Class DefaultExpressionEngine

  extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.tree.DefaultExpressionEngine
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultExpressionEngine
extends Object
implements ExpressionEngine

A default implementation of the ExpressionEngine interface providing the "native"e; expression language for hierarchical configurations.

This class implements a rather simple expression language for navigating through a hierarchy of configuration nodes. It supports the following operations:

As an example consider the following XML document:

      <table type="system">

If this document is parsed and stored in a hierarchical configuration object, for instance the key tables.table(0).name can be used to find out the name of the first table. In opposite would return a collection with the names of all available tables. Similarily the key tables.table(1) returns a collection with the names of all fields of the second table. If another index is added after the field element, a single field can be accessed: tables.table(1).fields.field(0).name. The key tables.table(0)[@type] would select the type attribute of the first table.

This example works with the default values for delimiters and index markers. It is also possible to set custom values for these properties so that you can adapt a DefaultExpressionEngine to your personal needs.

$Id: 439648 2006-09-02 20:42:10Z oheger $
Oliver Heger

Field Summary
          Constant for the default attribute end marker.
          Constant for the default attribute start marker.
          Constant for the default escaped property delimiter.
          Constant for the default index end marker.
          Constant for the default index start marker.
          Constant for the default property delimiter.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  ConfigurationNode findLastPathNode(DefaultConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt, ConfigurationNode node)
          Finds the last existing node for an add operation.
protected  void findNodesForKey(DefaultConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyPart, ConfigurationNode node, Collection nodes)
          Recursive helper method for evaluating a key.
 String getAttributeEnd()
          Sets the attribute end marker.
 String getAttributeStart()
          Returns the attribute start marker.
 String getEscapedDelimiter()
          Returns the escaped property delimiter string.
 String getIndexEnd()
          Returns the index end marker.
 String getIndexStart()
          Returns the index start marker.
 String getPropertyDelimiter()
          Returns the property delimiter.
 String nodeKey(ConfigurationNode node, String parentKey)
          Determines the key of the passed in node.
 NodeAddData prepareAdd(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
           Prepares Adding the property with the specified key.
 List query(ConfigurationNode root, String key)
          Evaluates the given key and returns all matching nodes.
 void setAttributeEnd(String attributeEnd)
          Sets the attribute end marker.
 void setAttributeStart(String attributeStart)
          Sets the attribute start marker.
 void setEscapedDelimiter(String escapedDelimiter)
          Sets the escaped property delimiter string.
 void setIndexEnd(String indexEnd)
          Sets the index end marker.
 void setIndexStart(String indexStart)
          Sets the index start marker.
 void setPropertyDelimiter(String propertyDelimiter)
          Sets the property delmiter.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTY_DELIMITER
Constant for the default property delimiter.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_ESCAPED_DELIMITER
Constant for the default escaped property delimiter.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_START
Constant for the default attribute start marker.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_END
Constant for the default attribute end marker.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_INDEX_START
Constant for the default index start marker.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_INDEX_END
Constant for the default index end marker.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DefaultExpressionEngine()
Method Detail


public String getAttributeEnd()
Sets the attribute end marker.

the attribute end marker


public void setAttributeEnd(String attributeEnd)
Sets the attribute end marker.

attributeEnd - the attribute end marker; can be null if no end marker is needed


public String getAttributeStart()
Returns the attribute start marker.

the attribute start marker


public void setAttributeStart(String attributeStart)
Sets the attribute start marker. Attribute start and end marker are used together to detect attributes in a property key.

attributeStart - the attribute start marker


public String getEscapedDelimiter()
Returns the escaped property delimiter string.

the escaped property delimiter


public void setEscapedDelimiter(String escapedDelimiter)
Sets the escaped property delimiter string. With this string a delimiter that belongs to the key of a property can be escaped. If for instance "." is used as property delimiter, you can set the escaped delimiter to "\." and can then escape the delimiter with a back slash.

