Package org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.xpath

This package contains the implementation of the XPathExpressionEngine class, which enables XPATH support for querying configuration properties.


Class Summary
ConfigurationNodeIteratorAttribute A specialized node iterator implementation that deals with attribute nodes.
ConfigurationNodeIteratorBase A base class for implementing iterators over configuration nodes.
ConfigurationNodeIteratorChildren A specialized iterator implementation for the child nodes of a configuration node.
ConfigurationNodePointer A specific NodePointer implementation for configuration nodes.
ConfigurationNodePointerFactory Implementation of the NodePointerFactory interface for configuration nodes.
XPathExpressionEngine A specialized implementation of the ExpressionEngine interface that is able to evaluate XPATH expressions.

Package org.apache.commons.configuration.tree.xpath Description

This package contains the implementation of the XPathExpressionEngine class, which enables XPATH support for querying configuration properties.

$Id: package.html 439648 2006-09-02 20:42:10Z oheger $

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