Class AbstractConfiguration

  extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.event.EventSource
      extended byorg.apache.commons.configuration.AbstractConfiguration
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BaseConfiguration, BaseWebConfiguration, CompositeConfiguration, DatabaseConfiguration, DataConfiguration, HierarchicalConfiguration, JNDIConfiguration, MapConfiguration, SubsetConfiguration

public abstract class AbstractConfiguration
extends EventSource
implements Configuration

Abstract configuration class. Provides basic functionality but does not store any data.

If you want to write your own Configuration class then you should implement only abstract methods from this class. A lot of functionality needed by typical implementations of the Configuration interface is already provided by this base class. Following is a list of feauters implemented here:

$Id:,v 1.29 2004/12/02 22:05:52 ebourg Exp $
Konstantin Shaposhnikov , Oliver Heger , Henning P. Schmiedehausen

Field Summary
protected static String END_TOKEN
          end token
          Constant for the add property event type.
static int EVENT_CLEAR
          Constant for the clear configuration event type.
          Constant for the clear property event type.
          Constant for the set property event type.
protected static String START_TOKEN
          start token
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addProperty(String key, Object value)
          Add a property to the configuration. If it already exists then the value stated here will be added to the configuration entry. For example, if the property:
resource.loader = file
is already present in the configuration and you call
addProperty("resource.loader", "classpath")
Then you will end up with a List like the following:
["file", "classpath"]
protected abstract  void addPropertyDirect(String key, Object value)
          Adds a key/value pair to the Configuration.
 void clear()
          Remove all properties from the configuration.
 void clearProperty(String key)
          Removes the specified property from this configuration.
protected  void clearPropertyDirect(String key)
          Removes the specified property from this configuration.
abstract  boolean containsKey(String key)
          Check if the configuration contains the specified key.
 BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String key)
          Get a BigDecimal associated with the given configuration key.
 BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String key, BigDecimal defaultValue)
          Get a BigDecimal associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 BigInteger getBigInteger(String key)
          Get a BigInteger associated with the given configuration key.
 BigInteger getBigInteger(String key, BigInteger defaultValue)
          Get a BigInteger associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 boolean getBoolean(String key)
          Get a boolean associated with the given configuration key.
 boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)
          Get a boolean associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 Boolean getBoolean(String key, Boolean defaultValue)
          Obtains the value of the specified key and tries to convert it into a Boolean object.
 byte getByte(String key)
          Get a byte associated with the given configuration key.
 byte getByte(String key, byte defaultValue)
          Get a byte associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 Byte getByte(String key, Byte defaultValue)
          Get a Byte associated with the given configuration key.
static char getDefaultListDelimiter()
          Retrieve the current delimiter.
static char getDelimiter()
          Deprecated. Use AbstractConfiguration.getDefaultListDelimiter() instead
 double getDouble(String key)
          Get a double associated with the given configuration key.
 double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue)
          Get a double associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 Double getDouble(String key, Double defaultValue)
          Get a Double associated with the given configuration key.
 float getFloat(String key)
          Get a float associated with the given configuration key.
 float getFloat(String key, float defaultValue)
          Get a float associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 Float getFloat(String key, Float defaultValue)
          Get a Float associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 int getInt(String key)
          Get a int associated with the given configuration key.
 int getInt(String key, int defaultValue)
          Get a int associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 Integer getInteger(String key, Integer defaultValue)
          Get an Integer associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
abstract  Iterator getKeys()
          Get the list of the keys contained in the configuration. The returned iterator can be used to obtain all defined keys. Note that the exact behavior of the iterator's remove() method is specific to a concrete implementation. It may remove the corresponding property from the configuration, but this is not guaranteed. In any case it is no replacement for calling Configuration.clearProperty(String) for this property. So it is highly recommended to avoid using the iterator's remove() method.
 Iterator getKeys(String prefix)
          Get the list of the keys contained in the configuration that match the specified prefix.
 List getList(String key)
          Get a List of strings associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object an empty List is returned.
 List getList(String key, List defaultValue)
          Get a List of strings associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 char getListDelimiter()
          Retrieve the delimiter for this configuration.
 long getLong(String key)
          Get a long associated with the given configuration key.
 long getLong(String key, long defaultValue)
          Get a long associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 Long getLong(String key, Long defaultValue)
          Get a Long associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 Properties getProperties(String key)
          Get a list of properties associated with the given configuration key. This method expects the given key to have an arbitrary number of String values, each of which is of the form key=value. These strings are splitted at the equals sign, and the key parts will become keys of the returned Properties object, the value parts become values.
 Properties getProperties(String key, Properties defaults)
          Get a list of properties associated with the given configuration key.
 short getShort(String key)
          Get a short associated with the given configuration key.
 short getShort(String key, short defaultValue)
          Get a short associated with the given configuration key.
 Short getShort(String key, Short defaultValue)
          Get a Short associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 String getString(String key)
          Get a string associated with the given configuration key.
 String getString(String key, String defaultValue)
          Get a string associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.
 String[] getStringArray(String key)
          Get an array of strings associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object an empty array is returned
protected  Object interpolate(Object value)
          Returns the interpolated value.
protected  String interpolate(String base)
          interpolate key names to handle ${key} stuff
protected  String interpolateHelper(String base, List priorVariables)
          Deprecated. Interpolation is now handled by PropertyConverter; this method will no longer be called
 boolean isDelimiterParsingDisabled()
          Determine if this configuration is using delimiters when parsing property values to convert them to lists of values.
abstract  boolean isEmpty()
          Check if the configuration is empty.
 boolean isThrowExceptionOnMissing()
          Returns true if missing values throw Exceptions.
protected  Object resolveContainerStore(String key)
          Returns an object from the store described by the key.
static void setDefaultListDelimiter(char delimiter)
          For configurations extending AbstractConfiguration, allow them to change the listDelimiter from the default comma (",").
static void setDelimiter(char delimiter)
          Deprecated. Use AbstractConfiguration.setDefaultListDelimiter(char) instead
 void setDelimiterParsingDisabled(boolean delimiterParsingDisabled)
          Set whether this configuration should use delimiters when parsing property values to convert them to lists of values.
 void setListDelimiter(char listDelimiter)
          Change the list delimiter for this configuration.
 void setProperty(String key, Object value)
          Set a property, this will replace any previously set values. Set values is implicitly a call to clearProperty(key), addProperty(key, value).
 void setThrowExceptionOnMissing(boolean throwExceptionOnMissing)
          Allows to set the throwExceptionOnMissing flag.
 Configuration subset(String prefix)
          Return a decorator Configuration containing every key from the current Configuration that starts with the specified prefix. The prefix is removed from the keys in the subset. For example, if the configuration contains the following properties:
    prefix.number = 1
    prefix.string = Apache = bar
    prefix = Jakarta
the Configuration returned by subset("prefix") will contain the properties:
    number = 1
    string = Apache
    = Jakarta
(The key for the value "Jakarta" is an empty string)

