Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigurationKey
org.apache.commons.configuration The Configuration main package. 

Uses of ConfigurationKey in org.apache.commons.configuration

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration that return ConfigurationKey
 ConfigurationKey ConfigurationKey.append(String property)
          Appends the name of a property to this key.
 ConfigurationKey ConfigurationKey.appendAttribute(String attr)
          Appends an attribute to this configuration key.
 ConfigurationKey ConfigurationKey.appendIndex(int index)
          Appends an index to this configuration key.
 ConfigurationKey ConfigurationKey.commonKey(ConfigurationKey other)
          Returns a configuration key object that is initialized with the part of the key that is common to this key and the passed in key.
 ConfigurationKey ConfigurationKey.differenceKey(ConfigurationKey other)
          Returns the "difference key" to a given key.

Methods in org.apache.commons.configuration with parameters of type ConfigurationKey
protected  void HierarchicalConfigurationConverter.closeElements(ConfigurationKey keyLast, ConfigurationKey keyAct)
          Fires all necessary element end events for the specified keys.
 ConfigurationKey ConfigurationKey.commonKey(ConfigurationKey other)
          Returns a configuration key object that is initialized with the part of the key that is common to this key and the passed in key.
 ConfigurationKey ConfigurationKey.differenceKey(ConfigurationKey other)
          Returns the "difference key" to a given key.
protected  String HierarchicalConfigurationConverter.openElements(ConfigurationKey keyLast, ConfigurationKey keyAct, Configuration config, Set keySet)
          Fires all necessary element start events for the specified key.
protected  Iterator HierarchicalConfigurationConverter.reverseIterator(ConfigurationKey key)
          Helper method for determining a reverse iterator for the specified key.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.Node.visit(HierarchicalConfiguration.NodeVisitor visitor, ConfigurationKey key)
          A generic method for traversing this node and all of its children.
 void HierarchicalConfigurationXMLReader.SAXVisitor.visitAfterChildren(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node, ConfigurationKey key)
          Visits the specified node after its children have been processed.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.NodeVisitor.visitAfterChildren(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node, ConfigurationKey key)
          Visits the specified node after its children have been processed.
 void HierarchicalConfigurationXMLReader.SAXVisitor.visitBeforeChildren(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node, ConfigurationKey key)
          Visits the specified node.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.NodeVisitor.visitBeforeChildren(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node, ConfigurationKey key)
          Visits the specified node.
 void HierarchicalConfiguration.BuilderVisitor.visitBeforeChildren(HierarchicalConfiguration.Node node, ConfigurationKey key)
          Visits the specified node before its children have been traversed.

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