a table containing at least one column for the keys, and one column for the values. It's possible to store several configurations in the same table by adding a column containing the name of the configuration. The name of the table and the columns is specified in the constructor.

Example 1 - One configuration per table

 CREATE TABLE myconfig (
     `value` VARCHAR

 INSERT INTO myconfig (key, value) VALUES ('foo', 'bar');

 Configuration config = new DatabaseConfiguration(datasource, "myconfig", "key", "value");
 String value = config.getString("foo");

Example 2 - Multiple configurations per table

 CREATE TABLE myconfigs (
     `name`  VARCHAR NOT NULL,
     `key`   VARCHAR NOT NULL,
     `value` VARCHAR,
     CONSTRAINT sys_pk_myconfigs PRIMARY KEY (`name`, `key`)

 INSERT INTO myconfigs (name, key, value) VALUES ('config1', 'key1', 'value1');
 INSERT INTO myconfigs (name, key, value) VALUES ('config2', 'key2', 'value2');

 Configuration config1 = new DatabaseConfiguration(datasource, "myconfigs", "name", "key", "value", "config1");
 String value1 = conf.getString("key1");

 Configuration config2 = new DatabaseConfiguration(datasource, "myconfigs", "name", "key", "value", "config2");
 String value2 = conf.getString("key2");

$Revision: 589380 $, $Date: 2007-10-28 17:37:35 +0100 (So, 28 Okt 2007) $
Emmanuel Bourg

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.AbstractConfiguration
Constructor Summary
DatabaseConfiguration(DataSource datasource, String table, String keyColumn, String valueColumn)
          Build a configuration from a table
DatabaseConfiguration(DataSource datasource, String table, String nameColumn, String keyColumn, String valueColumn, String name)
          Build a configuration from a table containing multiple configurations.
Method Summary
 void addProperty(String key, Object value)
          Adds a property to this configuration.
protected  void addPropertyDirect(String key, Object obj)
          Adds a property to this configuration.
 void clear()
          Removes all entries from this configuration.
 void clearProperty(String key)
          Removes the specified value from this configuration.
 boolean containsKey(String key)
          Checks whether this configuration contains the specified key.
protected  Connection getConnection()
          Deprecated. Use a custom data source to change the connection used by the class. To be removed in Commons Configuration 2.0
 DataSource getDatasource()
          Returns the used DataSource object.
 Iterator getKeys()
          Returns an iterator with the names of all properties contained in this configuration.
 Object getProperty(String key)
          Returns the value of the specified property.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Checks if this configuration is empty.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.AbstractConfiguration
addErrorLogListener, append, clearPropertyDirect, copy, createInterpolator, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigInteger, getBigInteger, getBoolean, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getByte, getDefaultListDelimiter, getDelimiter, getDouble, getDouble, getDouble, getFloat, getFloat, getFloat, getInt, getInt, getInteger, getInterpolator, getKeys, getList, getList, getListDelimiter, getLogger, getLong, getLong, getLong, getProperties, getProperties, getShort, getShort, getShort, getString, getString, getStringArray, getSubstitutor, interpolate, interpolate, interpolatedConfiguration, interpolateHelper, isDelimiterParsingDisabled, isThrowExceptionOnMissing, resolveContainerStore, setDefaultListDelimiter, setDelimiter, setDelimiterParsingDisabled, setListDelimiter, setLogger, setProperty, setThrowExceptionOnMissing, subset
Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.event.EventSource
addConfigurationListener, addErrorListener, clearConfigurationListeners, clearErrorListeners, clone, createErrorEvent, createEvent, fireError, fireEvent, getConfigurationListeners, getErrorListeners, isDetailEvents, removeConfigurationListener, removeErrorListener, setDetailEvents
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DatabaseConfiguration(DataSource datasource,
                             String table,
                             String nameColumn,
                             String keyColumn,
                             String valueColumn,
                             String name)
Build a configuration from a table containing multiple configurations.

datasource - the datasource to connect to the database
table - the name of the table containing the configurations
nameColumn - the column containing the name of the configuration
keyColumn - the column containing the keys of the configuration
valueColumn - the column containing the values of the configuration
name - the name of the configuration


public DatabaseConfiguration(DataSource datasource,
                             String table,
                             String keyColumn,
                             String valueColumn)
Build a configuration from a table.-

datasource - the datasource to connect to the database
table - the name of the table containing the configurations
keyColumn - the column containing the keys of the configuration
valueColumn - the column containing the values of the configuration
Method Detail


public Object getProperty(String key)
Returns the value of the specified property. If this causes a database error, an error event will be generated of type EVENT_READ_PROPERTY with the causing exception. The event's propertyName is set to the passed in property key, the propertyValue is undefined.

key - the key of the desired property
the value of this property


protected void addPropertyDirect(String key,
                                 Object obj)
Adds a property to this configuration. If this causes a database error, an error event will be generated of type EVENT_ADD_PROPERTY with the causing exception. The event's propertyName is set to the passed in property key, the propertyValue points to the passed in value.

Specified by:
addPropertyDirect in class AbstractConfiguration
key - the property key
obj - the value of the property to add


public void addProperty(String key,
                        Object value)
Adds a property to this configuration. This implementation will temporarily disable list delimiter parsing, so that even if the value contains the list delimiter, only a single record will be written into the managed table. The implementation of getProperty() will take care about delimiters. So list delimiters are fully supported by DatabaseConfiguration, but internally treated a bit differently.

Specified by:
addProperty in interface Configuration
addProperty in class AbstractConfiguration
key - the key of the new property
value - the value to be added


public boolean isEmpty()
Checks if this configuration is empty. If this causes a database error, an error event will be generated of type EVENT_READ_PROPERTY with the causing exception. Both the event's propertyName and propertyValue will be undefined.

a flag whether this configuration is empty.


public boolean containsKey(String key)
Checks whether this configuration contains the specified key. If this causes a database error, an error event will be generated of type EVENT_READ_PROPERTY with the causing exception. The event's propertyName will be set to the passed in key, the propertyValue will be undefined.

key - the key to be checked
a flag whether this key is defined


public void clearProperty(String key)
Removes the specified value from this configuration. If this causes a database error, an error event will be generated of type EVENT_CLEAR_PROPERTY with the causing exception. The event's propertyName will be set to the passed in key, the propertyValue will be undefined.

Specified by:
clearProperty in interface Configuration
clearProperty in class AbstractConfiguration
key - the key of the property to be removed


public void clear()
Removes all entries from this configuration. If this causes a database error, an error event will be generated of type EVENT_CLEAR with the causing exception. Both the event's propertyName and the propertyValue will be undefined.

Specified by:
clear in interface Configuration
clear in class AbstractConfiguration


public Iterator getKeys()
Returns an iterator with the names of all properties contained in this configuration. If this causes a database error, an error event will be generated of type EVENT_READ_PROPERTY with the causing exception. Both the event's propertyName and the propertyValue will be undefined.

an iterator with the contained keys (an empty iterator in case of an error)


public DataSource getDatasource()
Returns the used DataSource object.

the data source


protected Connection getConnection()
                            throws SQLException
Deprecated. Use a custom data source to change the connection used by the class. To be removed in Commons Configuration 2.0

Returns a Connection object. This method is called when ever the database is to be accessed. This implementation returns a connection from the current DataSource.

the Connection object to be used
SQLException - if an error occurs

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