Package org.apache.commons.configuration

The Configuration main package.


Interface Summary
Configuration The main Configuration interface. This interface allows accessing and manipulating a configuration object.
ConfigurationComparator Comparator for configurations interface.
FileConfiguration A persistent configuration loaded and saved to a file.

Class Summary
AbstractConfiguration Abstract configuration class.
AbstractFileConfiguration Partial implementation of the FileConfiguration interface.
AbstractHierarchicalFileConfiguration Base class for implementing file based hierarchical configurations. This class serves an analogous purpose as the AbstractFileConfiguration class for non hierarchical configurations.
BaseConfiguration Basic configuration classe.
BaseConfigurationXMLReader A specialized SAX2 XML parser that processes configuration objects. This class mimics to be a SAX compliant XML parser.
CompositeConfiguration This Configuration class allows you to add multiple different types of Configuration to this CompositeConfiguration.
ConfigurationConverter Configuration converter.
ConfigurationFactory Factory class to create a CompositeConfiguration from a .xml file using Digester.
ConfigurationFactory.AdditionalConfigurationData A simple data class that holds all information about a configuration from the <additional> section.
ConfigurationFactory.ConfigurationBuilder An internally used helper class for constructing the composite configuration object.
ConfigurationKey A simple class that supports creation of and iteration on complex configuration keys. For key creation the class works similar to a StringBuffer: There are several appendXXXX() methods with which single parts of a key can be constructed.
ConfigurationMap The ConfigurationMap wraps a configuration-collection Configuration instance to provide a Map interface. Note: This implementation is incomplete.
ConfigurationUtils Miscellaneous utility methods for configurations.
ConfigurationXMLReader A base class for "faked" XMLReader classes that transform a configuration object in a set of SAX parsing events. This class provides dummy implementations for most of the methods defined in the XMLReader interface that are not used for this special purpose.
DatabaseConfiguration Configuration stored in a database.
DataConfiguration Decorator providing additional getters for any Configuration.
HierarchicalConfiguration A specialized configuration class that extends its base class by the ability of keeping more structure in the stored properties.There are some sources of configuration data that cannot be stored very well in a BaseConfiguration object because then their structure is lost.
HierarchicalConfiguration.BuilderVisitor A specialized visitor base class that can be used for storing the tree of configuration nodes.
HierarchicalConfiguration.Node A data class for storing (hierarchical) property information.
HierarchicalConfiguration.NodeVisitor Definition of a visitor class for traversing a node and all of its children.This class defines the interface of a visitor for Node objects and provides a default implementation.
HierarchicalConfigurationXMLReader A specialized SAX2 XML parser that "parses" hierarchical configuration objects. This class mimics to be a SAX conform XML parser.
HierarchicalXMLConfiguration Deprecated. This class is deprecated.
JNDIConfiguration This Configuration class allows you to interface with a JNDI datasource.
MapConfiguration A Map based Configuration.
PropertiesConfiguration This is the "classic" Properties loader which loads the values from a single or multiple files (which can be chained with "include =".
PropertiesConfiguration.PropertiesReader This class is used to read properties lines.
PropertiesConfiguration.PropertiesWriter This class is used to write properties lines.
PropertyConverter A utility class to convert the configuration properties into any type.
StrictConfigurationComparator Strict comparator for configurations.
SubsetConfiguration A subset of another configuration.
SystemConfiguration A configuration based on the system properties.
XMLConfiguration A specialized hierarchical configuration class that is able to parse XML documents. The parsed document will be stored keeping its structure.
XMLPropertiesConfiguration This configuration implements the XML properties format introduced in Java 5.0, see

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException Any exception that occurs while initializing a Configuration object.
ConfigurationRuntimeException A configuration related runtime exception.
ConversionException Exception thrown when a property is incompatible with the type requested.

Package org.apache.commons.configuration Description

The Configuration main package. It contains the definition of the Configuration interface and frequently used implementations like PropertiesConfiguration (dealing with .properties files) or XMLConfiguration that can load XML documents.

$Id: package.html 353877 2005-12-04 17:33:34Z oheger $

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