Since the subset is a decorator and not a modified copy of the initial Configuration, any change made to the subset is available to the Configuration, and reciprocally.

Methods inherited from class org.apache.commons.configuration.event.EventSource
addConfigurationListener, clearConfigurationListeners, createEvent, fireEvent, getConfigurationListeners, isDetailEvents, removeConfigurationListener, setDetailEvents
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration

Field Detail


public static final int EVENT_ADD_PROPERTY
Constant for the add property event type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EVENT_CLEAR_PROPERTY
Constant for the clear property event type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EVENT_SET_PROPERTY
Constant for the set property event type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int EVENT_CLEAR
Constant for the clear configuration event type.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String START_TOKEN
start token

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String END_TOKEN
end token

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public AbstractConfiguration()
Method Detail


public static void setDefaultListDelimiter(char delimiter)
For configurations extending AbstractConfiguration, allow them to change the listDelimiter from the default comma (","). This value will be used only when creating new configurations. Those already created will not be affected by this change

delimiter - The new listDelimiter


public static void setDelimiter(char delimiter)
Deprecated. Use AbstractConfiguration.setDefaultListDelimiter(char) instead

Sets the default list delimiter.

delimiter - the delimiter character


public static char getDefaultListDelimiter()
Retrieve the current delimiter. By default this is a comma (",").

The delimiter in use


public static char getDelimiter()
Deprecated. Use AbstractConfiguration.getDefaultListDelimiter() instead

Returns the default list delimiter.

the default list delimiter


public void setListDelimiter(char listDelimiter)
Change the list delimiter for this configuration. Note: this change will only be effective for new parsings. If you want it to take effect for all loaded properties use the no arg constructor and call this method before setting the source.

listDelimiter - The new listDelimiter


public char getListDelimiter()
Retrieve the delimiter for this configuration. The default is the value of defaultListDelimiter.