escapedDelimiter - the escaped delimiter string


public String getIndexEnd()
Returns the index end marker.

the index end marker


public void setIndexEnd(String indexEnd)
Sets the index end marker.

indexEnd - the index end marker


public String getIndexStart()
Returns the index start marker.

the index start marker


public void setIndexStart(String indexStart)
Sets the index start marker. Index start and end marker are used together to detect indices in a property key.

indexStart - the index start marker


public String getPropertyDelimiter()
Returns the property delimiter.

the property delimiter


public void setPropertyDelimiter(String propertyDelimiter)
Sets the property delmiter. This string is used to split the parts of a property key.

propertyDelimiter - the property delimiter


public List query(ConfigurationNode root,
                  String key)
Evaluates the given key and returns all matching nodes. This method supports the syntax as described in the class comment.

Specified by:
query in interface ExpressionEngine
root - the root node
key - the key
a list with the matching nodes


public String nodeKey(ConfigurationNode node,
                      String parentKey)
Determines the key of the passed in node. This implementation takes the given parent key, adds a property delimiter, and then adds the node's name. (For attribute nodes the attribute delimiters are used instead.) The name of the root node is a blanc string. Note that no indices will be returned.

Specified by:
nodeKey in interface ExpressionEngine
node - the node whose key is to be determined
parentKey - the key of this node's parent
the key for the given node


public NodeAddData prepareAdd(ConfigurationNode root,
                              String key)

Prepares Adding the property with the specified key.

To be able to deal with the structure supported by hierarchical configuration implementations the passed in key is of importance, especially the indices it might contain. The following example should clearify this: Suppose the actual node structure looks like the following:

     +-- table
             +-- name = user
             +-- fields
                     +-- field
                             +-- name = uid
                     +-- field
                             +-- name = firstName
     +-- table
             +-- name = documents
             +-- fields

In this example a database structure is defined, e.g. all fields of the first table could be accessed using the key tables.table(0) If now properties are to be added, it must be exactly specified at which position in the hierarchy the new property is to be inserted. So to add a new field name to a table it is not enough to say just

 config.addProperty("", "newField");

The statement given above contains some ambiguity. For instance it is not clear, to which table the new field should be added. If this method finds such an ambiguity, it is resolved by following the last valid path. Here this would be the last table. The same is true for the field; because there are multiple fields and no explicit index is provided, a new name property would be added to the last field - which is propably not what was desired.

To make things clear explicit indices should be provided whenever possible. In the example above the exact table could be specified by providing an index for the table element as in tables.table(1).fields. By specifying an index it can also be expressed that at a given position in the configuration tree a new branch should be added. In the example above we did not want to add an additional name element to the last field of the table, but we want a complete new field element. This can be achieved by specifying an invalid index (like -1) after the element where a new branch should be created. Given this our example would run:

 config.addProperty("tables.table(1).fields.field(-1).name", "newField");

With this notation it is possible to add new branches everywhere. We could for instance create a new table element by specifying

 config.addProperty("tables.table(-1)", "newField2");

(Note that because after the table element a new branch is created indices in following elements are not relevant; the branch is new so there cannot be any ambiguities.)

Specified by:
prepareAdd in interface ExpressionEngine
root - the root node of the nodes hierarchy
key - the key of the new property
a data object with information needed for the add operation


protected void findNodesForKey(DefaultConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyPart,
                               ConfigurationNode node,
                               Collection nodes)
Recursive helper method for evaluating a key. This method processes all facets of a configuration key, traverses the tree of properties and fetches the the nodes of all matching properties.

keyPart - the configuration key iterator
node - the actual node
nodes - here the found nodes are stored


protected ConfigurationNode findLastPathNode(DefaultConfigurationKey.KeyIterator keyIt,
                                             ConfigurationNode node)
Finds the last existing node for an add operation. This method traverses the configuration node tree along the specified key. The last existing node on this path is returned.

keyIt - the key iterator
node - the actual node
the last existing node on the given path

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