Uses of Interface

Packages that use FileConfiguration
org.apache.commons.configuration The Configuration main package. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.plist Configuration classes supporting NeXT / OpenStep style configuration. 
org.apache.commons.configuration.reloading The reloading package contains the definition of the ReloadingStrategy interface, which provides automatic reloading facilities for file based configurations. 

Uses of FileConfiguration in org.apache.commons.configuration

Classes in org.apache.commons.configuration that implement FileConfiguration
 class AbstractFileConfiguration
          Partial implementation of the FileConfiguration interface.
 class AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration
          Base class for implementing file based hierarchical configurations.
protected  class AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration.FileConfigurationDelegate
          A special implementation of the FileConfiguration interface that is used internally to implement the FileConfiguration methods for hierarchical configurations.
 class DefaultConfigurationBuilder
           A factory class that creates a composite configuration from an XML based configuration definition file.
 class HierarchicalXMLConfiguration
          Deprecated. This class is deprecated. Use XMLConfiguration instead, which supports all features this class had offered before.
 class INIConfiguration
           An initialization or ini file is a configuration file tpically found on Microsoft's Windows operating system and contains data for Windows based applications.
 class PropertiesConfiguration
          This is the "classic" Properties loader which loads the values from a single or multiple files (which can be chained with "include =".
 class XMLConfiguration
          A specialized hierarchical configuration class that is able to parse XML documents.
 class XMLPropertiesConfiguration
          This configuration implements the XML properties format introduced in Java 5.0, see

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration that return FileConfiguration
protected  FileConfiguration ConfigurationFactory.FileConfigurationFactory.createConfiguration(Attributes attributes)
          Creates the object, a FileConfiguration.
protected  FileConfiguration ConfigurationFactory.PropertiesConfigurationFactory.createConfiguration(Attributes attributes)
          Creates the new configuration object.
protected  FileConfiguration ConfigurationFactory.PropertyListConfigurationFactory.createConfiguration(Attributes attributes)
          Creates the new configuration object.

Uses of FileConfiguration in org.apache.commons.configuration.plist

Classes in org.apache.commons.configuration.plist that implement FileConfiguration
 class PropertyListConfiguration
          NeXT / OpenStep style configuration.
 class XMLPropertyListConfiguration
          Mac OS X configuration file (

Uses of FileConfiguration in org.apache.commons.configuration.reloading

Fields in org.apache.commons.configuration.reloading declared as FileConfiguration
protected  FileConfiguration FileChangedReloadingStrategy.configuration
          Stores a reference to the configuration to be monitored.

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration.reloading with parameters of type FileConfiguration
 void ReloadingStrategy.setConfiguration(FileConfiguration configuration)
          Set the configuration managed by this strategy.
 void ManagedReloadingStrategy.setConfiguration(FileConfiguration configuration)
          Sets the associated configuration.
 void InvariantReloadingStrategy.setConfiguration(FileConfiguration configuration)
 void FileChangedReloadingStrategy.setConfiguration(FileConfiguration configuration)

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