Class ConfigurationFactory

  extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationFactory

public class ConfigurationFactory
extends Object

Factory class to create a CompositeConfiguration from a .xml file using Digester. By default it can handle the Configurations from commons- configuration. If you need to add your own, then you can pass in your own digester rules to use. It is also namespace aware, by providing a digesterRuleNamespaceURI.

$Id: 439648 2006-09-02 20:42:10Z oheger $
Eric Pugh, Henning P. Schmiedehausen, Oliver Heger

Nested Class Summary
static class ConfigurationFactory.AdditionalConfigurationData
          A simple data class that holds all information about a configuration from the <additional> section.
static class ConfigurationFactory.ConfigurationBuilder
          An internally used helper class for constructing the composite configuration object.
 class ConfigurationFactory.DigesterConfigurationFactory
          A base class for digester factory classes.
 class ConfigurationFactory.FileConfigurationFactory
          A tiny inner class that allows the Configuration Factory to let the digester construct FileConfiguration objects that already have the correct base Path set.
 class ConfigurationFactory.PropertiesConfigurationFactory
          A factory that returns an XMLPropertiesConfiguration for .xml files and a PropertiesConfiguration for the others.
 class ConfigurationFactory.PropertyListConfigurationFactory
          A factory that returns an XMLPropertyListConfiguration for .xml files and a PropertyListConfiguration for the others.
Constructor Summary
ConfigurationFactory(String configurationFileName)
          Constructor with ConfigurationFile Name passed
Method Summary
protected  void enableDigesterSubstitutor(Digester digester)
          Adds a substitutor to interpolate system properties
 String getBasePath()
          Returns the Base path from which this Configuration Factory operates.
 Configuration getConfiguration()
          Return the configuration provided by this factory.
 String getConfigurationFileName()
          Returns the configurationFile.
 URL getConfigurationURL()
          Returns the URL of the configuration file to be loaded.
 String getDigesterRuleNamespaceURI()
          Returns the digesterRuleNamespaceURI.
 URL getDigesterRules()
          Returns the digesterRules.
protected  void initDefaultDigesterRules(Digester digester)
          Initializes the parsing rules for the default digester This allows the Configuration Factory to understand the default types: Properties, XML and JNDI.
protected  void initDigesterSectionRules(Digester digester, String matchString, boolean additional)
          Sets up digester rules for a specified section of the configuration info file.
 void setBasePath(String basePath)
          Sets the basePath for all file references from this Configuration Factory.
 void setConfigurationFileName(String configurationFileName)
          Sets the configurationFile.
 void setConfigurationURL(URL url)
          Sets the URL of the configuration to load.
 void setDigesterRuleNamespaceURI(String digesterRuleNamespaceURI)
          Sets the digesterRuleNamespaceURI.
 void setDigesterRules(URL digesterRules)
          Sets the digesterRules.
protected  void setupDigesterInstance(Digester digester, String matchString, ObjectCreationFactory factory, String method, boolean additional)
          Sets up digester rules for a configuration to be loaded.
protected  void setupUnionRules(Digester digester, String matchString)
          Sets up rules for configurations in the additional section.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConfigurationFactory()


public ConfigurationFactory(String configurationFileName)
Constructor with ConfigurationFile Name passed

configurationFileName - The path to the configuration file
Method Detail


public Configuration getConfiguration()
                               throws ConfigurationException
Return the configuration provided by this factory. It loads the configuration file which is a XML description of the actual configurations to load. It can contain various different types of configuration, e.g. Properties, XML and JNDI.

A Configuration object
ConfigurationException - A generic exception that we had trouble during the loading of the configuration data.


public String getConfigurationFileName()
Returns the configurationFile.

The name of the configuration file. Can be null.


public void setConfigurationFileName(String configurationFileName)
Sets the configurationFile.

configurationFileName - The name of the configurationFile to use.


public URL getConfigurationURL()
Returns the URL of the configuration file to be loaded.

the URL of the configuration to load


public void setConfigurationURL(URL url)
Sets the URL of the configuration to load. This configuration can be either specified by a file name or by a URL.

url - the URL of the configuration to load


public URL getDigesterRules()
Returns the digesterRules.



public void setDigesterRules(URL digesterRules)
Sets the digesterRules.

digesterRules - The digesterRules to set


protected void enableDigesterSubstitutor(Digester digester)
Adds a substitutor to interpolate system properties

digester - The digester to which we add the substitutor


protected void initDefaultDigesterRules(Digester digester)
Initializes the parsing rules for the default digester This allows the Configuration Factory to understand the default types: Properties, XML and JNDI. Two special sections are introduced: <override> and <additional>.

digester - The digester to configure


protected void initDigesterSectionRules(Digester digester,
                                        String matchString,
                                        boolean additional)
Sets up digester rules for a specified section of the configuration info file.

digester - the current digester instance
matchString - specifies the section
additional - a flag if rules for the additional section are to be added


protected void setupDigesterInstance(Digester digester,
                                     String matchString,
                                     ObjectCreationFactory factory,
                                     String method,
                                     boolean additional)
Sets up digester rules for a configuration to be loaded.

digester - the current digester
matchString - the pattern to match with this rule
factory - an ObjectCreationFactory instance to use for creating new objects
method - the name of a method to be called or null for none
additional - a flag if rules for the additional section are to be added


protected void setupUnionRules(Digester digester,
                               String matchString)
Sets up rules for configurations in the additional section.

digester - the current digester
matchString - the pattern to match with this rule


public String getDigesterRuleNamespaceURI()
Returns the digesterRuleNamespaceURI.

A String with the digesterRuleNamespaceURI.


public void setDigesterRuleNamespaceURI(String digesterRuleNamespaceURI)
Sets the digesterRuleNamespaceURI.

digesterRuleNamespaceURI - The new digesterRuleNamespaceURI to use


public String getBasePath()
Returns the Base path from which this Configuration Factory operates. This is never null. If you set the BasePath to null, then a base path according to the configuration to load is returned.

The base Path of this configuration factory.


public void setBasePath(String basePath)
Sets the basePath for all file references from this Configuration Factory. Normally a base path need not to be set because it is determined by the location of the configuration file to load. All relative pathes in this file are resolved relative to this file. Setting a base path makes sense if such relative pathes should be otherwise resolved, e.g. if the configuration file is loaded from the class path and all sub configurations it refers to are stored in a special config directory.

basePath - The new basePath to set.

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