The listDelimiter in use


public boolean isDelimiterParsingDisabled()
Determine if this configuration is using delimiters when parsing property values to convert them to lists of values. Defaults to false

true if delimiters are not being used


public void setDelimiterParsingDisabled(boolean delimiterParsingDisabled)
Set whether this configuration should use delimiters when parsing property values to convert them to lists of values. By default delimiter parsing is enabled Note: this change will only be effective for new parsings. If you want it to take effect for all loaded properties use the no arg constructor and call this method before setting source.

delimiterParsingDisabled - a flag whether delimiter parsing should be disabled


public void setThrowExceptionOnMissing(boolean throwExceptionOnMissing)
Allows to set the throwExceptionOnMissing flag. This flag controls the behavior of property getter methods that return objects if the requested property is missing. If the flag is set to false (which is the default value), these methods will return null. If set to true, they will throw a NoSuchElementException exception. Note that getter methods for primitive data types are not affected by this flag.

throwExceptionOnMissing - The new value for the property


public boolean isThrowExceptionOnMissing()
Returns true if missing values throw Exceptions.

true if missing values throw Exceptions


public void addProperty(String key,
                        Object value)
Add a property to the configuration. If it already exists then the value stated here will be added to the configuration entry. For example, if the property:
resource.loader = file
is already present in the configuration and you call
addProperty("resource.loader", "classpath")
Then you will end up with a List like the following:
["file", "classpath"]

Specified by:
addProperty in interface Configuration
key - The key to add the property to.
value - The value to add.


protected abstract void addPropertyDirect(String key,
                                          Object value)
Adds a key/value pair to the Configuration. Override this method to provide write acces to underlying Configuration store.

key - key to use for mapping
value - object to store


protected String interpolate(String base)
interpolate key names to handle ${key} stuff

base - string to interpolate
returns the key name with the ${key} substituted


protected Object interpolate(Object value)
Returns the interpolated value. Non String values are returned without change.

value - the value to interpolate
returns the value with variables substituted


protected String interpolateHelper(String base,
                                   List priorVariables)
Deprecated. Interpolation is now handled by PropertyConverter; this method will no longer be called

Recursive handler for multple levels of interpolation. When called the first time, priorVariables should be null.

base - string with the ${key} variables
priorVariables - serves two purposes: to allow checking for loops, and creating a meaningful exception message should a loop occur. It's 0'th element will be set to the value of base from the first call. All subsequent interpolated variables are added afterward.
the string with the interpolation taken care of


public Configuration subset(String prefix)
Return a decorator Configuration containing every key from the current Configuration that starts with the specified prefix. The prefix is removed from the keys in the subset. For example, if the configuration contains the following properties:
    prefix.number = 1
    prefix.string = Apache = bar
    prefix = Jakarta
the Configuration returned by subset("prefix") will contain the properties:
    number = 1
    string = Apache
    = Jakarta
(The key for the value "Jakarta" is an empty string)

Since the subset is a decorator and not a modified copy of the initial Configuration, any change made to the subset is available to the Configuration, and reciprocally.

Specified by:
subset in interface Configuration
prefix - The prefix used to select the properties.
a subset configuration
See Also:


public abstract boolean isEmpty()
Check if the configuration is empty.

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface Configuration
true if the configuration contains no property, false otherwise.


public abstract boolean containsKey(String key)
Check if the configuration contains the specified key.

Specified by:
containsKey in interface Configuration
key - the key whose presence in this configuration is to be tested
true if the configuration contains a value for this key, false otherwise


public void setProperty(String key,
                        Object value)
Set a property, this will replace any previously set values. Set values is implicitly a call to clearProperty(key), addProperty(key, value).

Specified by:
setProperty in interface Configuration
key - The key of the property to change
value - The new value


public void clearProperty(String key)
Removes the specified property from this configuration. This implementation performs some preparations and then delegates to clearPropertyDirect(), which will do the real work.

Specified by:
clearProperty in interface Configuration
key - the key to be removed


protected void clearPropertyDirect(String key)
Removes the specified property from this configuration. This method is called by clearProperty() after it has done some preparations. It should be overriden in sub classes. This base implementation is just left empty.

key - the key to be removed


public void clear()
Remove all properties from the configuration.

Specified by:
clear in interface Configuration


public abstract Iterator getKeys()
Get the list of the keys contained in the configuration. The returned iterator can be used to obtain all defined keys. Note that the exact behavior of the iterator's remove() method is specific to a concrete implementation. It may remove the corresponding property from the configuration, but this is not guaranteed. In any case it is no replacement for calling Configuration.clearProperty(String) for this property. So it is highly recommended to avoid using the iterator's remove() method.

Specified by:
getKeys in interface Configuration
An Iterator.


public Iterator getKeys(String prefix)
Get the list of the keys contained in the configuration that match the specified prefix.

