Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeCombiner
org.apache.commons.configuration The Configuration main package. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.tree A package with helper and utility classes used by hierarchical configurations. 

Uses of NodeCombiner in org.apache.commons.configuration

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration that return NodeCombiner
 NodeCombiner CombinedConfiguration.getNodeCombiner()
          Returns the node combiner that is used for creating the combined node structure.

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration with parameters of type NodeCombiner
 void CombinedConfiguration.setNodeCombiner(NodeCombiner nodeCombiner)
          Sets the node combiner.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.configuration with parameters of type NodeCombiner
CombinedConfiguration(NodeCombiner comb)
          Creates a new instance of CombinedConfiguration and initializes the combiner to be used.

Uses of NodeCombiner in org.apache.commons.configuration.tree

Subclasses of NodeCombiner in org.apache.commons.configuration.tree
 class OverrideCombiner
           A concrete combiner implementation that is able to construct an override combination.
 class UnionCombiner
           A specialized implementation of the NodeCombiner interface that constructs a union from two passed in node hierarchies.

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