Specified by:
getKeys in interface Configuration
prefix - The prefix to test against.
An Iterator of keys that match the prefix.
See Also:


public Properties getProperties(String key)
Get a list of properties associated with the given configuration key. This method expects the given key to have an arbitrary number of String values, each of which is of the form key=value. These strings are splitted at the equals sign, and the key parts will become keys of the returned Properties object, the value parts become values.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated properties if key is found.


public Properties getProperties(String key,
                                Properties defaults)
Get a list of properties associated with the given configuration key.

key - The configuration key.
defaults - Any default values for the returned Properties object. Ignored if null.
The associated properties if key is found.
ConversionException - is thrown if the key maps to an object that is not a String/List of Strings.
IllegalArgumentException - if one of the tokens is malformed (does not contain an equals sign).


public boolean getBoolean(String key)
Get a boolean associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getBoolean in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated boolean.
See Also:


public boolean getBoolean(String key,
                          boolean defaultValue)
Get a boolean associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getBoolean in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated boolean.
See Also:


public Boolean getBoolean(String key,
                          Boolean defaultValue)
Obtains the value of the specified key and tries to convert it into a Boolean object. If the property has no value, the passed in default value will be used.

Specified by:
getBoolean in interface Configuration
key - the key of the property
defaultValue - the default value
the value of this key converted to a Boolean
ConversionException - if the value cannot be converted to a Boolean
See Also:


public byte getByte(String key)
Get a byte associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getByte in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated byte.


public byte getByte(String key,
                    byte defaultValue)
Get a byte associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getByte in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated byte.


public Byte getByte(String key,
                    Byte defaultValue)
Get a Byte associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getByte in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated byte if key is found and has valid format, default value otherwise.


public double getDouble(String key)
Get a double associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated double.


public double getDouble(String key,
                        double defaultValue)
Get a double associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated double.


public Double getDouble(String key,
                        Double defaultValue)
Get a Double associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated double if key is found and has valid format, default value otherwise.


public float getFloat(String key)
Get a float associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getFloat in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated float.


public float getFloat(String key,
                      float defaultValue)
Get a float associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getFloat in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated float.


public Float getFloat(String key,
                      Float defaultValue)
Get a Float associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getFloat in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated float if key is found and has valid format, default value otherwise.


public int getInt(String key)
Get a int associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getInt in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated int.


public int getInt(String key,
                  int defaultValue)
Get a int associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getInt in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated int.


public Integer getInteger(String key,
                          Integer defaultValue)
Get an Integer associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getInteger in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated int if key is found and has valid format, default value otherwise.


public long getLong(String key)
Get a long associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getLong in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated long.


public long getLong(String key,
                    long defaultValue)
Get a long associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getLong in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated long.


public Long getLong(String key,
                    Long defaultValue)
Get a Long associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getLong in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated long if key is found and has valid format, default value otherwise.


public short getShort(String key)
Get a short associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getShort in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated short.


public short getShort(String key,
                      short defaultValue)
Get a short associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getShort in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated short.


public Short getShort(String key,
                      Short defaultValue)
Get a Short associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getShort in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated short if key is found and has valid format, default value otherwise.


public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String key)
Get a BigDecimal associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getBigDecimal in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated BigDecimal if key is found and has valid format


public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String key,
                                BigDecimal defaultValue)
Get a BigDecimal associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getBigDecimal in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated BigDecimal if key is found and has valid format, default value otherwise.


public BigInteger getBigInteger(String key)
Get a BigInteger associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getBigInteger in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated BigInteger if key is found and has valid format


public BigInteger getBigInteger(String key,
                                BigInteger defaultValue)
Get a BigInteger associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getBigInteger in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated BigInteger if key is found and has valid format, default value otherwise.


public String getString(String key)
Get a string associated with the given configuration key.

Specified by:
getString in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated string.


public String getString(String key,
                        String defaultValue)
Get a string associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getString in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated string if key is found and has valid format, default value otherwise.


public String[] getStringArray(String key)
Get an array of strings associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object an empty array is returned

Specified by:
getStringArray in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated string array if key is found.


public List getList(String key)
Get a List of strings associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object an empty List is returned.

Specified by:
getList in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
The associated List.


public List getList(String key,
                    List defaultValue)
Get a List of strings associated with the given configuration key. If the key doesn't map to an existing object, the default value is returned.

Specified by:
getList in interface Configuration
key - The configuration key.
defaultValue - The default value.
The associated List of strings.


protected Object resolveContainerStore(String key)
Returns an object from the store described by the key. If the value is a List object, replace it with the first object in the list.

key - The property key.
value Value, transparently resolving a possible List dependency.

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